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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. im of the opinion, if you cant get enough air through a 3/4" line to do whatever you want in a fish room, you got some big issues. should be fine.
  2. a little too much is one thig, and a tank will handle it, but any signifigant amount should be removed. id give it a quicky gravel vac to get the bulk of it out.
  3. most plants will do just fine kept in those pots they come in. they may not thrive, but as long as they are in water, and get some light, it'll all be okay.
  4. i would dose the easy green, and use the carbon as needed, not dose that regularily.
  5. instead of epoxy, use aquarium safe silicone. put a blob or three on the wood, press and hold it to where you want it. may have to hold it for a while or use some object to hold it.
  6. once in a blue moon i'll feed boiled egg yolk.
  7. fish must find you tasty. ive been bit by about any other pet, but never my fish, and ive had some toothy ones.
  8. if you are new to plants in the aquarium, congrats they add a nice new dimension that a non planted tank just lacks.
  9. mine like to lounge around too.
  10. no fat on venison to begin with. mmm gator jerky!😎
  11. salt is almost always a good first effort. as for what to do if they dont improve, well i agree thats a very personal decision only you can decide.
  12. need- nothing want- a 75 to be sitting where my 55 is wish- well thats never gotten me anywhere, so i dont waste the thoughts🤪
  13. venison jerky is my favorite way to eat deer!😎 num num num num num!
  14. lefty o


    thats a great idea. it would freeze in my garage. my grandmother, used to give us peanuts in the shell to eat up at the cabin when we were little kids ( many many years ago). you took the empty peanut shells and floated them on a bucket of water 3/4 full , with a ramp up to it. same principle, mice went up, went after the peanut shells, and didnt leave the bucket.
  15. what state are you in, so we might have an idea of the cold you will deal with?
  16. i doubt you'll be missing out on the neighbor. if she thinks its okay he trashed your property, better off without her around.
  17. never seen one do that myself.
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