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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. Has been times mine took more than an hour which normally is very abnormal as they molt in seconds. So they were struggling a lot for some reason. Rarely happens but still do somehow. Especially in old ones, from my experience. I would recommend letting it to sit further in the tank for a while next time to see if anything changes. As long as you have calcium magnesium as well as trace elements they need, meet their water parameters and feed them well from time to time, you can’t do much I bet. I’ve lost 2 juviniles as well in my new tank and there is no reason why they failed molting. It happens
  2. Snails wont kill a shrimp. They will only eat the dead body. are you sure it was dead? Sometimes mine looks dead when they have a struggle molting but they actually molt after some time. Pretty sure lots of people act quick on them being dead and potentially throw them away earlier than they may die. here is what I mean: I had this happening 5 times. 3 survived, 2 died. also shrimp needs enough trace elements and calcium/ magnesium to molt. However anything less than require may lead to elastic shell so they cant molt. Anything too hard means they cant break the molt again. So enough is what they actually need, from what I know.
  3. As far as I know, you have to break something inside to be able to place airstone there. You may find plenty of videos where to cut on youtube. I personally dont use my sponge with airstone in it. I find airstone more annoying 😄 but I remember seeing videos showing how to do it in other sponge filters too
  4. wait,, pond snails are not plant safe? I didn't know that
  5. These sort of questions require information such as tank size and water parameters. A fish that can potentially live with a molly but maybe not suitable for your water or X gallon tank that you are keeping your molly in. So it would be nice if you may provide information and people who have experience with mollys may help further
  6. If you are not planning to introduce an established filter, or any sort of live bacteria, your tank is unlikely to "cycle" in 3 weeks. You should monitor that one with constant testing, and you will need an ammonia source if you want to do a fishless cycle. In a 75g, I would do a tiger barb tank. A good group of them. they look amazing, super active and lots of character. Greens and golds look amazing as well! And if I am not wrong, all will school together as they are all tiger barbs. IF you want different colors, something you may consider. They all look like centerpiece fish themself. I'm not sure how they would go with kuhlis tho. @nabokovfan87 may have an opinion as he kept them before.
  7. Seiryu stones may affect water parameters a lot, something to keep in mind. Not everything may enjoy potentially high kh and somehow gh setup.
  8. I think there is a bug. I usually dont get a pm notification as well lately.
  9. I sent you a pm today about him. He is acting funny. Closing up a lot lately. Everything testing perfectly fine. Did a water change just in case. Feeding twice a day including snello. Idk what is up with him. He opened up today after 3 days but an hour ago I checked the tank and he dropped himself to ground again and closed up. There is literally nothing can potentially bully him in the tank too. Rick does not give a duck about him. I'm lost.
  10. You made him blush. He is ready to steal the heart of your girls ;D Do mystery snails get closer to wild colors if different color breed, like shrimps?
  11. Interesting. I've even seen even otos going crazy for the tabs! Well no predators here. Except rummy noses predating amazon frogbit roots. 😄 My fish go crazy over it! The surely enjoy bbs, tubifex and bloodworms too 😄 I am having hard time to supply bbs lately. And my lfs has frozen food that are out of date. I fed them, they feed them to their own fish as well. No side effects as they are frozen and never thawed but I can't be sure and scared to cause any potential harm. They are not getting new frozen food sadly :')
  12. Those rainbow shiners are looking amazing, especially when they swim through higher light area in the middle. 😍
  13. I'm not sure if they can be considered shrimp safe tbf. They are super active and hungry creatures. Maybe adult safe
  14. I think ottos are pretty good nocturnal eaters. I would feed them repashy when the lights are off if platies compete them for food, if they accept repashy. Brown diatom grows with silicate, so I bet it would be hard to grow without a new substrate or if your water already does not include some already People heavily fertilize and leave the rock pieces on sunlight to grow algae on them and put them in the tanks in a row. you may try that one!
  15. @GCH hey there, Try to tag (@theirname) or quote people's posts when you are responding one, so they may recieve a notification! That way, people won't not miss your response. Hope this helps,
  16. Baking soda may increase KH, but I don't think it provides calcium. Be careful with using baking soda no matter what. It can increase kh pretty hard from what I've heard, even in small amounts. Rick had a damage once on the end of it's shell as well but he repaired himself. Idk about crack going through whole shell. How's your snail acting afterall? Maybe you can see the damaged part repaired itself on Rick's shell upper side. Also @Chick-In-Of-TheSea, @Guppysnail. Maybe you guys have any experience @Guppysnail you were one minute faster than me tagging you! 😄
  17. It looks like this That's good. you can also feed special shrimp foods if you like. There are ones that cover general needs. But neocaridinas generally do well with lots of stuff. Shrimp also need enough calcium and magnesium content in the water as well as trace elements for a healthy molting. So food is not enough alone. I feel like your shrimp just can be old. Or maybe there is a stress factor and not ideal water parameters. Or maybe it is just a low grade female. What are your water parameters/do you dose anything? Keeping ideal parameters and more importantly keeping it stable is important for shrimp in general. Also shrimp sometimes look dead but they might be having a hard time molting instead. Let them be. I've seen it 3 times until now and every time they managed to molt after an hour or so. I feel like they have harder time when they get older. Here is what I mean:
  18. It's app readings are very bad, in my experience. No matter how cycled your tank is, it shows nitrite. It has very unstable readings. I've tested them multiple times in a row. It read most stuff different in a row. It once showed me 9.3 ph while I had 8.0. LOL It shows 0 nitrate all the time, while I clearly see pink on nitrate bar. So yea, I am definitely on the team of liquid test kits. BUT, I have been using only test strips until a very recent time and still haven't run any issues. I guess I was more happy with JBL easy test strips tho. Probably going back to JBL again after I finish tetra ones. I love tetra's products in general, especially their heater is my fav, but test strips didn't do it for me. to visualise, these are the test results I got in a row: Meanwhile liquid test kits read 8.0 ph and 6 gh.
  19. I've never had a dedicated shrimp tank tho. I've always been keeping shrimp in my community tanks. I feel like it would be much easier to keep shrimp in shrimp only tanks. Therefore, they get what food is being dropped to the community tank. I do have a special shrimp food as well, but there is no way for me to track who eats what when I drop them in the tank. All I can say is they basically eat everything different every day of the week including some crab cuisine and shrimp food, and I dose equilibrium and tropica premium nutrition so I know the water has calcium/magnesium content as well as trace elements. Also they probably enjoy snail poops as well 😄 But yea, anything below 6 gh didn't work well for me. Aquaticarts seems to recommend a least 6 gh as well which seems parallel to my experience
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