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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Very unfortunate. I'm sorry for you loss. I have no idea how the pandas will do trying to play trumpet. Very strange image thinking about little panda whales playing trumpets now. From earlier, how often would you normally feed your swordtail fry? Do you always move them from the parents?
  2. I think you're doing everything fine. the 60 should be perfect.
  3. I recently had to ship fish. Fedex flat out says they won't do it. From a business is slightly different then what a residential shipment can be. UPS says they will, but I was rejected when I brought the box in to do so and had to go to a different facility. Correct though, It's up to Aquahuna and they likely chose USPS for those same reasons.
  4. It was nice to see it in video form. That tank is super active! Looks great.
  5. Stay safe. Hopefully things are ok. Oh it's just like the ram.... That's HIS nest and you're not allowed to share it! 😂 Awesome photo though, I really like how he posed for you.
  6. The 60 should be similar to the 55 but slightly taller. Or is it the same as a 75 but slightly shorter...? (checking my sheet) Alright AWESOME. It's the right footprint. You're working with what amounts to a "short" 75G tank. This helps too when you're trying to find a stand and stuff if you need to. I was going to comment that if you have a CAE, please try to get a 75 because you'll need the added room and depth of the tank front to back. As far as that footprint for a tank, adding 30-50+ corydoras is a great time with that size of a tank. I started with 4, ended up with 30+ once they had the larger floor space. I had WCMM, Odessa Barbs, Tiger Barbs, and a good plethora of plecos and other things springled in there. Considering everything you have going into the tank, getting the scape (and flow) right is going to be the difficult part. Setting it up with a spraybar or something that runs the length of the tank helps a lot with circulation. You can run it on air with 2 sponge filters without much issue as well. I would also recommend looking at the ziss bubble bio if you think that's an option because it works well with that length of a tank and usually fits really nicely under the brace (or sides) and gives the tank a lot of strong bacteria to boost up your biological.
  7. I did order from AH and haven't had any issues. Potentially you might be able to talk to them beforehand about shipping it a different method. That being said there is a few issues... 1. Fedex won't ship it 2. UPS straight up might refuse it, which really sucks when you have live items to ship 3. USPS will ship it, but they often have issues with packages. Keep in mind, the history of USPS was such a way that you were able to order chicks via mail and have them delivered alive. USPS also defaults constantly to having the mindset of "if it's not there and we said it was delivered via tracking, then give it 2 weeks. All of that being said.... I have had a ton of issues with the local USPS and I would recommend you go into the post office and speak with the actual postmaster about your specific address. Explain to them what you're going through, what issues you're having, and that it's been a constant flow of packages not arriving. That is what started to turn things around for us. We lived previously in a gated community and they would decide to deliver items based on whether or not they felt like they could get into the gate (they always do and always can) and whether or not the mailbox had one of those package boxes open instead of going to the house. They would often say "it's delivered" and then would often express how "it'll show up if we have it". After 4 packages in a week and 10+ packages in a very short amount of time, we opted to have items delivered to the local UPS store mailbox just so we could actually receive mail. It's been a hassle, and that took almost 5+ years to sort out just ordering something or having an important letter in the mail and actually being able to receive it. If it continues to happen, go in person, talk with the actual postmaster of your address.
  8. I forget the name.... the star tail looking ones. Let me dig it up. Silvertip Tetra! They are at the first few minutes of the video here if you would like to see the schooling behavior. It should start at that point 🙂 I also am a big fan of green neons for a smaller fish that is very calm.
  9. It took me a second to realize how many there were. I don't think I've ever seen anything like this before. Looking forward to hearing what it is exactly.
  10. It's amazing how long it's been sitting with that design without such a minor upgrade...... Agreed.
  11. Yeah, based on the scape and the open space I think a few of the smaller rainbows will be very interesting to watch and enjoy in this tank. I thought about it after I had initially posted and that seems like a nice fit! Question for anyone who may or may not have tried it. Do you think a Rainbow shark would be peaceful enough (might need a hide) to let the rainbowfish act naturally? I am thinking Pseudomugil species.
