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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. Maybe my rummy noses would give it a try, other than rummy noses and a honey gourami, my tanks are full of bottom dwellers, shrimp and snails mostly. I dont have fish that feed from top to mid column 😄 I like bottom dwellers more. That's why making a gel food sounds like a good option to me! Does it all sink to the bottom or move around constantly?
  2. Alrighty, added to the shopping cart 🙂
  3. @CJs Aquatics they are looking great😍 Has anyone tried spirulina tabs with them? Planning to order some sera tabs, I’ve seen other whiptails enjoying it. Well at worst case, my snails will enjoy it anyway I believe :,)
  4. Ah I see yea, not my fish sadly. I can imagine everything sticking to mosses (hair algae winking) and floating plant roots in my tanks, all over the place. It is good that you have a way to use it as well! nice to keep in mind. Maybe I can add some to my snello one day
  5. My chicken love them too much to feed them to fish or snails 😄 Weekly water changes is chickens' duckweed day in our home! 😄 Doesn't it foul the water after some time btw? Seems like the particles are so small and it would be really hard to clean uneaten food. Would making a home-made gel food or snello be a better idea to hold them together? What do you think?
  6. I guess I got two females. Couldn't see any bristles around their face. I wanna go get a male now :') Maybe they are too young to show their gender yet. They are about 6 cms. They seem to have really tiny bristles anyway, so It is hard to see I've seen this video on youtube, but didn't want to stress them with flashlight. I will try to see more when the lights are on tomorrow.
  7. Thanks @Biotope Biologist! When I was at LFS, I spent an hour reading everything online there to make a good decision, I ended up getting two. I've read them being shy aswell, but since I introduced them to the tank, they are active nonstop! They were not really active at all in the LFS tho. They have been moving around woods, rocks and jumping from one plant to another. They loved to play around the waterfall current of HOB. No schooling behavior, but they randomly socialize with each other if meet each other on a wood or so. I guess red lizards can't be wild caught, as it is not documented that they exist in wild from what I've seen so far. People still don't know their exact origin but assuming they are a result of breeding certain whiptails. Maybe that is why they were not shy at all. Kinda regretting not getting a third, but any more than the third can be economically challenging to me rn. Even though they are tank-bred, red ones seem harder to breed from here: https://www.planetcatfish.com/shanesworld/shanesworld.php?article_id=419 so they were kinda pricey. If they are not heavy grazers, I think I can do 3 in a 33g, but if not, 2 seems good for now, as I don't want my nerites and whiptails competing each other nonstop. Hope I can provide them a good care. I'm so excited
  8. Hey guys, Today, I've seen red lizards for the first time in my LFS, and I just fell in love with them. I wonder if anyone has any experience with Red Lizard Whiptails. Internet does not have a lot of info on them, and it is hard to come by fishkeeper experiences. We have chatted with @CJs Aquatics about them as I've seen their breeding topic today. They helped me a lot! I've read probably all info online by now, including a previous topic created in this forum around 2 years ago. But I would love to hear some personal experiences if anyone here has any. If you had any chance to keep them; - How many have you kept together under with what parameters/temp/tank size? - What was their diet like? Did yours like blanched veggies? Do they like to graze on algae and biofilm, or make any noticable difference? - If kept more than one, what was your m:f ration in what tank size? or any other stuff you'd like to share! Many thanks, Here is a cute pic online:)
  9. My dermatologist once recommended me not to put bare hands into a fish tank before when I had allergic reaction once. I know it is hard to do as a fishkeeper, and sometimes it is just nice to feel the water. But yea, it is no good in general I bet. I'm planning to get something similar soon, but probably it is a good idea to have one for each tank... Also I don't wanna think of duckweed and gloves......
  10. 😞 Might be better safe than sorry then! Me not facing any issues does not prove a general point ofc
  11. I keep my pygmys and sterbais at 8.2, and they breed. They bred 3rd time yesterday in 1.5 months. I'm not sure 7.4 is valid for tank-bred local fish tbh.
  12. @Cinnebuns give your mini ramshorns to @Theplatymaster 😄
  13. Anytime! @Louise02 You can see the following topic about someones experience with crushed coral substrate from a couple days ago and our friends in the forum helping with the readings. Maybe you can find any beneficial info there.
