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  1. Unfortunately our fish took a quick turn for the worse after the medicine baths and we ended up euthanizing. I wish I had started on this treatment path earlier. Lesson learned. I was only able to find aquarium salts and melafix. Thank you all for your advice and support.
  2. Thank you @Odd Duck I really appreciate your honesty - it feels like a long shot but I want to try. Honey G is our biggest, and most favourite fish. It’s hard to think about euthanizing but I am contemplating it if things don’t improve. I’ve got clove oil on the ready.
  3. Through some more research I’ve learned that fish antibiotics are illegal in canada (over the counter anyways). I can get maracyn one and maracyn oxy as well as melafix and pimafix.
  4. @Colu wondering if using aquarium salts would be worth it - even if we can’t get kanaplex?
  5. Im in Canada and am not sure if I can get Kanaplex. I’ll look around. Thanks so much.
  6. I am reaching out for help and advice on behalf of my 13 year old. We have three well established, heavily planted tanks. our 15 gallon fluval flex has one gourami, one killifish, six ember tetras, a couple neocardinia shrimp, and an assassin snail to keep our guest snails at a reasonable level. The Gourami has been sick for a month or more. We got her in feb 2022 and she hasn’t grown since we got her. so she could be 2 or more years old. She did not have ventral fins when we purchased her, I didn’t know anything then to know that she was missing parts of normal anatomy. We find her wedged in the plants, completely vertical, or against the top of the water verging on horizontal, wedged against the side of the aquarium or wood decoration. She seems to have a bend in her spine. She is not bloated at all. But She is paler than usual and her eyes may be bulging more than usual? She isn’t eating very much. I keep thinking she’s dead but then she startles and swims to hide again (also not her normal behaviour). She doesn’t seem to be in total control of her swimming direction and prefers turning left (the direction of the curve of her spine). Tank is very established and is two years old, no new fish or plants in, water parameters all normal, moderately planted. Does anyone know what is happening? And if we can cure it?
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