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Rory Waliser

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Everything posted by Rory Waliser

  1. I suspected the age thing a bit because it seems like most of the large ones end up with better color.
  2. I bought a half dozen red cherries from my lfs a few months back and they're breeding like crazy. I can't even count the adult sized ones anymore and there is easily 50 babies I can count at any given time in various sizes. I'm wondering why some are turning out this low grade color and some turn out solid and bright more like what I bought from the store. Is it a matter of age or gender or is it just that you only get a few high grade ones from each clutch? If I separated a few bright ones in a tank is this basically how people develop better color or is the selective breeding process more complex than that?
  3. If you're worried about the pH, you could get some RO water from a grocery store (RO water not distilled) and mix it with the tap water you're using for water changes. This should help level it out a bit. I always do something about 40% RO water in my changes since my tap water pH is close to 8.
  4. Same here. I always go to a craft store and get big sheets of construction paper. Easy to cut to size and it usually holds up well until you run water down the back of the tank lol
  5. This is how I also did my display tank. Great method to have both great plant substrate and decorative rock in the tank.
  6. Currently have some gold honey gouramis growing out that were hatched in may as well as two broods of black balloon mollies born in March and June! Cherry shrimp in my display tank are doubling by the month it seems too!
  7. If you want strictly dirt like an eco complete type product, I like to save a few dollars by buying regular black aquarium gravel and mixing it with black eco complete. It blends really nicely and you might not have to spend the extra few dollars on another full bag of eco complete. I personally never liked sand because it seemed like more sand than water always ended up in my water change bucket after I siphoned lol
  8. Don't know if that's the issue. Just driftwood in there and she's been in there since March with no issues until this week. Could it possibly be some sort of infection that hasn't shown itself yet?
  9. Update They had fry and they are about an inch long now. Not what I was expecting but they look GREAT in the tank.
  10. Hello All, I've noticed that my balloon molly has recently stared losing a few scales here and there. They have been coming off really clean and I don't see any sign of any fungus or infection of any sort in the affected areas. They seem to be just falling off. My levels all look really good (0 amm./0 nitri./5-10 nitra) and she is definitely not getting bullied in the tank (you could say shes pretty much the queen b**** among her colleagues lol). Anyone know what could be causing this?
  11. The only thing I would add to this thread is that it is always good practice to stock your fish slowly after your cycle is believed to be complete. Your beneficial bacteria (or bio filter) becomes established when there is ammonia and nitrites present. The bacteria will become more abundant with more food (ammonia and nitrite) available in the tank. Therefore, adding too many fish at once will cause a situation where there is too much waste for the bacteria to handle in a timely manner. This will result in ammonia and/or nitrite spikes for a while until the beneficial bacteria become abundant enough to handle the heavier waste load. Moral of the story is stock slowly and make sure your levels stay ideal before adding additional livestock. Welcome to the hobby by the way!
  12. Yeah so funny thing. The one I thought was for sure a male this whole time just popped out a bunch of eggs an hour ago. She is brighter colored than the real male who is now trying to frantically keep the eggs floating on the surface with no bubble nest. Was for SURE not prepared for this so fast, but i have a plan lol.
  13. Interesting. I'll have to keep a look out for nests in there. Ive got a couple ozelot sword plants that might be able to hold a nest under their leaves.
  14. So up until this point, I was almost sure both of these fish were males. I saw them doing this today. I have never bred my fish, but I have absolutely no clue what they could be doing besides that. I have a couple questions: 1. How do I sex these? They are gold honey gouramis. They seem to be about the same color, and I am not quite sure how to sex them by looking at their fins. 2. There is no bubble nest in the tank at this point. Will the male (whichever turns out to be the male) make one after they have bred? Is it possible that they hatch eggs without using a bubble nest? Could they have a nest hidden somewhere under one of the plants at the bottom of the tank? Apologies for the bad quality, but this is the only time I was able to catch them doing it on video.
  15. Do people generally put any sort of supplement in the water with their fish when they mail them? Do i need a heat pack? How many fish per bag? (1 month old mollies) Would putting carbon in the bag with them be a good idea?
  16. Bought one of those metal stands from petco about a month ago for my 29 gallon I started. I went to mendards and bought some cheap wood-look paneling and cut it to fit the sides. I found a pair of cabinet doors that fit the front of it perfectly, so i slapped some stain and poly on them and mounted them on yesterday. Also cut some pine boards to fit inside and sit on the cross members on the sides of the stand. Turned out to be a pretty good looking stand for about $100. No more looking at my bad cord management! (please go easy on my plaid pants in the tank reflection lol)
  17. Take a look at this thread. I had the same type of question and got a lot of useful feedback here.
  18. Started stocking my 29 gallon today since the cycle finished up a few days ago. Petco had some great looking cherries as well as some healthy honey gouramis. Picked up four of the shrimp and two gouramis. Starting my stocking light. My bristlenose will get transferred in from his tank tomorrow if the gouramis are looking good still. Probably will add more shrimp later. Center piece fish will be a school of cardinal tetras which I am very excited for. Picture of the cherry was taken on my iPhone. Not too bad as far as phone cameras go.
  19. For me its shell dwelling cichlids. Maybe one day when I have the space for a bit larger tank so I can do it right.
  20. Thanks for all the suggestions everyone! Here's the fish-less setup as of now if anyone was curious. Many more plants to come!
  21. Yeah I'm thinking I'm going to end up putting like 20 cardinals in it with my pleco and then add from there. I'm pretty routine with my water changes since I have 3 other smaller tanks already, so this should work just fine bioload-wise based on everybody's advice.
  22. I understand why the 1 inch per gallon rule doesn't work. My original question was mainly asking why do people use it still? There seems to be no benefit to this guideline.
  23. So my takeaways from this thread are: Inch per gallon rule is close to worthless With the amount of driftwood, my aquaclear 50, my sponge filter, my eco complete dirt, and my plants, I should have no issue with the bioload of a number of around 25 cardinals and a placo. If I can still handle more bioload after my initial 25 cardinals are in, they would be even happier with a few more in the school. Let me know if there is any holes in my logic. Thanks everyone for the input!
  24. cardinals get two inches long and bristlenoses 5 inches. 25 cardinals and 2 plecos makes 60 inches in 29 gallons unless im misinterpreting something?
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