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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Yes you can. Ich-X is for fungal stuff, Expel-P is for one set (mostly internal) parasites. Here is a really awesome video on the topic that discusses overall using meds and how to use them. I'll also attach the one for paracleanse which discusses the reason for treating several weeks in a row.
  2. Those casters are plastic and definitely won't support the weight. I can't tell if it's aluminum or steel, but I would lean towards steel. You'd have to verify the thickness and run some numbers are far as what weight it would support. It might not even be structurally welded to accept weight. Structurally, the way you'd want to load it would be to remove the aluminum railing (screws, easy to remove) and then make sure the tank is loading the corners / edges of the cart. Because it's a bit wonky to try to do that, I don't recommend this as a stand. Question, are you specifically looking for a stand, or an aquarium on wheels? You'd want to make sure all corners / edges of the tank.
  3. Cory explained the reasoning on a live stream. I don't recall which one. They lowered the price of the stickers on the website to accommodate this.
  4. Please feel free to show off the tank and the issues you're having 🙂 . It's helps us out. some fish might not fit because a piece of decor or something might cause an injury. A note for otocinclus is that it's recommended to have a piece of wood in the tank. Mopani is readily available and might work well, others are as well. As far as quarantine, here is a few resource to check out: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/quarantine-tank
  5. You can. Whenever you run Expel-P, black out the tank (cover with towels, turn off light) for 24 hours) then after 24 hours you gravel vac it really really well. Repeat the process every 7 days for 2-3 weeks. Do you know what kind of parasite it is? Internal or external?
  6. That's awesome, always feels good to get stuff like this done. It's a bug on the forum software. 😞 Have to re-save it somehow and it'll fix itself.
  7. Get the plants to grow for ya and then you'll have plenty for both tanks! Once you get stuff to grow, it's an amazing time. You might also have some free stuff available in your area on stuff like letgo and other apps or websites. Welcome, and best of luck!
  8. Super weird! All I can think is a certain food or something that causes it. Difficult to say. Very cool! I hope both of you are recovering from all the stress 🙂 Ammonia looks about .1-.15 ppm. I don't remember, but potentially this is from the tap?
  9. Looks good to me, not red at all. Tannins look awesome too!
  10. Very cool. Best of luck. If you haven't. Aquarium salt can be your friend as well. Just be sure to use level 1 or 2 with the puffers in there. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/aquarium-salt-for-sick-fish
  11. Yep! Very typically this is just "a sign of stress". Double check temps on something like AqAdvisor, potentially try to drop the temp, add that airstone and keep an eye on that. Stressed: Normal:
  12. Very cool. Loved that part of the vid!
  13. I know some of the fish you have like it around there. Otos might do better a bit cooler. Just a note as well. Might be worth asking the store what temp they recommend and keep them at 🙂 .
  14. Yeah, just increase feeding, especially something like worms / frozen brine / vibrabites right after the lights go out. They tend to go bananas all night after that. ^^ That little amano shrimp is the bravest shrimp ever!
  15. I would send them cory's video about otos, show them that you seriously care for the fish, want to do right by them. I understand the frustration on both sides. Otos might appreciate wood (just a note) and I think the issue you ran into might've been oxygenation. Can you check the fish you have and see if you view a bunch of redness on the oto's gills? The reason I ask, typically you want a 5-10x turnover on the filter. You have the sponge in there and that helps, but because it's a taller tank, I'd recommend adding an airstone opposite the sponge as well. I don't think anything was wrong with your method. Secondly, what was temperature?
  16. no no no.... Just glass storage shelf for fish and things. A tank looks nice, this is PURELY for storage for later use. elswhere. in a bigger tank. somewhere nice. with fun stuff to make it look awesome.
  17. I would try to call them. Looks like this might be the part number. https://www.marineland.com/parts/filtration-products-and-skimmers/magnum-polishing-internal-canister-filter/impeller-assembly.aspx The one I saw on ebay was $100. 😞 Your best best is likely going to be ebay. It looks like the magnets and so forth are a common replacement item, so it's pretty difficult to come by.
  18. Looks great, very neat and very aesthetically pleasing! Well done.
  19. LOL..... ya'll are just being feisty. I definitely don't recommend more tanks!!!!! There's a long story to that and it's something I had to go through and I think it's normal for a lot of hobbyists. MTS is so real especially seeing all the Cory vlogs and all the fun stuff he does. Smaller tanks are so easy to pile up! I think I am always going to limit myself to 3. at most. At best, 2. I would encourage you all to have healthy, open, up front conversations and no be sneaky with fish tanks! LOL. Maybe what you want and need aren't the same thing! I wanted a 55G, but I NEEDED a 75G. See?
  20. Don't we all!? My plecos did that a lot. Hide in the cave when someone walks up, but on the cave and don't move to rest in the flow and just relax2 Yeah, they tend to! It's good that you're able to keep an eye on him so well.
  21. Good to hear some sort of progress in the right direction. Since it's some form of injury to his mouth it's very likely that he won't be able to attach to glass and sucker normally for a little while. It seems like he tried to eat something or latch on something that caused an injury. Do you have wood in the tank, any splinters or sharp points possibly? Rocks that have somewhat sharp edges? Plecos easily get stunned or scared and they bolt into things pretty often. It's probably one of the easiest ways they do get injured. Something comes into the room and creates a shadow or when the lights come on suddenly, etc. If we can rule out metal, glass, etc. the only thing I would be concerned with is if you see anything in the wound itself still (might be able to get it out with tweezers) or if you see that it's clear and healing. If it's in his mouth, much harder to tell, unfortunately. If you can please feel free to try to take a video or photos of the affected area. Time and progress, healing, that's all were waiting for right now it looks like.
  22. Cool, I actually double checked. A. It's the solution with the water already in the bottle. (indicated on the bottle itself) B. They actually updated their directions to remove the "use X drops" verbiage and added the clarification to fill it 1/2-2/3 full. Thank you for the help and guidance, much appreciated.
  23. If you can, please record a video of the tank and just their general, normal behavior when not feeding. They should be "fine" with something like the nano pellets, something like the flakes from xtreme. feeding those every day is perfectly fine, but I understand wanting to sub in some diverse nutrition and that's awesome you're trying to do so for these fish! It's odd to me to have to soak flakes, you can try a pepper mill to grind them up very fine as well (or pellets very fine using that method) and that might be much easier, keep the feeding times lower/easier for you as well as give the fish what they need. How long have you had the fish, have you treated them with bacterial meds? Erythromycin or Maracyn as an example when you first purchased them. Do any of them have sunken bellies or look very thin? Stringy white poop? Next batch I would try 3:1 and see if they do anything different. Try just the repashy with no garlic. (some fish just don't like it)
  24. You can manually remove it if you want to, but as mentioned above it's very normal! Tank looks good. Welcome to the forum!!!
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