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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. But they didn't want to come out and play today! The "one tank" so to speak just got it's WC so I can take photos of the little fish. The "other tank" has the moss / fry box and all that and I checked on them today. They are..... ok I feel like what I see doesn't quite come across on video until they get slightly bigger. I always freak out looking and then they don't move quite right... Then they do. I don't know how people do this for a living without microscope eyes. 😂 But.... I woke up with a bad neck / headache and couldn't move so I didn't do much today. Maybe tonight/tomorrow I'll grab a video or photos so people can see. Excited to, just not quite ready for it yet. 😁 Very nice pleco. I like the patterning on the fin!
  2. Out of stock. I got slammed with a bunch of junk on the home side of things and just haven't had a chance to really find anything. Currently treating sick fish and stuff. I am definitely still frustrated, will probably make a GIF or something to show the issue I'm having. I have learned to use the very tip of the tweezers at this point.
  3. As someone who can literally, measure, design this box in about 8 hours of I had to do it quickly... It's amazing what products sit and have such simple design issues. One of my favorite things would be like these or AC HoBs. Just go in and update materials. That alone would drastically improve some of these old products. Yeah you need to test it, but that's an easy thing. I wish these were longer. And I do like some mods I've seen of using an airline hose and tying it to a HOB/Valve. My first time using one for it's intended use and I can tell.the value because I'm not using a bucket, a tank, or something internal. It's just there and it "works". Some tweaks for sure would be helpful. I wish it had more positions for the gates, the fry got through the gate already. So it's just completely open now.
  4. Fungus on the substrate. Usually a sign of food rotting Could be other surfaces too.
  5. Very small, very hard, and immensely sticky. I definitely felt like I was using too much force or the corydoras are half super glue. I can see the advantage. @Guppysnailas asking the same question about using a tumbler. I think for some species it makes sense! For corydoras it totally works, I have a good hatch, but just I need to have more and do a better job separating. Dean had just mentioned on a video to Cory that he wants a 15G tank for the tumblers, I understand why now.
  6. Just a warning... not trying to say it isn't possible, but I feel like every time I see the combo I have to mention it. The substrate you have is Eco Complete, which is made from lava rock. Depending on how it was tumbled, how sharp the edges are, you might run into issues. Potenially. The Corydoras barbs might get scuffed up and you could run into bacterial issues. Again, some people have it work fine, others have posted issues here, so I feel the need to just share that for the sake of helping. Given the stocking being tetras, I would try to lean you towards False Jullii/Trilineatus or Sterbai corydoras because they seem to handle a warmer tank a lot easier. Pandas can handle it, but it's just really something where you might run into issues depending what your particular source on them is used to. Tank raised corydoras will have different ranges, but I usually look at planetcatfish for corydoras specifically. Let's say the range listed is 68-78, then I would target the middle of that range (72-74). The tank looks great and I'm excited to see more! 🙂 Amano shrimp are awesome. Other shrimp would give you the chance to potentially sell them though.
  7. Clean the tank, clean the filter, siphon it, and a decent size WC is that I would do. Then monitor for fuzz.
  8. Is it a "Custom Aquariums" tank? Those are probably the only one I know of that has a metal rim. I don't know if this helps at all, but this is moving another massive tank. They sell the suction cups for the glass it's actually NOT expensive and you'll need them to set the tank in position or move it in future. I would suggest two sets, which would be generally $40-60 per pair. That being said, I wish you the best of luck. Please don't try to do this by yourself! I can't even move a 75G by myself and I would never try to move anything larger.
  9. I definitely have one and have used it for shrimp (amano). I guess I didn't trust the one I have not to crush them at this point, but I felt they needed to be moved. Very good point though. Totally did this 🙂
  10. I realized, moving the fry... That it kind of helps to have at least 2 of these. You never know what size the spawn will be, and you don't want to overstuff one of these things. Second, I really, really struggled to move the eggs. I couldn't imagine picking through these inside the tumbler and having the confidence to do so without causing harm. The lid is pretty difficult to get off gently, which resulted in a big splash and the "oh crap" moment. I don't know what the best method is to actually move the fry from the tumbler, especially just handling them in general. I moved them from the tumbler into a half full specimen container and let them swim out. Once I sorted the eggs and stuff with a pipette I went ahead and moved the fry to the breeder box. This step is where I wish I had a net or some actual method to move fry. I really don't. And that's probably going to result in a few being lost or wounded. As others mentioned, they are definitely delicate.
