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On 5/26/2022 at 8:03 PM, jwcarlson said:

I guess what I'm trying to say is I'd get like 90% of the functionality that I need with just one of the single plugs.  But before centralizing all this I had a extension cords and stuff because our utility room has only one outlet (for the dryer).  And four of them right on the other side of the wall.

Totally makes sense!

I would like to:

1. Shut off the filter for feeding,
2. Shut off the air when need be
3. Shut on/off the CO2 when need be
4. Skimmer on/off
5. aux pump on/off

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On 5/26/2022 at 9:55 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

I am surprised the co-op doesn't have these!  Seems like a perfect replacement from what the saltwater guys have to something we needed on the fresh side.  How have you felt about the purchase using yours?

Oh.... it's worse now. 😕

The original location, if we are standing in front of the tank looking at it. the front left leg was 3/4 inch off level (left to right, and front to back which made it difficult to shim).  The back left and front right legs were off about 1/8-1/2".

On the new locations, I've placed the tank into it's spot, the floor itself slopes about.... 1/2-3/4" left to right on the tank. The shims work, it's "fine" but I was basically maxing out the adjustable legs on the stand.  The issue with the new location, apart from no power, is that it's directly next to 3 windows and if I mask off the side of the tank, you'd basically never be able to enjoy it.

Contemplating a new location, but at this point I'm going to end up with two tanks in my room and no desk to do any work.

Also, the composite shims I have, I haven't trimmed them, but the surface of the tile is very slick because of the "shiny" sealer they put on it.  Even with the tank full of water it was able to slide. Having the tank be in a location with minimal "accidental bumps" is now a priority.  I do have some wood shims, and I'm contemplating using those to add a bit more friction.  I also am contemplating running 2-3 of the ACO batter powered pumps during the summer just so I can have the tank set while we wait for the house to be painted and baseboards and all that to be finished. (still doesn't fix the floor issue)

Decisions decisions...

I think..... I can use an exercise machine mat to give the shims/tank a surface to sit on, that might be an option!

I love it, a true hobbyist . Always finding a way to get it done. I guess that’s some of the beauty of what we do. Always trying to make it work. Good luck. 

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On 5/26/2022 at 10:08 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Totally makes sense!

I would like to:

1. Shut off the filter for feeding,
2. Shut off the air when need be
3. Shut on/off the CO2 when need be
4. Skimmer on/off
5. aux pump on/off

It would be perfect for that, I think.  It has a "turn XYZ on (or off) after *whatever* minutes".  I've not had any issues with connection or anything.  It takes a couple minutes for it to set up in your app, but it's not a big deal at all.  I have things set up mainly for less chance of forgetting.  

I think it would be a good option for you.  I might buy a second one for my tank so that I can do some of what you're talking about (shutting air off for water change so things settle).  But then have it turn on every night at 8 PM or something so even if I forget it's only off for a half hour or something.

Personally, I'd say give it a shot.  It also has three USB ports (but they are NOT controllable).  I'm speaking specifically of mine which has six outlets and three USB.  I think they also make one with three outlets and two USB.

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Moved around a bunch of fish to make room for my new fish. First time owner of a Endlicheri Bicher he’s only about 10”. But he amazing. So glad I found him. Also moved jag synodontis he's liking his temporary dig until I can put him in another bigger tank.  Good times. 





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Today I found my first koi swordtails fry in my 29g. I put most of the swordtails out in my pond a couple of weeks ago but kept one pair indoors out of caution. The babies are very cute and already have their black spots. Photo shows why they may have been a couple of days old before I spotted them: crazy plant situation. 4595F37B-914F-4219-9489-1A48E453EF5D.jpeg.f08db7b90800451d41baba6ad8ad2fdf.jpegD73490A1-C1CE-4876-9CFF-C2A826063C91.jpeg.a4f87bb675e964bcd7860945bd12c6c4.jpeg



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So i spent about 2 1/2 hours this morning catching 3 under 1 inch pleco in a 10 gallon aquarium. When I first put them in the aquarium i figured it was only 10 gallons (actually back then it was a 5 gallon aquarium) how difficult can it be to get them out at a later date. Well now I know it can be a royal pain. So this is the aquarium i put them in (old picture):t2.jpg.80fbf9c242ca843bed676d59209f9c67.jpg


