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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Thank you! I have done ice and we've had storms and so many different things. Whatever the dice was that rolled the natural 20 this time, I'm good with it. I have that one big female (no joke, she's probably pushing 5" long I feel like) and I think she only really lays when conditions are right and she's absolutely stuffed with eggs. It was definitely a learning experience, and has been, trying out this species of corydoras. Glad to help! That's awesome.
  2. Are they the same age, same order so to speak (within a few weeks), and used the same amount of time or does each one have different timelines of wear? How are they mounted? Can you show me the airstone setup and how it's adjusted? (Out of water)
  3. Very nice color on them. That orange shines well. I want fry like a bad habit! 😂 The last fry I had all I got was a blurry photo and I want one in focus this time!!!
  4. @TDee 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 Wanted you to see the fun too. I loved watching your corydoras hatch and grow up. Hope all is going well with them.
  5. Awesome. Yeah, i saw Cory's tip of cutting the end of a pipette. I haven't done that yet but will when i need to. Now I just have to not mess it up!
  6. Cool, I thought it might be. I like the one you pointed to. The "white branch" on the manzanita (that piece). Can you see what it looks like turned counter clockwise a little bit? I'm not sure how far, maybe 15-25 degrees or so. It might show off that piece slightly better. I know it'll end up covered, but I'm just thinking. The other pic, if you wish, flip the branches that are all going down so they all flow up and see if you like that look at all.
  7. Yeah, definitely. These guys are so sticky it's insane. It's hard to not get them to clump. I think it might be better to have a flat tray if the eggs stick together? I pulled more eggs and some are on the sides but there's a lot that are on bottom and clumping. I'll check it tomorrow. I can't really tell viability yet on the eggs and I'm sure some of the ones I damaged or aren't viable. I think the big female triggered the younger one to lay eggs and they might not have been viable. From what I could tell though.... my untrained eye.... I think they all were. On the second batch there was a lot that I had dropped or that had dropped into the substrate and I'll leave those where they fell. Some is stuck in the S. Repens and stuff and we'll see how those ones do. No giant pleco to eat on them, but the black swordtails might. I really appreciate everyone's help here. Thank you as always for that. @modified lung in terms of a "flatten tool" so the eggs are all a single layer, would you use the back end of a pipette or a chopstick or would you just see how things develop?
  8. not at all. It's a great structure and I see the idea now 🙂 . You do good work and I'm excited, as I'm sure we all are, to see the process unfold and how you make the concept your own awesome creation.
  9. It looks good @Mmiller2001 It'll be interesting to see how you plant it! What were you thinking for hardscape in terms of rocks?
  10. Definitely interesting. It looks like something may have gotten stuck in the spikey bits on the fins of the fish. I've seen the same thing happen with otos and some netting materials. Let's see what Guppysnail says! A lot of great pleco experience there. Before I forget, welcome to the forums as well 🙂
  11. Yes exactly. When I saw the first photo I thought of two different images / designs. The first was what you have, but I guess my eye wanted to "make sense" of the branches and put the pieces together so to speak. I'll try to explain it, but hopefully the feel of the scape makes sense. It kind of looks like the manzanita is two pieces, but it could be one piece? I was curious to see how moving these two pieces circled in red would appear. (I imagine some rocks or something there too would hide a seam if there is one, or the central manzanita piece. Lifting those two pieces vertically behind the manzanita to create a "stump" of sorts. The second design that came to mind was leaving the base exactly as you have it but creating a bit of a "hand in hand" scape. Think of it in terms of having your hand on a table with your fingers splayed out (this is the base right now) and then you would lay the second hand (manzanita) as if you were weaving your other fingers over that hand on the table. I don't know how it would look, but I had that come to mind as well. 🙂
  12. It took me a few attempts to get this, but perfectly explained. It's much more difficult to disassemble with the uplift tube attached to the lid.
  13. for sure. 🙂 I'm cutting video. trying to process everything going on in my tank. I need a nap, but need to move so many more eggs.
  14. Fritz complete is your common water dechlorinator, similar to seachem prime. FritzZyme 7 is "bacteria in a bottle" and common to something like seachem stability. I would go ahead and treat meds normally, and then use those products to recover, if you needed to.
  15. I like the look. Maybe there is a way to stack the wood on the base in such a way it looks like a stump for the manzanita and where the manzanita is coming out of? Visually, I really enjoy that manzanita placement across the midwater level of the tank. (the one facing to the right).
  16. All good. Hopefully this helps. The rhizome is the part of the plant that all the leaves come out of. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/faqs/how-to-plant-anubias-and-java-fern
  17. Normally when a filter slows down it's one of a few reasons. A. Muck in the impeller or pump (impeller shaft, pump housing, etc.) B. Pre-filter sponge is clogged up, lowering input flow C. The actual filter itself is just very, very dirty. Clean it, make sure you check the pump impeller too. Use a toothbrush and stuff if you need to in order to clear out heavy debris.
  18. @SC Fishwhat plant is it? If it's anubias the rhizome is rotting. It can't be buried in the substrate.
  19. It looks like some of the photos didn't post. Can you try to edit / fix them so we can see? @HannaB unfortunately it happens sometimes.
  20. Do you do this once a day to try to minimize issues? One thing I'm struggling with (my own fault and I'm working through it) it just getting the lid off without backflushing eggs when the water drops from the tube back into the container. I've started to let out some of the water, remove the cap, then do whatever need be.
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