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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. you have a few valid points, changing water in such a small container is annoying however as i said, reaching in is annoying, and fungus can spread much faster in a smaller area
  2. @xXInkedPhoenixXwhere did you find this plant? Do you have any yourself? ?
  3. i dont think it is that important. the one time i hatched eggs it was in a catch cup, and the eggs tumbler makes it harder to access the eggs, as you need to reach down into it, and its rather narrow
  4. that is fascinating.It looks more like a geometry project or a mosaic than a floating plant. I bet if you took a good picture of just the top, on a white background. Most non fish people would think it was a mosaic or something
  5. @Fish Folk has a special regular customer fish list, you need to spend a minimum amount of money at that sight to unlock it.
  6. to not have to squeeze anything i will put my dirty filter media in a bucket and than water change into that bucket, doing my best to hit the filter media with the high stream of water coming out of the tank. It works great for me. @TeeJay@Guppysnail
  7. getting kinda off topic, but i have no triliniatus cories, i made this my profile picture when i joined, and havent changed it. Sorry @TheSwissAquarist
  8. thanks! I will make sure to get one soon.
  9. @AllFishNoBrakes so you just take out infertile eggs with your hand?
  10. if you get something like a carbon infused pad that Aquariumcoop and others sell, you could wrap it around the sponge filter, and make it stay with a rubber band.
  11. i can understand that, im thinking of switching mine up myself, to a fish that i have, not a random internet photo. Id do my panda garra, or one of my favorite looking platies.
  12. if the tannins are an issue, you could remove them with some carbon
  13. For the past few months i have not at all been successful breeding corydoras. I have 1 juvenile i bred right now. But its always the same issue i have with the eggs, they dont hatch, even though i can see there are fertile ones in there. My question here, is How do you seperate your fertile and non-fertile eggs, i keep trying and nothing really works.
  14. My cories will eat their own eggs, but not as much as the platies, who swarm around the poor female cories, waiting for them to deposit so they can snack. However, ive never seen my Betta, or Panda Garra eating any eggs.
  15. those fish are real good looking! i only wonder how fish can be that colorful in the wild, as it would make them much easier to see by predators. Man that darter though... if it was readily available in this hobby, id get one. But i dont call myself an expert, and im worried if i got some to breed for conservation purposes, id just end up killing them.
  16. in theory rams need sand, from experience ive heard people say that they will do fine without it.
  17. when you got more plants, did you leave them in the pot? And where did you get them? my only guess is a fertilizer pellet from the farm in the rockwool, that could have caused the spike. the ACO root tabs shouldnt be adding anything bad to the environment.
  18. maybe a barb? Such as a gold or odesesa? they dont care about flow, and will tolerate cold water fine.
  19. Nice! What is that big stem in the corner?Maybe try a group of Honey Gouarmis?
  20. I have a bottle of seachem stability that i got last year for cycling my tank. Now i am setting up a new tank (2.5gallon cherry shrimp tank), and was wondering if my bottle was still good. On the bottle it claims that it expires in 5 years, but i doubt this. So as the title would infer, at what point does this product expire.
  21. can you post a picture of the 4-5gallon tank? Nice planted tank though, what size is it? 37gallon?
  22. Definetly depends on the betta, you might get a shy one, that it stresses it out, you might get an agressive one that bullies them, or you might get one in between. I know this might not be on your plans, but I highly reccomend a trio (1male 2Females) of platies, i just really like them.
  23. it should be fine, it looks like what i see in my infusoria culture all the time, just the little bugs, they are probably too small for the big fish to notice or want to eat.
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