  14. Generally clean up crews work better when a couple from each are combined all together, because they can be perfect at eating one meanwhile not touching another at all. Snails are great clean up crew and your water/ph seems pretty good for them. So if you like snails, they can be a good addition. Nerites are amazing algae eaters, while mysteries can eat a lil bit of algae, they are pretty good clean up crew for leftover food and decaying plant matter too. Maybe you can consider amano shrimp too, in addition to snails. Or neocaridina shrimp, based on the current tankmates. You can also consider borneo suckers or hillstream loaches, they are pretty good as well. What is your tank size and how long has it been running for? It plays an important role on choices as well. Because shrimp, borneo/hillstream loach, ottos, nerite snails are mostly depending on the biofilm and algae growing in the tank, so they won’t be mainly (or maybe at all)consuming commercial food like fish. Tank naturally needs to feed them as this is what their main diet is As far as I know, @Irene has been keeping her cories on eco complete too. I would personally not keep them on gravel tho. They love sifting a lot. I sometimes see ming digging their whole faces into the substrate😄 Cories don’t eat algae but they are good at cleaning leftover food which could foul the water over time, and they disturb substrate a lot which prevents having dead spots in the tank from my experience.
  15. Hey Sharon, In case you use whatsapp, you can send the pics to your own number on whatsapp, then log into web whatsapp on pc and easily download them from the chat screen. This may cause a bit decrease in pic quality but hope it helps. Pretty fast way to easily get the pics on pc from mobile imo Also wishing you and your friends a good luck. Hope they have a good life ahead. Would love to see them in the future. cheers,
  16. What about planning a snello making Sunday as a family. Snail may even help kiddos to eat the veggies they don't normally eat? Who knows Snails and kids sharing same diet 😄 LOL
  17. Sadly no access to any of them. I may have Tropica, Seachem series, Sera and some domestic brands like "Creaqua" (which has two seperate bottles for Macro [(N) %1,6, (P) %0,12, (K) %1,24] and Micro [(Ca)%0,21, (Mg)%0,24, (B)%0,01, (Fe)%0,04, (Co)%0,0005, (Cu)%0,007, (Mn)%0,047, (Mo) %0,002, (Zn) %0,002, Iodine(I)%0,018]. I could not see any explanation where Creaqua's N is coming from, nor if it is shrimp safe. They recommend turning off the filter for half an hour after dosing, which is interesting. Maybe it is a sign of ammonium, and filter may convert it to nitrate if dosed when it is on? I should email them sometime. Sera ones are both expensive and not concentrated at all. I tried it before. I am currently dosing seachem comprehensive twice a week and equilibrium with every water change for now, until the bottle ends. Aquasoil seem to do good for root feeders. No sign of N deficiency on any plant including floaters even tho I barely read nitrate, as expected. I was planning to go for Tropica Premium like Colu as well, after seeing premium containing ammonium. Seemed like the best bet. What would you prefer in this scenario?
  18. Hey @Cory, As you mentioned above, Tropica Premium does not have N. However, once I checked, generally the N source in fertilizers (like Tropica Specialised version) commonly include ammonium, as it seems good for plant use. Do you think ammonium in fertilizers can be harmful for fish and inverts, or is it safe? Would it have increased toxicity with higher ph and temps like the ammonia-ammonium form changes in general, or remains as ammonium no matter what? You probably had a chance to work on this one while creating easy green, so I would love to hear your opinion. Does N source in easy green also include ammonium as well? I cannot decide which way to choose for my understocked densely planted tank. All in ones with N seems like a better option, but potentially harming fish/inverts seems scary. Hoping the answer would also help @Colu Many thanks in advance,
  19. @knee she sent me these before, if it is clear enough. Maybe it gives an idea until she comes up with better ones once she sees your msg!
  20. babies! there is even a tinier one in the middle! adorable
  21. What are your water parameters afterall? I believe you should first test your water parameters and then decide to add anything that will affect it in a way. Maybe your water already covers the needs of your fish and you can easily use another substrate that you can grow plants better on? Or you can play around adding stuff in different ways in case your parameters are not meeting their needs, instead of using it directly as a substrate. Even if you go for crushed corals, you should be able to monitor and test your water closely to see its effect anyway. So test kit first. Decisions regarding stuff that affect parameters as a second step.
  22. Swordtails and mollies are literally bullies. I can imagine! After seeing the topic here someones rams eating even adult shrimp, I would be scared of them with snails too. But maybe it is about developing a taste again. But I’ve never kepts rams, so no experience whatsoever here I love snails a lot! And mysteries indeed have lots of chars 😄 they are really fun to watch. But holy cow they are always hungry🤣 they eat at least 4-5x more than my rabbits do daily.
  23. Sadly goldfish is not a good tank member to most community tanks and has very few tankmates that you can keep them with, due to them trying to eat everything and preferring different water parameters than most community fish. I would not keep a goldfish with any of these options, they would surely try to eat any of them tbh, and mystery snails and kuhlis would prefer warmer temps while hillstreams would want high flow which are both bad for goldfish. @knee wouldnt rams may hurt mystery snails? I’ve never kept them together but antennas may be too tempting
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