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What's your dream aquarium product that doesn’t exist?


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I'd like a fish-to-fish communication system so when I'm catching fish, those I've already caught can radio back to those still in the old tank and tell them, "Hey! It's great here! Swim into the net and come join us!" My fish still in the tank think avoiding the net at all costs is mandatory while those I've already moved are settled down and enjoying their new tank. 

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On 12/29/2021 at 8:29 AM, gardenman said:

I'd like a fish-to-fish communication system so when I'm catching fish, those I've already caught can radio back to those still in the old tank and tell them, "Hey! It's great here! Swim into the net and come join us!" My fish still in the tank think avoiding the net at all costs is mandatory while those I've already moved are settled down and enjoying their new tank. 

Oh, I wish! That would be nice lol. And I could ask them if they like their aquariums, if they want food, etc. lol.

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On 12/29/2021 at 10:38 AM, gardenman said:

"...if they want food..." You don't have to ask my fish. The answer is always yes.

I guess lol. XD My platies always go crazy when they see me. It's not because they like me, It's because they are always hungry lol.

Edited by FishPlanet
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I need a contraption that separates my fry by gender for me. Sorting 100+ fry takes a long time with a net.

I need a small co-op net with clear netting at the least. So I can see what I'm doing. The black is hard to see through. @Cory Any potential for a clear/fine white net in the future? Or a net with an offset section in the handle to press the basket flush to the tank side on a rimmed tank... To limit escapees while identifying/sorting? Of course I may just need to learn a better method to sort my babies/teenagers...

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On 1/10/2022 at 12:51 AM, Minanora said:

I need a contraption that separates my fry by gender for me. Sorting 100+ fry takes a long time with a net.

I need a small co-op net with clear netting at the least. So I can see what I'm doing. The black is hard to see through. @Cory Any potential for a clear/fine white net in the future? Or a net with an offset section in the handle to press the basket flush to the tank side on a rimmed tank... To limit escapees while identifying/sorting? Of course I may just need to learn a better method to sort my babies/teenagers...

Not quite what you asked for, but I use shrimp nets for small fish.  The mesh is white, the net stays open instead of collapsing like conventional nets, and it will bend so you can put the edge flat against the glass on tanks with rims.

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On 1/10/2022 at 11:10 AM, JettsPapa said:

Not quite what you asked for, but I use shrimp nets for small fish.  The mesh is white, the net stays open instead of collapsing like conventional nets, and it will bend so you can put the edge flat against the glass on tanks with rims.

I need to invest in one anyway so this is a good idea. I'll give it a try. I was using a very small net before but the guppies are just too fast and too plentiful. A Small Co-Op net is the perfect size, but it's hard to see through sideways and see gravid spots looking downward because it's black.

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I wish there was a sleeve for my gravel vac that would allow mulm and detritus to be sucked up, but not fry. I use a stocking over the vac now so fry do not get sucked in, but that leaves a lot of crud on the tank floor.

I'd want something that is snug and clings like the stocking, is easy to remove when not needed, but with larger 'pores'.



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On 1/17/2022 at 5:57 PM, castiel said:

One of those electronic sensor sticks like the TDS readers that can read PH, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, GH, KH, and TDS. I'm not sure if that's going to be possible anytime soon but it would make life so much easier.

As you probably know, digital temperature meters do exist, but what you may not know is that both PH, and KH meters exist, but they are a little pricey. I’m not sure about the others, though.

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On 1/17/2022 at 6:47 PM, Guppy Guy said:

As you probably know, digital temperature meters do exist, but what you may not know is that both PH, and KH meters exist, but they are a little pricey. I’m not sure about the others, though.

I was aware of that but I've only seen them as separate systems, what I was envisioning would be all of the tests in one device. 

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i would love a fish food that you could feed to every fish for example youcould feed an oscar and a goldfish and both of the fish could get the nutrients they need 

and a nano remote control rover that colud go in your tank and fix thing that you would have to destroy your tank to get like could replant your plant that is in the back corner of your tank

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On 1/10/2022 at 1:51 AM, Minanora said:

Of course I may just need to learn a better method to sort my babies/teenagers...