  11. All setup now. The main reason is because it helps keep the fry out of the output. Sometimes the input can be a bit tense and one of the tricks is that the first chamber you stuff with sponge, then you add in the baffle at the end if you have very small fry. I ended up with 1 baffle in, at the end, just to try to keep them out of the output. Corydoras just aren't going to swim, but we'll see how these behave. I have it dialed in and hopefully flow is high enough for the fish, but gentle enough that they can relax and gain some strength. I saw a few dead fry, probably from flow in the tumbler or just my being new, and so I opted to move them. I took the tumbler and poured that gently as possible into a half-full specimen container. I went ahead and picked out the eggs and some of the junk and then I proceeded to move those into the breeder box. It's definitely a very small fit. I also lost a male sword from this tank recently because it jumped and I didn't realize what it was. SO..... Because of that. I give you my "solution". It's definitely not perfect, but hopefully enough that the jumpy ones stay in the box of water instead of on the floor. It's definitely not fool proof. I am already seeing some fry with fins, others with yolks, and so it's a mix of odd timing with how long the fish spawned and hatching. I did have fungus all over the eggs and so despite the Methylene Blue dose, it didn't matter much. Egg clumps are just not fun and hopefully next time I can get them to tumble properly. I can't say how many fry, but we'll check it out tomorrow and I'll keep everyone in suspense for now 🙂 . I just really hope I can get these to a good size and successfully. I know losses are part of it, but not these fish! I checked on the other tank (back of the photo there) and fin rot isn't worse, but not improving as well as I'd like. I will end up doing a WC and dosing in the new meds on tuesday when they arrive (kanaplex) and hopefully that starts another big improvement push. I dosed last night, day 2 of Maracyn and so that's all I have on hand besides the salt to treat this. For now, for today, given all the things going on and the hope for better successes, it's a big step for me as a hobbyist right now. I appreciate all the help of everyone here and all the knowledge and guidance provided. Someone might say it, some might not, but know that this is a great community with a ton of value for a hobbyist like myself where I don't have a local club, a local store, and much like you all I got deeper into it because of seeing Cory's videos. So thank you for all the help this week. Let's do this!
  12. Everything setup for moving them. Some are free swimming so I'm thinking late tonight or tomorrow morning I'll end up moving them. A few photos and a video of the check-in today.
  13. Oh I'm definitely subbed on that one! I always check out all the awesome microscope gifs and learn so much from that journal! Are you or @modified lung familiar at all with anything that specifically hangs on eggs / fry?
  14. For expel-P and Paracleanse (either one) you need a minimum of 2 treatments with a little bit of a break inbetween each one, usually 7-14 days. It is often recommended to follow up with a third. (three weeks of treatment, basically) First treatment would kill something alive, then it would let whatever else is there hatch, then you kill that with the second treatment.
  15. Always something crawling around in my tank. EEEESH. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea 😂 I figured it would give me some time. I counted a good amount of fry last night. I haven't checked on things this morning, but I just hope it's not something that will bug the fish. I was looking up other stuff last night (paramecium?) and it was just a single celled something that usually ends up as food. I don't have any idea what it looks like.
  16. Turn the heater off for an hour, then use something to check temps and verify what it's at. You might have something telling you one thing, but the temp is higher than you expect which would expedite the disease. You can totally manage it by setting timers and unplugging things as you need to. Unfortunately heaters usually get jammed on, which is never good when they go bad. You can pull the plants and move them for the time being, if you are seriously concerned. I am of the mind of always dosing it because it's so helpful. 1/2 cup per 10G is what I use. I just dosed some yesterday. Anubias tank. Some plants, like dwarf hairgrass, will not tolerate the salt, but some plants (ferns and anubias) I have heard that they do ok and pull some minerals from the salt. Just make sure you're using aquarium salt. If you're concerned at all, then just pull the plants and be thorough washing your hands after.
  17. That's awesome! They usually are good with eggs, they love anubias, big flat leaves, but they have adapted to hide eggs. So.... when panda horde is in full force you'll be doing a WC or something and then see little tiny fry zooming around. I'm excited they are being so good for you and the family. I really enjoy seeing and hearing that their behavior hasn't changed through everything. Makes it totally worth it to share the fun and gives me a bit of encouragement when I talk about their behavior to try to help out others.
  18. They can. They will get repashy and vibra bites and flake food right now. For the first few weeks, probably just different kinds of repashy. Once they get "big enough" I have mysis which is slightly hard for them to eat as well as spirulina brine. The worms I have are gigantic and even the adults hardly enjoy them (so vibra bites it is).
  19. Some fish are very bad about let's just call it not swimming around with junk on themselves. It's definitely odd, but depending on what it looks like would be the indicator. Did you run one treatment for parasite or multiple? Did you run treatments of both paracleanse and expel-P?
  20. I have a hang on style one from marina / fluval. So it might be oto fry or potentially it could be detritus worms or something, but I do see in addition to the corydoras fry some very small mite looking things. Thoughts?
  21. agreed, it totally threw me off. The fry I've raised are often probably a week or so old by the time I see them. Grazing off substrate and mulm. Colony breeding. These ones swim differently and I spent some time studying them so I have an idea of what to look at. Awesome tip, I love this. I definitely will use this method from now on.
  22. Have you dosed salt at all yet? Please add another airstone as well if possible. Secondly, were you able to adjust temperature in any way at all? I agree with @Colu that Sulfaplex might be a good one to try next. Colu, would you dose Ich-X in lieu of the jungle fizz tabs in addition to sulfaplex? Or would you lean towards suggesting Polyguard (malachite green and other ingredients) for this situation? The Seachem meds are new to me, but this is very likely a gram negative disease from the looks of it.
  23. OH RIGHT. Get some aquascaping supplies. Some tools and stuff, brands, and all of that are so hard to find for me. (might be the same case for you) Finding a nice ADA something, might be a very cool keepsake for the trip!
  24. LOL well it is water change day for them! 😂 That's awesome, congratulations on the spawn. Did you see eggs and stuff?
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