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Everything posted by Ken

  1. Yes. If it were me I would go get a stool and jump my 180# behind up and down on that edge and call it good. I've actually bought thrift store "tank stand" furniture that way. You have already worried really a lot more about it than I ever would have. I was offering a method to measure it so you could see that it will be fine.
  2. Get a straightedge and a helper. Put the straightedge on the countertop extending out onto the part that overhangs, then have someone that weighs at least the 117 pounds sit right on the edge of the counter and see if the counter top deflects any, meaning creates a gap under the straightedge. If it does I might be worried. If it doesn't (and I'll bet it don't) I wouldn't give it another thought. Especially with the way that tank is built.
  3. I watch to see if anybody is interested in eating them, if not, they come out when I get around to it. If you look around on this forum some you would find that a lot of folks go out of their way to put dead leaves in their aquariums. I believe that if a dead leaf or two will trash your parameters you are living too close to the edge.
  4. In my mind that pretty much eliminates the Med Trio as the killer. I would ride it out, whatever killed those new fish is in the tank now. After the Med Trio period is over I'd watch like a hawk for any symptoms of what it was. I lost a tankful really pretty and expensive fish that way once. I don't skip quarantine, or now that I know about it, the Med Trio... ever.
  5. I have 4 Aqauneats running on Kasa WIFI timers (about $140 total). All I have to pay attention to is when I want them to turn off and on. Or you can get the Fluval 3.0 and read this. It depends on how you want to invest your time and money in the hobby. The fun part is that pretty much any way you want to do lighting will work.
  6. I ordered once from the place you mentioned, just almost good enough. The best bet for floaters is to buy local if at all possible. They don't ship well. I did buy some floaters on line from some hippy in Indiana that did just fine though, ya gotta love LRB.
  7. There are really a lot of us that have never used Purigen. I would wait until the tank seasoned and then decide if you need it.
  8. My son has served on 2 LPDs, the Ogden and the Denver. He's currently playing tag with the Russians in the Black Sea on board the USS Porter. He gets to come back the the US (West coast so drivable even) for his next and last tour next summer... Grandpa is looking forward to it.
  9. That tank looks pretty good to me. I would just fertilize the plants and feed the fish and let it ride for a couple months. A little algae doesn't hurt anything. You mentioned being in control, you're mostly not. It's a little ecosystem that will react how it wants. How you influence it should be done in baby steps with lots of time between. As you probably already know, Excel kills algae but also harms a lot of other plants. I have some but use it as a last resort.
  10. I'm not the best person to ask, I overfeed the heck out of everything and have the snails and shrimp to prove it. Keep an eye on the water and adjust feeding down if it gets bad more quickly than you want to change it. I end up doing weekly 30%-50% changes because of my overfeeding habits. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/pages/water-changes
  11. I slice thin strips off the frozen cubes with a single edge razor blade then put the cube back in a baggy in the freezer.
  12. Muleys might be bigger but Whitetails are much prettier. And from what I hear better to eat. The Muley in my pic was 7-1/2 years old and starting to rut, it tasted really really bad. Pics or it didn't happen.😉
  13. The last several years I went on the deer hunt all I did was make sure the grub in the Dutch Ovens was up to snuff. There was a rifle nearby, just in case, but I didn't have to clean a deer for years. 🙂 When I had less white hair however...
  14. I have really hard water. I have changed the felts repeatedly over the last several weeks. Something changed. The older no-clogs worked well for me. The new ones not so much, if you go to the CoOp website they are now advertised as adjustable, not no- clog. I agree with the rename.
  15. Threw a temper tantrum and took 3 of the 7 "never-clod" airstones out of my sponge filters and threw them away. Big bubbles are going to have to be good enough until I find an airstone that isn't a pain. Sponge filters are great 'cause you don't have to mess with them much, but if the dumb little airstone inside needs tinkering every water change they negate the advantage of the sponge. Those tiny canisters keep looking better and better.
  16. I have no formatting options on my phone and only bulleted or numbered on my laptop. It doesn't really matter, I was mostly just curious.
  17. I don't see any way to change font in any way. Either in signature or anywhere else for that matter.
  18. I second the fancy goldfish. I had fancy goldfish years ago but don't have room for a big enough tank now. A Redcap Oranda and Calico Ranchu that only got to around 2-1/2" would be just the ticket.
  19. I have dropped a graphite flyrod and went and found a low spot to lay down in a couple times in the Uintah's when things got feelings a little tingly during a storm. That makes perfect sense. The circuit could not be completed.
  20. Based on required classes in Metallurgy (a long time ago) and a little google to see if I still knew what I thought I did, Titanium can not be alloyed with anything toxic to our aquariums. But things that are not Titanium and might be made and marketed as such probably exist. On the other hand, completing the electrical circuit within your fish tank changes a potential to be electrocuting your fish to making sure you are. Don't do it. Check out one the newest CoOp videos, Dean has a couple tanks with bad heaters. The stray current has nowhere to go until they touch something grounded. When Fish and Game shocks waters to see what's down there they put in two probes, only fish between them get stunned.
  21. I just looked at my shrimp closely to see if any of mine look like that. Some do, some don't, in my tanks it's mostly males that do. I have a lot of shrimp and haven't ever seen it as as a precursor to any trouble.
  22. Can you imagine how good that bunch would be if any of them could actually sing?
  23. The Highwaymen. I like pretty much everything they did together.
  24. Hornwort may not be "allelopathic" but there sure seems to be lot of plants that don't do well with it. That's why I started this post, not to debate word usage, but to help one another with plant choices and possible interactions.
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