And then i upgraded it to this mess (new picture):



And those sneaky little devils said if ya want us out ya gonna have to work at it but after a few hours this is what I managed:



They will sit in there for about 24 hours and then i'll box them up and ship them but in all honestly it is a lot of work for fishes you have to pay to ship. I mean the cost of shipping isn't a big deal but nearly 3 hours of standing over the tank waiting for those little devils to surrender... It was a whole lot easier when I caught them in the 40 at 1/4 of an inch to put in the 5 in the first place - that took like 30 seconds. Anyway 24 hours of fasting - i'll give them a water change tonight before i go to sleep and again tomorrow when i put them in a bag and say good buy. Kind of going to miss them but if i kept them another 6 months they would just get larger and you really can't keep 3 bn in a 10.... it just doesn't work. Heck I had one in a 29 i had to give away because it tore the tank up (it was a male lemon that grew much larger than my other males - nearly 6 inches and it just tore the tank up - this is the tank it tore up; probably should have kept it as it was my nicest male - very dark yellow and very large but I didn't have the heart to evict my other males from their homes - oh well):


Rule #1 which i seem to always break; never get attach to a fish that you know you will have to give away in the future. You will regret it. I can't wait till i move then instead of getting rid of the fish i can just buy a new aquarium!

Edited by anewbie
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On 5/24/2022 at 6:07 PM, TheDukeAnumber1 said:

First Platinum Medaka fry of my tubbing season here in IL.



I have redcaps outside. I have 100s of those suckers already. I am in Chicago. Maybe at the end of tubbing season we could trade some medaka!

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On 5/30/2022 at 11:59 AM, Goosedub said:

I have redcaps outside. I have 100s of those suckers already. I am in Chicago. Maybe at the end of tubbing season we could trade some medaka!

Yeah for sure lets try to work something out, I'm a little south of Chicago. So far I'm getting good hatch rates, more eggs than I can raise, and atm things are good.


Today I needed to add feet to my DIY bbs hatchery stand. Foam dart heads, (nerf dart heads but not nerf), work quite well.




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Kasa plug is setup for CO2, I'll set up one for the skimmer when I get back to the room.  I removed the ziss bubble bio last night. 

Today: Moved the pandas OUT OF QT FINALLY.  I mean, 6 months QT is enough, right?  Kidding.  It's the tank I had around that could house the heat for them in the winter and I finally got the electricity put in for the sake of the tank now. I went to nail in the power strip and there's nothing on the wall to actually hold the nail in place (go figure).  It's hooked up to a pump right now and I have a ziss and 2 large sponge filters running, might add a second ziss to block more of the side light. (massive glass windows on either side of the tank)

I have to be patient, but I really want to move grace to the family tank, her tank essentially, with her panda bros.  She would have her cave back and she has more room to swim around.   It's been months of waiting for this...... It's so difficult to wait a few more.

The Fluval planted 3.0 light I had, 24" might end up on a 20: on my desk one day, but for now it's back into the bin of things for "later".  I cleaned up all the equipment and started to drain water.  Siphon set, put a piece of wood in the tank, but then I got distracted.....

First time I've ever done it, but I had around 1/2 gallon of water on the floor by the time I realized. The 5G was full and the siphon had thankfully paused.  The big power strip was right there too, easily could've been so much worse.

Fish are happier than I've seen them in such a long time.  They are swimming around like mid-level pygmys.  I'm so happy for the little pandas to have their home back.

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On 6/1/2022 at 11:24 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

First time I've ever done it, but I had around 1/2 gallon of water on the floor by the time I realized. The 5G was full and the siphon had thankfully paused.

I managed to overflow my 75 G one day with my arm in the tank because I got distracted fiddling with plants while filling it.  Saying that again, with my arm in the tank.  😆 😂 🤣 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤷🏻‍♀️  You don’t ever have to feel bad for getting a little water on the floor because I’ve been keeping fish since 1975 and overflowed it while looking right at/through the water.  I’m just glad yours didn’t get in your electrics.  Mine didn’t either, luckily.  Drip loops are important!

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On 6/2/2022 at 1:50 AM, Odd Duck said:

Saying that again, with my arm in the tank.  

