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Everything posted by Keeg

  1. My desk tank: Around two years ago my parents got me a little desk tank for my birthday. It is one of my favorite tanks as these tanks were my first experience with plants outside of anubias. It used to be stocked with only guppies, then no guppies, then a pea puffer, then the pea puffer caused a massive bloom of green hair algae, then guppies again and a scarlet badis, and now guppies, badis, and a baby gourami that will probably be removed because she is getting aggressive. But this tank had a great start then one of the worst ones I've ever had. I originally got 2 male and 4 female endlers (from co-op) thinking that they were small and would breed easy. That went great for the first week. I used substrate with bacteria already in it so I didn't have to cycle (rookie move but I had that gut feeling, it worked out anyways). After the first week, everyone was going great, then my dad thought it needed some color so he got some orange mosaic male guppies from a chain store and a few sunset females. While they were beautiful, they ended up spreading a disease so fast that I expected to pick out a new fish every morning. This sucked because this tank was going great and this kind of ruined it. The guppies would get a white coat over their whole body within a couple hours and then drop. Nearly all the females gave birth right before death and that was sad because I couldn't move them anywhere because I needed to contain the disease. Anyways, two weeks go by and this fact acting disease wiped out all of the adult guppies, but the babies weren't affected. It was weird but I was grateful. So I really started this tank with 12 guppy fry, some of the genes you can see in the photos because I moved them as adults and moved some fry back. Flash forward to today, guppies are doing great, a large variety of plants thrive and its perfectly balanced.
  2. I wish he was a half-moon plakat like the female, maybe his children. Im going to make a post on this journal to breed bettas soon so stay tuned!
  3. YESSS, lets hype up the coop sponge. So satisfying to squeeze clean and its the perfect about of holes so babies dont get sucked in but allows large amounts of water flow. I use ceramic cylinders and bio-balls in my canister, with coop sponge on intake.
  4. Awhile ago I got some white ribbon plants and I have been growing them in a cup of water with pebbles. They're too short to be in a tank right now.I also have a bonsai growing next to the tank and easy greens is much higher quality than the fertilizer im using for it. And I am trying to save an orchid by getting it to grow some new leaves in water and easy green is just asking to be used more. Even more, I got quite the amount of cacti growing next to tanks, is easy green a good fertilizer source for land plants as well? I would use the natural old tank water but there's simply too much for the number of plants and I dont want detritus water in contact in the air 24/7. In the tanks, it is at least in the gravel
  5. So I was doing my weekly pumps of easy green when I realized that the pump head only goes down like a millimeter. Which makes sense because its 1milliliter per 10 gallons. But it doesn't "feel" right. Like I expected a full pump is by pushing it all the way down like a soap dispenser. I nearly broke the dang thing because I thought it was supposed to go all the way down (I didnt remember how much is pumped from when I got it, just thought four clicks a week). Does anyone feel the same way? Its like mind games 😂
  6. I was thinking ghost as well because of the black lines on the underside, but im also thinking a clear bamboo shrimp or a whisker shrimp because they can also grow larger than ghosts
  7. I would continue the water changes and checking on the parameters. I would rush to get some cycled media. Check to see if your fritzyme is expired. If not, add it to the filter rather than aquarium. The filter holds the bacteria so it needs to get there fast. If you think the fritzyme isn't worth the time, get the cycled media and maybe some seachem safe to help neutralize the ammonia and nitrites. And ideally you never want your ammonia and nitrites above 0ppm, so you should do your water changes before that when everything is stable again. Start a schedule and adjust that schedule over time.
  8. To be honest, puffers aren't a beginner's fish. I started out with a figure 8 puffer as an impulse buy, I didn't even know they were brackish until keeping it for a few years. You can always start with a dwarf puffer, but know they need a hearty varied diet. I would say spotted congo puffers are the best but they're rare and expensive. Expensive to buy and maintain, like I have a snail farm just for him to chow down that crashed multiple times. Pea puffers only need 5 gallons for one of them. I know you mentioned you couldn't keep a bigger tank at the moment, and that's okay. Start with a pea puffer to see if you like them and wish to proceed to a bigger species. I guess I'm trying to say is, everyone will have their own opinion and judgement on what's best for beginners. People will say amazon puffers but their teeth grow like crazy, others will say hairy puffers but they dont look like a classic puffer people expect. So start with a pea puffer, maybe you'll have better luck than I did 😊 Hope this helps and if you ever need help with puffer questions, please feel free to message me anytime
  9. If we're only talking blue, then light blue mosaic females only, the boys dont look as good in my opinion. Now if were talking about all guppies, yellow bodied with solid orange tail dumbos. They just look so nice with the colors unmixed.
  10. Dead snails are definitely near the top of the grossest smells
  11. I'm going to say the grossest was a pipe from an old 80g koi tank that was left by itself for months. The tube was filled with rotting sewage, and the heat wave didn't help. I gagged with every breath, you could smell the hydrogen sulfide gas from across the room. We had to take it outside and rinse it (killed the grass), tried boiling the sponge to salvage it. Stunk up the whole house. NEVER AGAIN This was in garage, so dont think we left it to rot inside the house lol, just never dealt with it.
  12. Im pretty sure this is NOT fin rot, looks like nipping in my opinion. Nipping can cause fin rot so I would still do the hospital tank/ tub, and do a dose of antibiotics to help him.
  13. I dont know if the co-op has 125 for in store pick up, maybe email them? Ebay also is a good place to look. But shipping sucks so you might want to pick it up yourself.
  14. Keeg