I use a specimen container and small shrimp net with my coop net. Coop nets them into the container tiny shrimp net sorts. Also I press the coop net to the tank flat to trap. Those nets are durable and flexible I do not know how I lived without them. 

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On 1/22/2022 at 7:30 AM, Guppysnail said:

I use a specimen container and small shrimp net with my coop net. Coop nets them into the container tiny shrimp net sorts. Also I press the coop net to the tank flat to trap. Those nets are durable and flexible I do not know how I lived without them. 

I'm going to try your method instead of trying to find the right fish in the black net and getting them out.

What size CoOp net are you using? I use the small. I have a shrimp net coming on Tuesday.

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On 1/22/2022 at 11:18 AM, Minanora said:

I'm going to try your method instead of trying to find the right fish in the black net and getting them out.

What size CoOp net are you using? I use the small. I have a shrimp net coming on Tuesday.

Nano if I’m “trying”🤣 for one. Small for netting into specimen container I usually scoop about 10 with that. Medium to mass scoop to go to lfs. I also remove 10- 20 % of the water and hang the spec cup inside the tank to keep warm and well I’m incredibly messy 🤪

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On 1/22/2022 at 8:30 AM, Guppysnail said:

Nano if I’m “trying”🤣 for one. Small for netting into specimen container I usually scoop about 10 with that. Medium to mass scoop to go to lfs. I also hang remove 10- 20 % of the water and hang the spec cup inside the tank to keep arm and well I’m incredibly messy 🤪

I feel like when you're trying to catch one in particular, they know.... The one you want gains super speed and teleportation, one group tries to get in the net, another group blocks your view of the fish you're chasing and the remaining block the view of everything, hoping for food.


Another invention that would be cool is if the aquarium glass was an interactive touchscreen display. So I could pull up my calendar or spreadsheet and make notes right on the tank.

Edited by Minanora
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On 1/22/2022 at 10:40 AM, Minanora said:

Another invention that would be cool is if the aquarium glass was an interactive touchscreen display. So I could pull up my calendar or spreadsheet and make notes right on the tank.

This would be brilliant!  I make notes on the contents of each tank in my phone, but sometimes I forget to make notes and then I’m like, “Well, that’s clearly a Fissidens and I only put fontanus and ‘Thailand’ into that tank.  It doesn’t look quite right for ‘Thailand’, so it must be fontanus.  And, “Was this the Ludwigia glandulosa ‘Diamond’ or the ovalis?”

And can we make it an app that syncs with the phone/tablet?

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On 1/22/2022 at 11:40 AM, Minanora said:

Another invention that would be cool is if the aquarium glass was an interactive touchscreen display. So I could pull up my calendar or spreadsheet and make notes right on the tank.

I could use that, especially so the tank will remind me to do water changes 😂. It should be like one of those refrigerators with the digital calendar built into it.

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Would love a snail eliminator, got one pond infested by mistake and while they're not meant to eat plants being bladders they certainly do, dead fish, fish eggs, anything and everything. The guppy grass suddenly started getting lower and lower in the water, the snails have been eating it from the bottom up, soon there will just be tops then nothing. Chemicals cause a massive die off which is a problem. ideally i want them all to climb out and stay out. A certain number do that, which I can then just dust off the brick tank wall.....now if they all did that i would so happy.......thinking of something like a snail sound wave or predator pheromone that creeps them right out of there?

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On 1/25/2022 at 2:44 AM, Anton said:

Would love a snail eliminator, got one pond infested by mistake and while they're not meant to eat plants being bladders they certainly do, dead fish, fish eggs, anything and everything. The guppy grass suddenly started getting lower and lower in the water, the snails have been eating it from the bottom up, soon there will just be tops then nothing. Chemicals cause a massive die off which is a problem. ideally i want them all to climb out and stay out. A certain number do that, which I can then just dust off the brick tank wall.....now if they all did that i would so happy.......thinking of something like a snail sound wave or predator pheromone that creeps them right out of there?

I believe that you are talking about needing an assassin snail😁


This baby just cleaned up 3 bladder snails. 

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