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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. would severums be shrimp safe tho? 😄
  2. Great! Thanks. I mainly want it for night time as well. But I would probably keep it on all day long as I don't dose co2 anyway. Airstone causes so much noise and splash. Diffusers seems to have much smaller bubbles and seems to cause much less noise, but probably a less surface agitation I assume. I'm happy to hear that. Do you think Tetra APS 50 would be enough to make it work? What have you been using yours with? yea Tetra APS 50
  3. Why not? I've never heard such a thing before. If the pressure would be enough to make the air diffuser work.
  4. Hey guys, I hope everyone is doing well. I've been searching for quality of life upgrade for my planted tank. As the plants get denser and I started keeping fish that enjoy higher oxygen content in the water, I've decided to add an extra air stone or air diffuser. I don't wanna worry about the oxygen content in the water. I am currently using only AC50 in a 33g (50cm cube). It is kinda hard to utilize an airstone in a AC50 to me, as my bag is full of media already. I've been introducing airtsone after water changes and to break some surface biofilm, if needed. The tank has no lid and is being kept at 25C, if it is gonna be related to any answers. I have a USB air pump and a Tetra 50. Would Tetra be suitable for the below-mentioned air diffuser as well? planning to get this one: https://www.aquasabi.com/AQUARIO-Neo-Air-Diffusor-Curved-Special-Medium If anyone has experience with air diffusers, are they hard to clean or do they clog to fast? Airstones cause lots of splash in my experience, even if the pump flow rate is leveled down. My water leaves lots of white residue with each splash on top, it is kinda annoying. One of the main reasons why I don't keep a lid, it would be covered with white residue nonstop. So would air diffusers cause less splash but provide enough oxygen still? Would love to hear opinions/experiences of yours! Especially regarding air diffusers. Many thanks in advance,
  5. That was enlightening. Thanks a lot. I will keep trying to do my best for them.
  6. Splitfin flashlightfish I guess. They are saltwater
  7. Many thanks @Odd Duck, It happened in minutes in front of me. They were all healthy, then I was doing the maintenance of my 29g in the same room, I checked what the guys are doing again after I was done with the 29g and found it flipped back on a plant leaf laying like that. touched it, and it fell down. It was pretty unexpected. they were moving from one leaf to another, seemed like enjoying the tank, eating normally, grazing around. That surprised me a lot. Like no symptoms at all, acting like a normal healthy fish. That was weird. Thanks a lot again for the explanations. Anything I can do for the gas situation as a fishkeeper? I'm feeding either crushed pellets or bottom wafers spared into very small pieces so they get soaked and dusty easily, I bet they hardly trap any gas in them. I'm scared to feed other guys lol. Would overfeeding cause any harm until they get in shape?
  8. Thanks @Colu I hope I don’t face any more losses. Considering if I should skip feeding them this evening, maybe they were super hungry and ate a lot :,) They spend max. 10 min in bag from store to my home, but yea it can be stressful anyway. I just drip acclimate them with stressguard all the time to help with it a lil bit for 45 min or so. There was something wrong with it def, but I don’t know what. I’ve just visited my LFS. All the ones they have looked healthy and they said they haven’t faced any issues. We checked the others together but couldn’t see anything similar on others. Just weird.
  9. I got 2 of them on last Sunday and 2 another on monday after reading they like to be in groups. They were kinda skinny in the store so I fed the tank a bit heavily, also mainly due to they are juviniles and wanted to make sure mystery snails and pygmys not competing them. Today they got Sera Spirulina tabs as morning meal as their last meal. they constantly graze on catappa leaves and on plants/glass/rocks too. So they have full belly since I got them all from the store and started feeding in my tank, idk specifically when I got them seperately, but all max in 3 days which means pretty new in any case. Water temp is 25C and It is a 33g running with a AC50. I only add an airstone after water changes and if I see any sort of biofilm on top, I add it to break it. the tank is densely planted. I don't think the oxygen level would be that high to be toxic to fish as well with only one HOB tbh. It was on its side being sucked in the prefilter sponge, and now seeing this bubble there, made me question if there is a relation.
