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what did i do today?

despite my orginazation i somehow missplaced my krilll spirulina flake, ill need to find that.

still feeling 🤮 which led to this fun activity:


fish are doing fine, ill do a longer post in the morning.

i should get some BBS setup in my ziss hatchery tonight, so @TheSwissAquaristwe can keep competing, though i dont know what your "trick" is. Though it really depends how im feeling, as long as parameters are stable i will probably skip the WC tommorow, because i dont want to make a stupid mistake and ruin my floor if im not feeling well.

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test results are in!

nitrate are not too high, ill skip a WC this week to prevent futher damage.

platies say hi:


this guy has got himself a girl! he'll probably keep her for 1 minute, maybe2 before another male chases him off. ( i have too many males in my tank right now, @The endler guyyou want any?)

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it been a while since ive fed this, so FD tubifex today,the platies were more excited then the cories.


corydoras got a cube on the bottom, and garra guy has decided to share with the cories as appose to the platies:



ive learned that if i only put 1 cube in, the platies dominate it, so i give 2 cubes on different areas, and they both get get the yummy? worms.

my one concern is thh platies have finished their cube already (with 30 hungry platies, they can decimate food)and will go after the bottom cube.

ive got a bunch of chores to do today, then i have track and field tryouts (im a runner), and if i have time in between im going to try to go to the LFS, just to talk to them about things like raising BBS to adults...( @TheSwissAquaristim joking, if i knew how to do it, it would ruin the fun).

fortunatly to help with my chores, i have a great playlist:


a bunch of aquarist podcast episodes. @Randyim a big fan of your podcast.

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@nabokovfan87we've talked previously about keeping a breeder box clean, so how did i do?


i siphoned out most of the mulm. as for corydora fry i count 7 full sized, and 1 runted one (not sure how that happened). They are probably getting too big for the breeder box at this point, but they are too small to be released, and id put them in the 2gallon with the platy fry, but there is a sick adult in there, so for now they will live in the breeder box, its been like 2weeks, they are growing FAST.

they are around 2weeks old and are around 1/2in long, for a 2.5in fish, thats insane, i fed live BBS for the first week, now its just been Easy Fry and Small Fish Food, if the growth rate continues ill be able to get my friend some sooner then i thought.

Ive tried and the wont eat sinking wafers and pellets yet, they can nibble at them, but dont really seem to be eating them. I should try to get them on the wafers though, just for conveniences when they get rehomed. (they should learn to eat the wafers eventually, the parents eat them fine).


Also a good tip to keep in mind, pay attention to your siphoning, i thought i stopped the siphon, but water ended up getting on my floor, as i didnt really.

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On 2/26/2023 at 4:17 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

 But then if we go over to the meme thread…….

well, you did warn us about that though.

oh come on.

17 comments a day isn't that bad.

but in all seriousness i use the edit feature SO much to try to avoid spam, but if its been a  hour or two, (or more)and its a new topic, then i will just post it as a new post.

So said, i just got back from track "tryouts" its a good thing its a no cut team, because i was NOT at my best today. Cramps...🙄

Fish are doing fine, ill post more pictures for the fun of it, and then if anyone wants we can just chat, sounds good?


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On 2/26/2023 at 7:58 AM, Theplatymaster said:

test results are in!

nitrate are not too high, ill skip a WC this week to prevent futher damage.

platies say hi:


this guy has got himself a girl! he'll probably keep her for 1 minute, maybe2 before another male chases him off. ( i have too many males in my tank right now, @The endler guyyou want any?)

No thanks I got plenty of fish as it is

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my BBS are still alive! its been 22hours.

Ive been squirting in  pipettes of green water sporadically, im hoping that with a cleaner food like green water, ill lead to less water quality issues from the rotting food itself.

some pictures: (the green water culture has the air stone in it):




and since chances are the rest of you dont follow this journal for my funny contest with @TheSwissAquarist

ill just post  pictures for you all to enjoy/grimace at my photography skills:


Baby cories that by age are babies (aprox 2weeks), but by size are juvinilles (all but the runt are 1/2 inch, or 1.25cm for any followers outside the US)


These gals have another week till they give birth, but im being impatient with them, as with many of us I WANT FRY NOW!!!


