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Sharon- fishandfloral

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  1. I’ve had a Canon DSLR and multiple lens for years but eventually got tired of carrying the darn thing around and switched to a smaller point and shoot. You guys are making me want to drag my gear out again. 😀
  2. I just had an large established crypt melt. It had been planted since last June. Our best guess is a small ph change after removing a piece of driftwood or floating plants getting too thick and blocking the light. After a week, there’s 6-7 new leaves growing. The point of the story is, leave it alone for a bit and see what happens. As long as the roots aren’t dead, it’ll come back.
  3. They love fresh veggies as well. Green beans, peas, cucumber, zucchini.. just about anything you want to give them.
  4. I just checked again, all 3 tanks are at the same ph 7.6, gh 30, kh 180 which is normal for our water and I don’t use anything to adjust it. I have another smaller crypt in that tank that looks ok so far, but I’ve only had for 6 weeks. Pogo, anubius, val, dwarf lily, duck weed all look fine, fish and snails are healthy. Nitrates down to 10 after a water change and I haven’t changed my maintenance schedule. The affected crypt has 5 leaves left but don’t look like they’ll survive. 🤔 Thanks for the help!
  5. I had a lovely 8 month old, established crypt that looked fine. Yesterday it began melting and lost 1/3 of its leaves, then lost another third today. There’s a few leaves left but I don’t know if they’ll make it through tomorrow. Should I cut it back and wait to see if it regrows from the roots? Leave the few leaves that are left and see what happens? Or take it out entirely? Not sure what caused it to instantly melt. I haven’t added any new fish in months. ammonia 0 nitrate 0, nitrates 40 (right before doing a water change.) I use Eazy Green and Root tabs..
  6. Otos are fine with plants and sag is okay too. My otos like the glass, smooth rocks and smooth leaves. I supplement with algae wafers, veggies etc.
  7. My dwarf lily has developed a baby plant that appears to be growing upside down. There’s a root in the sand but then a small bulb and roots on the top as well. Should I pull, turn and replant it or just leave as is? Just curious, as I’ve not seen this before. Thanks!
  8. I love when my fish come eat from my fingers. When my otos come rest on my arm when I’m tank cleaning. Successfully keeping plants alive, and growing, while not growing a bunch of algae. Babies! Even baby snails. 😆
  9. It looks okay. My 7 month old bulb sprouted a few nice leaves and just stayed the same size. In the last month, it has doubled in size and sent up 2 lily pads. 😀
  10. I have the same issue. I planted val last June, putting it in the back of the tank since I expected it would get tall. It has created a ton of runners and plants but none are more than 3-4 inches max. I even went back to check my original order to ensure I hadn’t ordered the dwarf variety.
  11. I always pull the drain plug completely out of the sink when hooking up the Python, but didn’t one time and wasn’t paying attention. Yep, flooded the entire bathroom, which eventually seeped into the hallway as well. Every single drawer of the cabinet was filled to the brim with tank water. 😂
  12. My val is 7 months old and maybe 4 inches tall. I had to double check my order to ensure I didn’t order the dwarf size by mistake. Nope. I planted it in the back of the tank, expecting it to get tall, so it looks a little wonky at the moment. 🤣
  13. I have 2 red melon swords that are barely growing, so thanks for posting this question. I’ll add more root tabs tomorrow. 😀
  14. I started my first planted tanks 7 months ago, so I’m pretty new as well. My first attempt, the fish ate or destroyed every single plant, so I set up 2 new tanks that don’t have herbivores in them and tried again. Plants are really a learning experience. Don’t feel bad when it takes a few attempts to get it right. In our hard water, crypts, pogostemon, java fern, moss and dwarf lily seem to do well. I use Easy Green, root tabs, and just started using Easy Carbon to address an algae issue.
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