  10. Hey guys, Sadly I have lost my first fish after maybe years of not losing any new fish. It has been active and eating. It has not shown any sign of disease or bloating, and I am pretty much shocked tbh. Today, when I woke up, I saw one of the red lizards was sucked in on its side on the HOB prefilter sponge. I don't know which one, they are all similar. I found it weird as normally they were grazing on it, thought maybe the sucking power was too strong somehow, which I don't think so ( it is an Aquaclear50). Anyway, at least there was a fine sponge, and when I saved the fish, it was moving pretty okay, so I didn't think of any problems. It didn't seem to have any body deformity. After around 6-7 hours, the guy randomly died. He has been active and moving around nonstop. I'm still shocked. When I checked his body, he seemed to have something like a small bubble inside its belly. Could it be caused of being sucked in the sponge, or some sort of disease? I am not good with diseases. I test the water everyday whenever I add new fish. Nitrate lower than 10, Ammonia and Nitrite always 0, gh is around 8, kh 19, ph. 8.0-8.2. Thanks for the help in advance, Here are the pics of the fish: Before someone else tags you, @Colu, @Odd Duck :')
  11. Once my LFS carried them. I remember reading lots of confusion back then. I was deciding between them and honey gouramis. Some say they are honey gourami variant(red honeys). Some say they are a hybrid of thick lips. Even their scientific class changes in every site 😄 So yea that is a bit confusing. I'm not sure what they are really
  12. The ones come to my mind are: Moonlight Gourami Red Robin Gourami Gouramis are great
  13. that's an aspect of the toxic part tho. It does not have to be deadly poisonous to be considered toxic. It causing any potential harm whether minor or not still makes them toxic. And pothos may lead in very serious situations in some rare cases, which is better to avoid just in case imo
  14. @Guppysnail pothos is toxic to cats tho, that was lucky to see no harm. I guess some pothos like goldens are even more toxic if I'm not wrong
  15. My L199 barely uses its ceramic cave. Is it weird? He likes cave looking gaps created between driftwoods. Rabbit snails use its cave LOL
  16. All recomendations are great! Sunshine is being my fav from all abovementioned ones like @mynameisnobody mentioned. I wanna add Sultan pleco(L264) to the suggestion list. I think they look amazing, especially with the contrast the white color they have at the end of their fins/tail. I like vampire plecos as well! As a pleco lover, I would also suggest checking for whiptails. Those oddball guys brought so much character to my new tank. Highly recommended. And you can easily home bigger ones in a 90g! And from my only a few days old experience, they are not shy like plecos, although they move around more during the night time, they still spend lots of time outside not hiding. But @Biotope Biologist mentioned they can be shy especially if they are wildcaught. Good thing to keep in mind. Mine are tank-bred. I'm not sure if plecos would push them out of the food. Plecos can be a lil pushy. Also, I highly recommend this youtube channel if you want lots of pleco info and more. She's great. https://www.youtube.com/@FreshwaterIchthyology
  17. Hope that's me one day 🙂 I would love to see my pygmys having babies.
  18. Understandable! I just create my own dosing pattern tbh 😄 and just making sure not overdosing at once, it helps me to know overdosing limit 😄 I ended up getting Tropica Premium Nutrition. As I mentioned I already have aquasoil as it has N 0.332%, P 0.094% and K 1,090 from the macros, it seems good for now as I mainly have root feeders. I dose Equilibrium with water changes and have a seperate Potassium bottle in case needed. I've also increased the tankmates to 16 pygmy cories, 2 mystery snails, 2 nerites, and 4 red lizard whiptails, and shrimps in total, so I feed the tank more often as most of them are juviniles and snails do poop A LOT. I think I will have good amount of N and P coming from that perspective for floating plants and java fern. Also I have around 10-20 nitrate in my tap water, so I add nitrate with water changes anyway, but I keep the water changes minimal, around %15 once a week at this point. So not a huge addition but still something. Let's see how it will go
  19. It's corn! What a corn-tastic day it is! Enjoy,
  20. Lately, I started having my MTS population going backwards. I had a huge boom when I had to leave the town and had my parents take care of the tank for some time. Meanwhile hair algae bloomed as well. It takes time, but correct what is going wrong in the tank. There should be something going wrong. It took me 4-5 months to keep the tank balance back. Keep up with maintenance, try adding stuff that competes them for food, and I believe it should be fine. Like adding nerites for algae competetion, bottom dwellers for cleaning up extra food on the bottom of the tank, and keeping up with maintenance and gravel vacs so no mulm/detrius left for them to feed on. also try to not leave decaying plant matter in the tank. Basically try eliminating food source in short, but everything I mention here is actually a food source for them, so try eliminating them all and/or add some sort of competition. That way they balance their population out. I've seen my MTS outcompeting bladder snails for food sources and they eliminated their population as a whole. Assasin snails become the next infestation as they also breed A LOT, and you may not notice how many you have in your substrate, like MTS. I never added assasin snails and I would not advice them to be added tbh. Cause they are opportunistic carnivores that you gotta feed after some time anyway, and they reproduce fast enough to become the next "pest snail" which don't have clean up crew benefits.
  21. Pretty understandable! Also tortoises are one of the hardest pets I've ever owned. Their diet changes between the species a lot, but they enjoy eating wild plants/weeds/flowers and it is their main diet. I'm glad we have plenty stuff to grow in the garden for them and collect wild weeds/flowers outside, but it would be pretty hard to keep them healthy otherwise. They are def not suitable for home imo. They have UV light needs, additives for their shells, very varying diet that don't benefit from any supermarket foods mostly, and mine never eaten any herbivore pellets I've tried, so never accepted dry food. So they are def hard to take care of. And huge lifespan! In the first two years, we had to keep them at home as they were easy to prey on for wild birds etc. and they were sensitive. Now they are outside enjoying their garden since last spring.
  22. @jwcarlson they are adorable. We have 4 mediterranean tortoises we adopted as babies from my mom's friend, as hers are busy breeding nonstop. She was rehoming the babies so we directly went for it! They are adorable, now they grew up a lil bit as they are 2 years old. Here is a grumpy baby pic of one of my tortoises when we got them:
  23. I’m so glad they are banned here. They were living the life of bettas in plastic tubs. Meanwhile turtles have lots of needs and very big spaces. Just sad
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