  12. I use level 2 without issues, many times. (1/2 cup per 10G, but be sure to double check the salt directions) I got the dose from the blog as well as the "treating ich on the 800G" video from Cory where he talks about the treatment the show uses. This has been fine with False Julii, Panda, and my Black Corydoras
  13. Normal tank maintenance on left half of the room today. I did the normal things, but I am a bit hampered by a hand injury that is still healing. I gloved up and got to work. I did a slightly different method for treatment this week and I did end up pruning 3-4 S. Repens leaves. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but there was still some stuff to get out of the tank. The pre-filters weren't as caked with the typical algae as they usually have been, which seems like a good place to start when we look at progress. Lighting adjustment seems to have helped cut things down slightly, along with everything else going on, so that's a good change. Alright, let's dive in. First, this is the damaged area and I did see some of this on the lower section of moss as well. Wherever the easy carbon touched, the moss melted back pretty hard. We do see some of the brown / dead spots that do have new growth and that is a positive sign. I don't expect the moss to return to it's full color, but we will see. Second up, I want to show you the spots where I treated for this week. Again, I did a slightly different method this time around. I dosed it into the water, not out of water. I also diluted it slightly to a 50/50 ratio with tank water. I treated the moss on the rock in a few locations. Some on the rock surface as well as the right half of the rock. I also treated the back half of the stump as shown below. This is mostly a follow up from last time, but I don't think I quite got all of this stuff and so I was a bit more careful. Finally I treated one piece of anubias on the wood where I saw some on the roots and leaves. I also treated a little opening in the wood that has similar tufts of the algae as we see on the stump. The picture is very, very difficult to see. If we do see some white / dead algae then it'll be a lot easier next time around to photograph. I let the chemicals sit with filtration off for around 5 minutes and then finished up all my cleaning. I'll keep an eye on these spots throughout the week and we'll see how things unfold. The tank on the right side I will end up dosing a section and lift up the wood to treat a few spots. For now, I am just treating the water as directed for a low light tank and so it's not much of a concern. The tank has fry in it so I don't really want to disturb things too much. As mentioned, the hand injury, so this tank is going to get a water change and stuff on Wednesday when the time is correct for my schedule to do so.
  14. It might be beneficial, if you haven't seen any of the mods, to look into the fluval / marrina hang-on breeder boxes. Given the design intent here, i don't think you need a very powerful pump and some of the small fountain pump mods might serve you well. Best of luck, I'm excited to see what you have in mind!
  15. Definitely an odd issue! Hopefully all is well.
  16. I think it's there, it just had a barb on it? Is that barb all one piece or can the barb section be rotated off? It has a hexagon shape which makes me think it can be removed. Those two barb black fittings look like they go elsewhere? (for something else)
  17. Most strips have a fresh vs. salt chart, but for a lot of the tests its the same. Keep in mind it's not going to be saltwater levels and you're likely fine, but just double check the color charts.
  18. very nice. Looking forward to hearing results 🙂
  19. Mine love the frozen brine! They go nuts for it. One of the pandas had a worm go down the gills and scared em, so they all are leery of worms. For whatever reason, all the worms I have local are giant for my little pandas.
  20. I totally understand. slower (longer) ramp up / down times should help the fish with light changes. It's not necessary in almost every situation to have the lights on blast, especially if they are skiddish. I'd encourage you to show off the tank and make a thread in the other sections so we can potentially offer some advice on scape or something that might help with the fish being skiddish. A lot of times, a minor adjustment to the scape and the fish feel more comfortable. 🙂
  21. Can you post some photos so we can see what type of algae it is? Welcome to the forums, hopefully everyone here is able to help and get things improved so you're enjoying the hobby more!
  22. Looks like one thing might be flipped the wrong way around? It could also be the long length of hose... female on one end, male on the other and you need to flip it? Does this barb fitting need to be removed so you can use that black piece?
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