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Everything posted by Tedrock

  1. Cardinas and Neocardinas living together mass hysteria! No really, can this co habitation exist in Cardinia conditions and both species breed? What has been your such success? Many thanks, Tedrock
  2. Also depends on how well you feed the tank. If you feed twice to three times a day of smaller meals everyone is happy all is good. If not some of those platies may look for a snack - especially the weaker shrimp.
  3. Do you know of the association that names the rice fish?
  4. I use it in all of large tanks for years to guard against ammonia spikes. Also to keep tannins down with the wood. They are all planted I like it because it is a safety net to establish planted tanks and fish. They last much longer than advertised for me and I also buy them in bulk packages on from an online seller. Big fan.
  5. I would suggest taking the pump out and run it in another tank and see if it makes the same noise. It might be a pump issue. My tank and pump work well together. It is just an idea.
  6. Now I noticed in one of my tanks the small mystery snails were getting bigger and bigger fast. And that tank didn’t have any duckweed which is a problem in my other thanks. So I have discovered those dudes love duckweed! I starting breeding mystery snails and it wiped out any duckweed that got into the 40 breeder that I placed guppies into from other tanks. Has anyone else seen this phenomenon or is it just a fluke?
  7. Can’t have enough Java moss or a pile of small stones for the babies to hide in.
  8. I agree give Java Feen time and ferts. Time will be good to you.
  9. Your tank seems fine. If you wanted to address the rise in nitrate you could add more plants. A floater really helps. Just a suggestion.
  10. I have used shrimp fit but have not seen any difference in my shrimp? What do others think?Tedrock
  11. I have a little experience, I raise guppies for my local store. It depends on the tank purpose. If it a show tank the display of fish matters. Framing the scene and adding the right amount to fill the open space with action. If your a scaper then the viewing window varies. If you have an open canvas and want constant action then that number is going to be high. The type of guppies matter too. Big delta tails will quickly become frayed due to smaller guppies in a crowded tank and if water conditions aren’t spot on. So ask yourself what level of motion do you want and in what frame? I hope this helps. Tedrock
  12. Are looking for the white sand look or the harder water factor? Weighing the factors. Tedrock
  13. I totally agree that band is from the LFS and middleman that got them to you. The new grow looks great and you should be proud of your skills!
  14. I have shrimp only tanks and have had to use No Planeria. I never saw an affect on the shrimp but the planeria did disappear. You may need several treatments especially with a tank that large. Also I would manage expectations of ever removing them totally without a total vac and turn over of the substrate with meds. I hope this helps. Tedrock
  15. Now that I never would have expected. Did your puffer continue with this?
  16. Howdy Nerms! So I was feeding my community tank Hikari Vibra Bites and my Amazon Congo Puffer took a seat at the buffet. “Choppers” has never done that before. I usually feed blood worms or small rams/pond snails specific for him. Keeps him busy. This is brand new behavior. I am not totally surprised but what has been others experiences? Many thanks, Tedrock
  17. Again it depends. Time and number of tanks you own would determine if you can wait to place them in your main tanks(s). If safety is your desire then wait them out in a separate tank to find and hitch hikers. They you can research the species and diseases they could care. Otherwise throw caution to the wind and set them in their new home.
  18. I have had the 32.5 for a year and half and it remains the quietest tank I have purchased. Only the air bubbles can be heard. I would endorse this product if you are looking for a 32 gallon. But consider a 55 gallon for more stocking choices. Same cost more choices.
  19. This level of crafting/manufacturing is above my pay grade. The scale of economy (they could make tons and sell tons) for the coop would be significant if they would launch any Nerm merch. . .I am just saying. Put a pin in that one.
  20. Along the same lines - we recognize the shrimp lose color if conditions change, but besides culling what can be done to bring back the vibrant color? IS it just culling the line or selecting out the best to start out a new line of more vivid colors? Can you aid this process with additives or food? My line of Cherry's has dimmed over generations and I am wondering how to bring them back.
  21. Wow these topics are a mind field. I have been away from the forum for a while, things sure have become complicated. Stuff I never even compilated. My brain hurts even reading them.
  22. Could not agree more. Med tiro to the rescue! Well the advice to always have it. I was running low on two so I reordered not because I needed it but for when I might need it. Well I had a whole tank or orange rice fish just “appear” so skinny. I used my last packets of paracleanse just as my order was delivered. I saved my rice fish from whatever worms they had, then kept treating the tank. My babies could have died because I wasn’t paying attention. It would have been a sad sad day for me and my breeding motivation if I lost that group. Thanks Cory and the coop. Med trio is always in da house!
  23. I am sorry for your experience. It sure sounds low to me but things like this take time. You need to nurture the relationship with the LFS and discover their needs and how and when they want your fish. How you present yourself is important too. Did you carry yourself as a true breeder who can bring them the number they need bi weekly/monthly or did you portray someone looking to off load unwanted endlers. I am no expert and please don’t be discourage this process takes time. I encourage you to keep plugging away at the relationship slow and steady, one bag of endlers at a time.
  24. Howdy Nerms! So here it is a question I am throwing out into the universe. (Sorry if it has been asked before, I searched but no luck.) Anyone keep NEOcaridina and Caridina together in same tank? You thoughts and comments are appreciated, please discuss. tedrock.
  25. I am going to try a similar type system. I have a waste Rubbermaid 30 gallon trash can that will used a pump to rain barrels that are connected to a drip irrigation system. I have the out side piece just need to tie them together.
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