Oh I've definitely attempted to flood things before. Usually it's "whoops" when you miss a hose or something. I felt bad because I knew I was walking into what would be 3-5G on the floor.

Also. This is done now. Not sure how to feel about it but I do like it "better than" the others because I feel like it's easier to know these are actually off. The mechanical one I had seemed to never want to go off when I was doing WCs.

I totally understand the zen of getting in and pruning and cleaning. It's one of the more enjoyable parts and why I really love having the planted tank aspect of the hobby. We all have our own little bonzai essentially.


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Last couple days I've been sorting my couple thousand fish and tank related pictures on the computer in to folders for easy access. Should have been doing the garden pictures too but oh well. Today I thought I'd try my hand at making a closed terrarium. Starting small and simple. An old dollar store jar, a little bit of volunteer garden pot mystery moss, sand from the new neighbors yard (sshhh lol) and a couple rocks. I didn't want to take all the moss but I'm an impatient person so may add more. I.d. welcome on the moss. I can't figure it out. Will be moving the final handful of guppies out of the house and into the garage tonight. Procrastinated with this mini project now have to cool off for a while. 





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On 5/18/2022 at 3:53 AM, anewbie said:

No pictures yet; but i spent a bit of time whipping my 5 gallon aquarium into a 10 gallon aquarium. It is amazing what a little bit of persuasion can do to an aquarium. Still a bit of a mess and the scaping isn't great. Bit concern because the fishes like to hide under the heater - need to add a bit of additional structure to encourage them to hide elsewhere.

I wish I was persuasive enough to turn a 5 gallon into a 10 gallon. The glass is usually stronger than I am. 😁

The second half of my rasbora school were finally ready at the LFS this week, I bet they're glad I can stop calling to see if they came in yet. The sparkling gourami was intrigued by the newcomers. (As was I; I had no idea they could get so pale! After a few days they're nearly as orange as the others.)IMG_20220531_141450__01__01.jpg.62bd7e98a055733559b803f3ee76803f.jpg

Yesterday I drilled a small hole in a storm window frame on the back porch to feed an air line through to the little patio pond. Now it's got a sponge filter running and just needs some plants to provide cover. I'm behind schedule but the weather just went from 40s to 80s and took me by surprise!

Edited by drewzero1
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Sadly i gave my white tank a massive hair cut; pre hair cut:



post hair cut:



OUCH! Well i had an infestation of bugs and i couldn't generate enough current with the plants on the surface to get rid of them. I'm sure in a year they will grow back and i"ll post an updated in a couple of months.  Mean while I think i'll have to hide so the fishes don't beat me up.

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What a weird one today.

It's sunday, so the obligatory WC happened.  I decided to attempt to use the python on the 29G tank. I realized I can hook up the hose to the python (and not need to detach the hose from the spigot) and then I can move the end of the python where I need it to drain for the sake of watering the plants and stuff.  It was a neat little "trick" I realized helps out slightly.  The exercise of using the python only really makes sense for me to do so when I'm not cleaning the filters because I don't have anything to squeeze sponge into.  In the tank in the front of the house, it's only running on sponge to make it easier to clean, so this was just a "test" of ease so to speak.

I'm standing there watching the siphon do it's thing and I realized why the background never stuck to the back of the tank.  I felt slightly derpy, but it's been a stressful few week so I'll excuse myself.  The local winds get into the insane speeds here and it usually means 70+ MPH at the front door and when the door opens I had the background fly off the tank a few times.  Right now I have it taped up to the back of the tank, but it's been 2 weeks or something and I just now realized the grid pattern that I was supposed to remove to expose the film itself which would adhere to the glass slightly better.  It's not adhesive, but I felt slightly dumb for completely not noticing a grid on the tank. Especially given how often I've stared at this thing and the herd of pandas.

I moved the decor a bit to give Grace the shark her space.  I had pushed the sponges further into the corners, but she was laying vertical trying to keep her head covered.  She has her wood in the tank now and it's her cave that she grew up with.  It's got this little eye hole in it and she would always hear us in the room and poke her head out to see who it was.  I'm hoping she goes back to that behavior, but I also know she wants to feel protected.  Hopefully the slight tweak means she feels like she has a place to hide.

