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Everything posted by Ken

  1. My 2 swords are big, out of the top of a 40 breeder big. They get 4-5 root tabs each every month. The whole tank gets 15-20 a month and 1-1/2 times the recommended dose of Easy Green spread out as a squirt a day. My parameters stay just fine, lots of Hornwort probably helps with any excess in the water column.
  2. I made my Aquaclear silent by very carefully cleaning it. inside and out. Then rinsing it several times. Then letting it dry thoroughly. Then putting it in a bag on a shelf in the basement next to rest of the aquarium stuff I might need someday. I'm currently using Marineland Pros, better but not perfect. I wish I could convince myself that a sponge or two is good enough.
  3. No, you need to post pictures and a review.
  4. They hit the ground today. Apparently you can't embed members only videos?
  5. Has anyone tried something like this as an aquarium stand? The dimensions look good as well as the weight bearing capacity. I really don't like the appearance or quality of the stands at the Pet****** store these look like viable option, opinions? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0839C4685/?coliid=I2W20NKQSO39PH&colid=1IHY2BABROHEZ&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it https://www.amazon.com/dp/B088P7LTMH/?coliid=I3M6Z8MX8RHUO5&colid=1IHY2BABROHEZ&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it
  6. In a word, no. Try one of each of the ones that appeal to you and see which ones do well in your tank. Then get more of them. I have hard water and have pretty good luck with most... although I seem to be able to kill an Anubias by looking at it. Remember that aquarium plant time is measured in months, not days.
  7. If it has been up and running for a few months you'll be okay. If it's recently cycled I'd be nervous.
  8. Kind of off on a tangent but... I wish Bettas were really rare and expensive. They kind of deserve it. The only thing that is treated worse in the hobby is feeder goldfish. Can you tell I was at a bigbox fish store today?
  9. Yes. Light is supposed to help with the hatching. I more or less follow what is shown in this video. I hope it's okay to link to Prime Time, I don't think he's the competition, as far as I know he doesn't sell anything. I hang my bottle rather than try to balance it on top of another but other wise follow what Jason does.
  10. I use a desk lamp I bought at a thrift shop for $2.50. Move it closer or farther away to adjust temp. After a few batches you can tell about how far away is right.
  11. I'll bet there are a couple of old mom and pop shops that still have them. 😉
  12. Did you get the custom tank? Did I miss some pictures somewhere?
  13. My first 75 will have fancy goldfish. The second will have angels. It's not going to happen for about another year, when we both retire and move nearer to family. We've already been doing a little premature house shopping and even the wife watches for places that have a nice place for fish tanks. We don't really want a "fishroom", we want a nice living area that we can have fish in.
  14. I don't think so. I tried Guppy Grass before I got the Hornwort, it didn't seem to have any effect on algae but did suck up some nitrates. I don't think I have any left, I pulled it all out after I got the Hornwort. The worst part of Guppy Grass is it isn't really a floater. It just drifts around in the water column and gets tangled up in the other plants, wood, sponge filters or HOB intakes. Hornwort stays up top where I want it and can grab out handfuls and chuck them every couple weeks.
  15. Put in a big bunch of Hornwort. I'm convinced allelopathy is real and algae can't survive in a tank with Hornwort. Of course that is just my experience, maybe it can and the addition of Hornwort was the thing that put those tanks into the ever elusive "balance". But, when I took the Hornwort out of my shrimp only tank and the one with Hillstream Loaches in it to see if the algae would come back (like I wanted) it did. Not right away but within a few weeks. I purposely didn't change anything else.
  16. Do you have any Hornwort in the tanks with algae? I am convinced allelopathy is real in aquariums and Hornwort is the magic cure for algae, to the point that I took it out of my shrimp tank and the tank with Hillstream Loaches in it so some algae would grow. The algae started to come back after no Hornwort for about 6 weeks. I resemble that remark.
  17. Yup, That's what I put in those bright orange gel caps. It's a penny and a half each for the gel caps and I'm estimating I'll get 300ish tabs from the $8 container of Osmocate Plus. So somewhere around a nickle a tab. Before anyone decides to try it please read all the horror stories all over the internet about how these home made tabs will kill your whole tank. I've been using them since mid January.
  18. Mine start to die off if they are too crowed or they escape the corral and get blown around by the the HOB.
  19. Okay, I hear what you're saying. But I think the easy way is root tabs. When I saw how much better my Amazon Swords, Jungle Val, Dwarf Sag and Crypt Lucens did with tabs I started putting in lots of them. They really took off. My main beef with root tabs is the cost. It just costs too much, I now make the infamous homemade ones using bright orange gel caps so I can see if I didn't get them buried well in the Black Diamond Blasting sand. So far so good. I'm not sure I'll ever get to the point of understanding the nutrients to the point you do, I'm not sure I want to invest the time and effort.
  20. So what you're saying is we don't need root tabs but we do need CO2. Most of would rather put in a few root tabs than mess with a CO2 system.
  21. I agree with @lefty o you have to declare everything that is in the package. I've not tried to ship liquids but I'm sure it wouldn't be allowed. Any of the hard goods would be fine. I think the most we have ever paid was around $35 for a box around a foot square to Japan from Utah.
  22. Tonight. I wonder what good an underwater flower is? Not very many honeybees in there.
  23. I have a son in the Navy therefore Grandkids overseas. It's expensive, but not prohibitive. The worst part is you have to go to the Post Office or wherever and fill out a bunch of paperwork. USPS is the best bet IMO as far as finding someone in the office that knows how to do it.
  24. Whenever the test strips say I should... Or I just feel like it. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/pages/water-changes?_pos=1&_psq=water&_ss=e&_v=1.0
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