Hair algae is still outbreaking (slower ever since i turned down the light) but its not hurting anything, so im not doing anything, my big complaint is that its GREY, if it was green it could at least look good, maybe i need to give it some easy iron or something to change its color).



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feeding time:

most of the fish found algae wafers to eat, John got some betta pellets delivered right to his house (his root tab tunnel, that he basically lives in).

but it seems that female platies are more exciting then algae wafers, so not all the platies were feeding frenzying on this food, ive seen it, they do feed the hikari mini algae wafers at my LFS, which makes me a little more confident that the fish are being fed good foods.




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On 2/28/2023 at 12:47 AM, Theplatymaster said:

and since chances are the rest of you dont follow this journal for my funny contest with @TheSwissAquarist

Sorry I’ve been so behind on the forum lately - I’ve had to write an essay on a quote from Einstein (Imagination is more important than knowledge). All my BBS have died at the age of 5 days! 

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i seem to have some sort of green thumb with anubias barteri.

i havnt had any flowering in a while (i had it twice on this plant) but rhizome wise these plants are getting big slowly, but quickly at the same time.


i couldnt get a picture, as i had to try hard to see it, and its hidden, but i think i have a barteri in the back of my tank that has like a 2-3in rhizome, those plants are growing really well, the leaves arent getting too tall though.

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ill give y'all an update for today,

i got back from Track practice an hour ago, my legs have not forgiven me. But i worked hard, a mile in 7:10 isn't bad for the beginning of the season.

but for on topic stuff:

fish are doing fine, i still have the platy with possibly culimanaris (its been a week and its not dead) possibly something else that is sick, i wish she would recover soon as that 2gallon tank will be perfect for my corydora fry, though i dont pay enough attention to it, i should do a long overdue WC on that tank, my cory babies were eating Xtreme 1.5 slow sinking pellets, im getting them onto large pellets and wafers early for easier re homing at an earlier age.

@TheSwissAquaristi believe at 3days my BBS are still alive, i need to feed them some green water for today though.

im still waiting for the female platies to give birth, but im impatient.

No pics tonight, my legs are sore from running, i dont feel like getting up. (yes i stretched afterwards)

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ive got 2 plants in the  process of flowering right now,

1.Anubias (it looks white in the picture, in reality it is bright green, it does not look like a new leaf forming so im pretty sure its a flower)


2.Dwarf Aquarium Lily


unusual looking thing coming on a DAL stem breaching the water surface.

does anyone here know how to propagate a DAL once it flowers?

I want to have more of this plant.

I am not a member of my "local" club, and even if i was they have no HAP program.

I was hearing on The Aquarist Podcast @Bentley Pascoewas starting a online one, does anyone know if that has happened, and what the adress is to it?

Corydora Fry are eating large pellets now!



@TheSwissAquaristi forfit the contest, i keep failing, and dont know if its worth it to continue.



i had a myserious death in my 2.5gallon shrimp tank today, one of the shrimp suddenly died, ill run a test and post it here:




GH: 300+

KH: 80-120

PH: 7.6 (raised with CC)



so if anyone could help with a diagnosis that would be great.

also @Chick-In-Of-TheSeacan you please tell me about the pros and cons of mystery snails, i know i want one, but am reluctant to buy one.

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On 3/2/2023 at 5:34 PM, Theplatymaster said:

also @Chick-In-Of-TheSeacan you please tell me about the pros and cons of mystery snails, i know i want one, but am reluctant to buy one.

Pro- mesmerizing to watch

Con- higher bioload than a fish 

Pro- comedians. They will ride air bubbles up or jump to the substrate from high up in the tank.

Con- may lay eggs above waterline which you’d have to remove if you don’t want them to hatch

Pro- they’re cute, especially when holding onto a vegetable

Con- they eat a lot. Not as efficient with algae cleaning as a nerite, but they do clean it. They cannot exist only on tank algae though. They need calcium, protein, and veg in their diets.

Pro - pretty easy to take care of

Con - can crawl out if you don’t have a tight fitting lid.

Pro- do not spread illnesses to fish

Con- have to be removed if medicating a tank. They are sensitive to meds, even ones that say snail safe

I tried to provide an unbiased POV here.




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