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Everything posted by Colu

  1. I would treat with maracyn1 and aquarium salt
  2. Aquarium salt will help with external issues such as fungal or bacterial any internal bacterial infections it's won't have any effect if you can't get kanaplex you could treat with maracyn2 or seachems neoplex
  3. As the growth is slowly progressing you could just monitor for or you could do a course of maracyn2 the active ingredient minocycline has anti-inflammatory properties just in case there's a bacterial component to the growth
  4. I would be learning to wards a bacterial infection with lose of colour bent spine and trouble swimming what I would do is quarantine and treat with kanaplex and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons the salt will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes and add an extra air stone during treatment @AccidentalFishKeeper
  5. I replaced the intake and outtake pipes that has finally resolved the issue after speaking to an oase dealer he said it a design fault on the flow valve that causes them to fail as it's a closed unit you can't tell and the adjustment valve feels the same when altering it apparently it's a common fault when I have looked on line or spoken to other people I haven't found any mention of this fault
  6. Blood worm are ok to be feed two to three times a week I would give them a more varied diet with a frozen or live brine shrimp daphnia good quality pellet
  7. If you do have all females I would try and source a male that will help to prevent your females becoming egg bound in the future
  8. Good to hear he's improving
  9. Looking at the pictures it could be caused by a bacterial infection the fact it has the spot in the seem place on both sides something else could be going like a growth that's showing on both sides of your fish I would also add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons gives update after you've finished your course of maracyn or before then if it gets worse @tolstoy21
  10. I did some research sexing them is straight forward the males have odontodes on the head and pectoral fins possible all females looking at the pictures that could just be the quality of the picture that would make it more likely to be egg bound Epsom salt will help with that as your using a quarantine tank you could just leave it in a low dose of Epsom salt for 5 days 1 table spoon for 5 gallons what I would do is have extra sponge filter running in your main tanks so you can have seeded sponge filters to hand to add to your quarantine tanks when ever your adding fish @Shadow
  11. I wouldn't go above that level with loach I like to stick to 1 table spoon for 5 gallons
  12. Can't tell if it's a female if it were it could be egg bound it could have over eaten causing the bloating suffering from constipation could have something else internally going on what I would do is quarantine and fast for a couple of days and do Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 5 gallons for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days and do a course of metroplex I wouldn't go above that level with Epsom as whiptails are sensitive to salt
  13. Can post a picture any pineconing or just bloating is it eating ok any rapid breathing is it possible to tell if it's a female or male
  14. I can see one white spot on the tail fin am struggling to see them elsewhere that could just be the picture quality as you have him on his own then I would add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons and monitor for a week at that level it shouldn't harm your plants if you notice more spots appearing on his fins and body and it looks like a sprinkling of salt then I would start treating with ick X and salt as ich causes massive electrolyte loss and the salt will add back in essential electrolytes
  15. It could be an injury I don't think that's septicemia what I would do is monitor for a couple of days and add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons I have stop recommending using kanaplex in food it's poorly absorbed by the gut so very little gets into the blood stream
  16. Colu


    use the aquarium salt in conjunction with ick X keep treating daliy following the instructions on the bottle and leave a low dose of salt in it will take a couple of days before you will no if the medication is having the desired effect @AndyR
  17. It's not looking good what I would do is add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes and do a course of kanaplex or maracyn2 which ever one is more readily available just in case there's a bacterial component and add an extra air stone during treatment
  18. It could be a combination of things your pH is high for skirt tetras typically you would want a pH below 7.5 the death could have been caused poor water quality at the store there water parameters could be a lot different from your causing osmotic shock or it could be a parasitic infection with the sunken belly you mentioned am not that familiar with glow Tetra's to no if the orange head is normal or not @boogehmah
  19. Did you quarantine the Molly before adding it to your tank
  20. What's your temperature any rapid breathing pale colour on both side could indicate a bacterial infections as your in Canada salt would my go to and adding some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties and put him in a bigger quarantine tote like @nabokovfan87suggested
  21. Have you see any rapid breathing lethargy flashing spitting food out sunken belly fish that died or this cardinal have you added any new fish to this tank that could have bought in disease recently what filtration are you using
  22. From what I have read about them they are all wild caught haven't been bred are sensitive and more likely to come in with internal parasites
  23. A sunken belly and spitting food out can be a sign of wasting disease and you would want to treat with levamisole active ingredient in expel p once a week for 4 weeks ammonia and nitrite test kit could be zero it's difficult to tell with subtle colour change
  24. Over production of the slime coat can be caused by a number of things such as parasitic infections bacterial infections poor water quality with the redness you described i would be leaning towards a bacterial infections
  25. I would add a couple of sponge filter to your main tank to have them cycled before adding them to your quarantine tank most parasites can't survive longer than 30 days days without a host if your moving your fish to a quarantine tank I wouldn't put fish back in the main tank for at least 30 days @Lillypad
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