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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Obligatory.... sharks are awesome comment! I enjoyed seeing their method. Sand filtration, I wonder how we add this to freshwater.... The actual intended use of PFS. 😂
  2. You can suction cup some anubias or something similar to the glass and it'll work well for him to bask and relax in. Anubias (normal), coffeefolia, barteri, nana (non-petite), and Nangi should all work for you. Barteri/coffeefolia are very similar and have similar size leaves which will are probably the goldilocks size for Mr. GB. 🙂
  3. The white lines in the bottom picture are just CO2 bubbles and the camera shutter being slow. I believe I got all the worms dealt with. I'm having algae issues / plant matter clogging the bumps up. It's just slowing down testing while the moss converts and grows in. The plants all have new growth, but we'll see how they do long term. The hairgrass is just about destroyed at this point. I modded the intake pipe, drilled holes in the base of it to open it up. It doesn't have to look pretty, but if you DO want it to look pretty I would suggest a 3x3 grid on the bottom of the intake itself. I used a 1/8" drill bit. I did a cross of 4 on N, E, W, S angles of the existing hole, then a hole on the 45 degree mark of either of those. Once I get the intake sponges I'll add some updates photos and hopefully have everything setup for a final, FINAL, test.
  4. nabokovfan87


    Doesn't look like ich. Potentially fin rot issues.
  5. On the part that goes from the Hob pump / housing into the Hob basket itself? If you remove the pump itself you should be able to clean everything, I use a toothbrush or q-tips. Then I use silicone grease to lube the shaft of the pump itself.
  6. @Bentley Pascoe Any experience here with this? More details below: @Cinnebuns In terms of the corydoras and otos. I think the oto got stuck, the corys usually only ever have a fit when it's temp or oxygenation. If you don't, try dropping in an airstone just to try to improve that aspect. Those little bugs are just so hard to identify or view on the photo / video. My first thought was some kind of a mite or something. I would just verify the pump / impeller is working at full capacity, cleaned, and lubricated. I know you're dealing with a lot of variables here, but hopefully flow really isn't the cause of issues.
  7. https://www.amazon.com/Velimax-Blackout-Stickers-Blocking-Darkening/dp/B073TVRQ5D?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1 Just make sure to order the right height, This is the one I have.
  8. As a sidenote, I heard about someone dosing a bit of water with excel and using that as a fungicide by letting that sit. I took what I had left of my bottle of easy carbon and dumped that into a bucket with wood. I doubt it'll do ANYTHING to this frickin' algae, but I'll mention that for the sake of anything weird happening with this piece of wood in future. The anubias broke off, it's now on the side of the tank, and still struggling. I tested the tank and it was zero nitrates yet again. As for the topic at hand. These are the rocks that were treated. Algae is "shorter" but I don't think it's slowing it down or going to wither off. I do have amanos in the tank, they haven't touched it. These guys are likely candidates for re-treatment. I don't know if anyone has tested these in a "CO2 setup" environment, maybe that skews performance of RR? Needless to say this tank is an attrocious mess and it's so difficult to see the plants struggle. I don't expect it to fix itself overnight, but my hope is to out compete the algae and remove it from hardscape where I can in ways that work. It's the most difficult thing I've ever seen to try to remove.
  9. Sidenote..... I just realized I put the test strip down about 3-5 hours ago to check nitrate levels and never went back to check it. FUN. But here ya go @Chick-In-Of-TheSea Hopefully this helps! My Clown Pleco (This is the second one I got) It looks like a rio negro variety: Mr. Amano trying to do the hard labor of cleaning this frickin' algae in the tank and one of the corys was apparently the focus for my phone. Thanks Sony. A rare 4 oto sighting today The corydoras went to hide out in the shade amongst all the commotion. Luigi is front and center up top there, my first clown pleco. The other one is unnamed. I have no idea if these are the same species or if they would ever breed. Since treating with meds they look SO MUCH healthier. The big female cory and one of her children Luigi wanted his photo taken too. LOL. The bigger clown pushed him out of the way (or her) but clearly we both know luigi is the boss. Finally, the family shot.
  10. can you get a close up or something @Cinnebuns? What do they look like? It might be easier for the camera to focus out of water. I'd remove one and take a pic on a paper towel or something.
  11. Mine had the most success when it was 2-3 females and 4-8 males. There were some fish that just weren't interested, undersized, but once I had 2+ females that's when things took off. Ratio aside, it's just about having 12+ and 2+ females for me. whatever that ends up being. This is specific to colony breeding and not a breeding for profit scenario. In both my pods of corys I started with "a few" and ended up with 3 in one tank, 4 in the other. I have 5 in the tank that started with 3 (would've been a ton more but didn't have anything to collect eggs or experience doing so and fungus happened). In the second tank it's somewhere between 25-30 pandas. The pandas went off over 3 months and just had the right conditions and tank and slowly grew in that method. I totally admit you both are very likely more versed with how to balance things out and set things up for breeding specifically. The stuff mentioned is just my experiences and how I've kept mine 🙂
  12. I had to order some. I got the nano and the medium on the way. Hopefully one of them fits. I'm also going to take the dremel and drill some holes in the intake base. Had to scrape the glass to do that. I just did that. Waiting for the filter to suck everything up. Because I fixed the pump, CO2 is back to being too low again. 😞
  13. There are some test strips you can have that will read it for you. There is also a lot of people that will just post a photo and ask, I think everyone here is always willing to help whenever need be. I use a colorblind simulator tool that shifts the colors to different spectrums. I have had the best success with the rightmost 2 options. https://www.color-blindness.com/coblis-color-blindness-simulator/
  14. The oto might've gotten his spikes stuck in the threads. That's really unfortunate. I would try the other type of egg floating things that dean made. The one he has for some of his fish now is made out of pool noodle and a sponge material. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/spawning-mop
  15. Planted tank master's kit or a planted tank version of the multi-test strips by the Co-Op. Test 1: Nitrates Test 2: Phosphate Test 3: Iron Test 4: Magnesium / Manganese (I am unsure which) Test 5: Potassium
  16. Filtration and everything looks good. I agree with the above, but I really think this might be an issue of what is in the tank also. What is your substrate? Hardscape? Did you happen to use sand or a very fine substrate? What foods are you feeding?
  17. General nitrates, so no real issues with anything. Strike another one. Worms = equipment checks 😞 Do you have a shop local that has mopani? Maybe that's all he wants? Something like this, would just give him a place to have some cover depending on the piece. Flat side to rest on, etc.
  18. EH.... let me elaborate. I want to have 2-3 females so that one doesn't get harassed too much. beyond that, I just don't worry about it. It's a colony and not a specific breeding for profit setup right now. With my black corys, I don't have enough. (1 female, 2 males) Over 2 years I've gotten 1 spawn and 2 fry to full size. It's not easy when you lose the female, ever.
  19. Close. but we all know Optimus wins that one! I am trying to work out an issue and I have the sicce version of mech and it's slightly longer dimensions than I remember for mech itself. I need to verify, because I'm specifically having to orient this in a direction and it's too tall for what works well enough. rather then spending $60 to test the third out of this set of media, I hope someone has some to measure!
  20. Yeah. Tanks that small, I literally was using a cup or something, airline hose even if you really had to. Small container like tupperware or something. As long as it's below the WL you'll be "ok" but it gets really slow. I like the idea of fountain pumps for that use. Good way to handle it. when I had the tubs on the ground I was leaving a lot of stuff on the bottom, but I took a 5G bucket and used that to scoop out water. REAL DRY floor after WCs in that situation. It sucked.
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