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Everything posted by Colu

  1. Am struggling to see any Reddening at the edges of the fins to indicate an active infection that could just be the quality of the picture he could be tearing his damage fins if he flairs a lot if your seeing his fins receding it would be worthwhile treating with kanaplex or maracyn2 that @nabokovfan87 suggested ammonia and nitire can damage the Gill tissue causing the edges of the filaments to turn grey or white your water parameters look fine other than a 0.1 reading of ammonia I don't think that's enough to cause damage your seeing is it possible you had an ammonia or nitrite spike and missed it @yve
  2. Kanaplex is a more broad spectrum antibiotic treatment you can use maracyn or maracyn2 which ever you have to hand
  3. Ammonia can cause Gill damage is it possible you had a spike and got higher than 0.02 if not it could be bacterial infection of the Gill's I would quarantine and treat with kanaplex and add an extra air stone during treatment @Milliardo Peacecraft
  4. What I would suggest is doing full course of maracyn then follow up with a full course of paracleanse if your seeing no improvement after the course of maracyn add an extra air stone during treatment
  5. What's your ammonia is it eating ok any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface @Milliardo Peacecraft
  6. Colour loss can be caused by a number of things such as poor diet poor water quality stress natural colour change as fish get older disease I would feed a more varied diet as discus in the wild are detritivores large part of there diet is algae and insects larvae so i would start feeding an algae based pellet or flake food and feed repashy super green gel food as well as the frozen or live blood worms brine shrimp daphnia black worms I would only feed blood worms twice a week any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy flashing spitting food @discus982
  7. Possible stress related with the colour change could be bacterial am going to tag @tolstoy21he has more experience with apistogramma behaviour maybe it something he seen before
  8. Couple of similar looking cichlids that come to mind possible a species of aulonocranus looking at the body and mouth shape or maybe oropharynx lithobates female
  9. What exactly are your water parameters how long have you had the fish what other fish are in the tank have you added anything new to the tank recently can you post a picture of the fish it will help with a diagnosis
  10. Looks like possible females carrying eggs nothing to worry about
  11. I usually do a 50% water change and leave active carbon 24hr 48hr depending on what my treatment schedule is the majority of medication should remove in 24hr
  12. Neon tetra disease can lay dormant for long periods of time it's only when periods of stress caused by poor water quality bullying poor diet they start showing symptoms and usually die within 7 to 14 days from the onset of symptoms can't be cured and there's no treatments currently available it's caused by infected fish dieing in the tank and being eaten causing your fish to ingest to many pleistophora for there immune system to handle it's highly infectious it can infect angelfish danios barbs guppies goldfish other species of tetras any fish showing symptoms should be and humanely euthanize with clove oil to prevent them from dieing in the tank and being eaten I wouldn't add any fish to this tank I would wait till the last fish has died and remove any substrate plants and hardscrape and equipment form the tank sterilise everything with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution or Ethel alcohol and leave it completely empty for a month with no water then refill it add hydrogen peroxide to the water and leave the filter running after 24hr it Will break down into oxygen and H20 then I would leave it at least another month before adding any new fish
  13. Worming medication such as levamisole and praziquantel metronidazole are effective in food and dosing the water column. praziquantel in food doesn't show increased elimination rates verse dosing the water column. metronidazole is effective in food as it's adsorbed by the intestinal tract. most fish can survive with a low parasite burden for a long period of time it's only when periods of stress effect the immune system that the fish can become overwhelmed and succumb. as long as you treat for the appropriate amount of time do repeated treatments and do though gravel vac to remove as many expelled parasites and eggs from the substrate. Treat once every week for 4 weeks with levamisole. praziquantel once every two weeks for 4 full treatment. metronidazole in food for 3 weeks it will be possible eliminate parasites in your tank. there's always vector for reinfection if your feeding live foods adding new fish or plants that's where having a quarantine tank has its benefits two monitor new fish for a minimum of 4 weeks
  14. if it's an abscess they can contain pus or clear fluid what I would do is quarantine and treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons and kanaplex just in case there's a bacterial component @Roo
  15. Price for some books seem to be getting ridiculous you can't beat a good book
  16. Just pre-ordered this new book lots of information on fish from Cameroon should be a good read
  17. The Variations in colour could be due to different collections point for the same species am not seeing much information or possibly undescribed subspecies with subtle difference in colour
  18. I think the cause of the holes in the fins is the ammonia spike I would do daily water changes and add a double dose of prime to help detoxify any ammonia till it constantly stays at zero and monitor the fins you could add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties if the fins start to get worse then i would quarantine and treat with kanaplex
  19. Colu

    Body Rot

    Looking at your water parameters any ammonia is very harmful at 2ppm and nitire of 10ppm that would be the cause of the body rot you want zero ammonia and nitrite what I would do is test daily and do 50% water change any time you see ammonia or nitrite add a double dose of seachems prime to help detoxify any ammonia and nitrite till they constantly stay at zero it's a difficult one to treat antibiotic treatment will kill some of your benefial bacterial leading higher ammonia and nitrite that will prevent him from healing what I would do is add Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties i would add 1 leaf per gallons add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons at that level most plants are fine i would get holed of kanaplex i would start treating once you get your ammonia and nitrite your control or move him to a quarantine tank with some seeded filter media from an established tank @Hally M.
  20. With what your describing Redding to the body and Gill's that could be caused by ammonia burn or a bacterial infection as your ammonia reading is at the low end I would do I course of maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days just in case there's a bacterial component @slowdown
  21. Looking at the redness to belly I would be learning to wards a bacterial infection a little more information would be helpful have you added any new fish recently have you notice any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy
  22. Possible bacterial infections causing the changes to the head what I would do is treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons and do a course of kanaplex or maracyn2 which ever one is more readily available give an update if your seeing no improvement after 7 days
  23. A little more information would be helpful what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature how long has the faced had the issue with it's face is it eating ok any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface
  24. I would dose the tank with kanamycin I wouldn't add it to food as it poorly absorbed by the gut so very little of medication will make it into the blood stream
  25. Scoliosis is really common in liverbears I think that's what's causing the hump back I think it would be worthwhile treating with paracleanse as @nabokovfan87suggested you would want to do three full courses of treatment 2 weeks apart so you would treat on week 1 week 3 week 5
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