    Scratching fish

    Fritz ParaCleanse is usually the go for tanks with parasites that also have shrimp. So you could use it, but that's the only one I can think of right now. And welcome to the hobby!
  15. I also bred my super red plakat male with my black and blue plakat female (bred her last year and she was my first successful spawn) and they're still small too and too small to be with the other fry.
  16. Awhile ago I bred my super red plakat betta with a red crown tail in hopes of a red crowntail plakat. They're still pretty young but I'll be updating their progress on this journal. I dont have any great photos of the female, and she had a large tumor grow on her shortly after breeding which she died from. But here's the male, definitely one of the most beautiful bettas I've owned
  17. Make it a goal! I never would have thought I would have a 40g jungle, but over time I worked up to it very slowly. Plus you can always get a juvenile puffer and that way you can slowly upgrade over time rather than all at once. This is what I did, the 20g tank was previously only guppies.
  18. YUP, as long as the tank is stable and has goodish light
  19. I had some pea puffers, they were really cool and fun. But in the end, they died unfortunately. I think they need more than bloodworms and baby snails. Maybe live food like brine shrimp. So they're kind of easy and kind of hard in my experience. I feel like the medium sized puffers are way easier to care for.
  20. It's about time I started a journal. Thank you to @Streetwise for the help of starting this. Im gonna start this off with my favorite fish of all time: (Mini) Bob the spotted congo puffer Named after Mr. Bob Steenfott. From this point forward, Bob is the pufferfish and Mr. Steenfott is Mr. Steenfott. When I broke my leg, Mr. Steenfott and my friend/coach/teacher Hutch planned a day where we all went to the co-op for fun. At the end, Mr. Steenfott got me this fish under one condition, it had to be named Bob. This was in 2018. You might think it is weird that a teacher took me on this trip, but Hutch is more of a family member because my entire family has known him for a very long time even before this trip. In the photo of the yellow background is the very first time I saw Bob, I sent a picture to my family because this was my dream fish and had never seen one in person before. He was such a skinny lad. After a couple months from the start of the pandemic (June 2020) I upgraded him from an anubias only 20g with a hang on the back filter to a 40g with a canister filter, sand, multiple drift wood pieces, and a plethora of different plant species. On December 16, 2020 Hutch passed away unexpectedly which broke my community's hearts and still leaves a scar. But I have Bob to remind me of all the good times and one of the best days of my life. Today, Bob lives happily in the 40g where he gets to hunt guppies, shrimp, earthworms, bloodworms, snails, clams, and pogostemon stellatus stems.
  21. I planted mine by the main roots first and when it took off I let it float and then cut the nodes off when the have roots. They grow roots all over the place when they just float.
  22. I do what @Mmiller2001 said, I have strong water flow so all the poop ends up in one spot, then I use a modified syringe with an airline tube hooked up to suck it out before gravel vacuuming the whole tank.
  23. If you use filter pads, I would take the old one and throw it in the tank with the filter. It has a ton of bacteria. Same goes with sponge filters, take one from a cycled tanks after while and stick it in the new un-cycled tank. It's a little messed up to do a fish in cycle but, I've always done it with a betta. It's cruel but in my opinion the best/ fastest method if you dont understand the fish flake stuff (I dont get it at all) or if you dont have old filter media from a filtered tank. You could always ask a friend/ reliable fish store (Make sure fish are healthy) if they have any old media you could have/buy/borrow.
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