What was pretty interesting was that I did find some bacterial slime on the underside of the lava rocks. It was a surprise of course, but makes a lot of sense. The flow on the tank is pretty decent and the underside of those rocks is probably the place the bacteria wants to be.  I didn't clean the sponges themselves, but it'll be something I keep an eye on over the next two to three weeks.  Since I don't have substrate on this tank, my hope is that I have an easier time keeping things clean with a quick gravel vac. I hope I don't have to lift up all the hardscape every time to get the gunk out.  That's ultimately why the sponges are there.

I added some boards to the bottom of the stand so I have something for chemicals and a place for the pump.  It almost feels like the family tank is actually in place and doing well.  I am excited for the day when I do get to wake up, see the kids eyeballing the panda herd or saying good morning to Grace and it's not just a thing that's there, but something they enjoy.

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On 6/5/2022 at 7:37 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

I am excited for the day when I do get to wake up, see the kids eyeballing the panda herd or saying good morning to Grace and it's not just a thing that's there, but something they enjoy.

It's become an almost daily ritual in our house over the last year for my 2YO kid to ask to go feed the fish in my basement office. He asks for the food, picks one algae wafer out of the jar, and drops it into the tank. I could not be more proud 😊

Usually he doesn't care to stick around and watch them eat, but I really enjoy when he sees them mob the wafer and says "num num num." It's a lot of fun keeping a family fish tank!

My local plant collection plans fell through so I stopped at a garden center to find some emergent plants: spiral rush and purple waffle. I'm going to need to adjust them up a bit (especially with the rain) but as long as they survive they should provide some cover against sun and surface critters.IMG_20220604_205117.jpg.ce48d5252330ec1fbc6b4eb38eec907d.jpg

I've wanted outdoor fish since keeping them in rain barrels as a kid. I'm excited to try this, but also nervous because I care a lot more about my fish now!

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So, last 2 weeks I've been cleaning off the porch (I get to replicate my actions, since everytime I got it really clean, a new lawn maintenance company came to show the apartments how not to use a blower).

Finally got the pond well cleaned (meaning all the pine pieces out, and cigarette butts from I don't know where) only to discover that I was not imagining it:

We had at least 3 females survive the winter, and they had fry!!! 

Caught what I could, returned the ones that are the epitome of healthy looking, with proper phenotype for my endlers.

Minimal water movement has been added, temp of the pond is 75.5 F even with our 90 F days. Pond only gets~40 minutes direct light in the morning (on north half the pond) and ~30 minutes direct light in the evening (eastern half of pond) as the sun sets. No algae, even though it was getting more direct light for the past 2 weeks while I rearranged and cleaned the porch. pH  was a rather surprising 8.0, especially considering all the pine needles that kept getting blown in🤷🏼‍♂️

Cottonwood branches are supporting some moss that seems to have survived the winter out there, as well. Lave rock on the bottom, I didn't do anything with it. Grateful for the miracle endlers, they've kept the mosquito population from doing anything. Sitting on the porch tonight listening to the water made up for not being able to walk my favorite trail on the river... forest fire 2 weeks ago jumped the river and did a lot of damage. My tanks are my nature outlet for now.20220527_154344.jpg.40364513695bae988dd755a978f0ad8f.jpg

The pond before I found out there were fish in there ^.^


Whale seems pretty happy in the retirement tank.


Installed a breeder jar in my danio/bachelor tank.

This is my bedside tank, and the danios already laid claim to the floating moss/plastci canvas for making out with a bit of privacy... but the bachelors would swim underneath and eat the caviar. Now, a flower vase with some plastic canvas cut to size, and 2 clear plastic cord clips are catching a good 90% of the eggs the danios drop. Hornwort is an experiment to see if it keeps water quality up and algae down in the glass.

Day 1, the glass has caught 30 eggs. I don't have anyone interested, so I may still feed to the bachelors. The more important point is, yes this works!


After I got the breeder vase established, I got the van towed tothe shop for repairs and tackled the porch:


Can you see the fishies? Apparently floating terrestial plant parts are delicious.


Easier to see the ladies from above. Nerm glitter is very prolific:

0 ammonia

0 nitrites

0 nitrates

150 ppm GH

180 ppm kH

pH after topping off the pond on Friday and letting everything settle before testing again today? 8.0 pH still. 

Endlers swim the full height of the pond, except during the hottest part of the day. Top 3" of water fluctuate from 74 F in the early morning, to 78 F at the peak heat of the day. This morning I noticed the water with direct sunlight was a little warmer than the rest of the pond, so added a tiny Aqueon HOB purely for a little movment until powerhead arrives (wasn't actually planning on adding fish until after, but...). Endlers immediately started swimming in the current and playing tag with each other.

Have a great week everybody!!!

We have a patio/porch inspection tomorrow, so I spent this evening making sure management couldn't make any complaints!




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On 6/6/2022 at 10:28 PM, Torrey said:

Finally got the pond well cleaned (meaning all the pine pieces out, and cigarette butts from I don't know where) only to discover that I was not imagining it:

I don't know the landscape, but is there any way to put it out of reach of the butts?  Maybe having it against the wall or something would stop whomever is flicking those in from doing it?  Maybe a sign that says "beware of fish"? 😂

On 6/6/2022 at 10:28 PM, Torrey said:

Cottonwood branches are supporting some moss that seems to have survived the winter out there, as well. Lave rock on the bottom, I didn't do anything with it. Grateful for the miracle endlers, they've kept the mosquito population from doing anything. Sitting on the porch tonight listening to the water made up for not being able to walk my favorite trail on the river... forest fire 2 weeks ago jumped the river and did a lot of damage. My tanks are my nature outlet for now.

😕 Hopefully everything is ok given the fire. It's always slightly concerning and went outside today to that all too familiar smoke smell.

I found this thismorning, It might not be exactly what fits the role, but I do enjoy a lot of these from this channel just for the sake of having the picture and noise.




On 6/6/2022 at 10:28 PM, Torrey said:

Endlers swim the full height of the pond, except during the hottest part of the day. Top 3" of water fluctuate from 74 F in the early morning, to 78 F at the peak heat of the day. This morning I noticed the water with direct sunlight was a little warmer than the rest of the pond, so added a tiny Aqueon HOB purely for a little movment until powerhead arrives (wasn't actually planning on adding fish until after, but...). Endlers immediately started swimming in the current and playing tag with each other.

Might be worth running some carbon due to the butts.  IDK.  I feel bad that it's happening to the little fish.

Very cool of you to share the pond.  One day I'll be able to enjoy one.

I'm glad you had the fun surprise of finding the fish!

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On 6/6/2022 at 11:37 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

I don't know the landscape, but is there any way to put it out of reach of the butts?  Maybe having it against the wall or something would stop whomever is flicking those in from doing it?  Maybe a sign that says "beware of fish"? 😂

I'm spending more time lurking on the porch, a little out of sight. I'm sure I'll be meeting the individual so I can thank them for trying to be fire safe, and help brainstorm some alternatives that don't involve butts in my pond. People occasionally mistake my kindness for gullibility, as they overlook my tenacity to their own detriment. 

Management asked why I sweep my rocks outside, and collect all the debris and throw it away, since they pay for lawn maintenance. I showed them my porch, my plants, my birdcage to keep the cats out of my plants.... and expalined that I figure if I keep my area clean to my specifications, their lawn company has no reason to be on my rocks with their blowers or cigarette butts making it so I have to clean again.

Since my apartment is "randomly selected" every time they need to show a property to the bank or investors/grant people (we're a mixed use property), they are obviously happy with how I keep it looking. So, by sharing some of the work I do, and why, hopefully planted a seed that will eliminate 2 problems at once... with zero complaints required.

I did move it back from the fencing around the patio to reduce accidental butts. If I move it any further away, it won't get any natural sun at all and the fish and plants don't do as well.

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After debating for a while whether I wanted to risk my two-year-old white cloud minnow group on my first attempt at a patio pond, today I decided to get some gold white clouds instead. They look great from above, especially their red fins; hopefully their bright colors don't make them an easy target for neighborhood critters. I spent the evening in the backyard grilling and chilling and watching the fish dart around. Not a bad end to the day!IMG_20220606_201827__01.jpg.5d8960f6720bf5c258986b2a955d8edf.jpg

Edited by drewzero1
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