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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. For the limited time that you've kept fish, you're on the right track! Yes - never chase water parameters. Even if your fish need a specific Ph or something; as long as your water in that range - you're good. Always manage the water parameters you have. Keep up with consistent water changes and testing; and you'll do just fine. Looking forward to your build!
  2. Jeff

    Quarantine & meds

    The problem I have, is I only have a 10g tank. Hard to hide a sponge filter in my tank. Otherwise, good option! Any other suggestions on how to keep a QT seeded without any fish in it?
  3. Jeff

    Quarantine & meds

    I thought about this as well. What is another avenue to keep a QT going, when you're not using it; so that the bacteria doesn't dominish?
  4. I watched a Dan's Fish video yesterday about setting up a QT, and how to keep it running when you're not using it. If I remember correctly, he said that once it's established, you can keep shrimp in it, so that you are forced to keep feeding them and keeping the bacteria active. With that said, is the med trio shrimp safe? I would assume so, as he probably wouldn't have said this; but wanted to clarify here.
  5. How did you get that tall piece of slate to stay standing in the back? Love the rock only scape! Not many of these kinds of scales out there.
  6. Love it! Let's hear some more about your tank: size, which lights, and filtration? Both pics are stunning; but I enjoy the first pic better 😉
  7. Thank you both - appreciate ya'll. Really good perspectives and advice.
  8. I went to my favorite LFS today (Preuss Pets for any Michiganders here). Very respectable place. Anyways; I have a dozen Chili Rasboras in my 10g planted tank - that's it; and was picking up 8 Ember Tetras today. My tank has been set up for over 3 years now - it'll be 4 in April. Employee who was assisting me with getting the fish, was suggesting me to pick up Seachem Stability while I was there - as a precaution for the waste and ammonia these fish would generate. I was a little surprised that she suggested that. Needless to say, I didn't get it; as my tank is pretty seasoned, imo; and I didn't really think I needed it. Does this seem like a logical thing to suggest, given my tank status?
  9. Tank looks great! I'd love to see some pics of your Ropefish!
  10. +1 to keep it running. You never know when you'll need it.
  11. A great nano fish for that tank: Chili Rasboras. Highly recommend.
  12. Another example of Aqua Clear filters self priming. My power was was out for the last 24 hours, and my Aqua Clear came back on when the power did.
  13. Discus Rummynose Tetra Reticulated Hillstream Loach Celestial Pearl Danio Lamp Eye Congo Tetra
  14. 100%. People see professional aquascapers who have zero in their tanks; and think their tank has to be like that. And they obviously don't understand that if those tanks are kept up for years on end, they would have algae as well. It's a double edge sword
  15. Let's build a "Co-Op" tank, shall we? What I mean by this, is as many of the Aquarium Co-Op products as possible, plus some Cory favorites. If you use Easy Green and Easy Root tabs, great. But, you can't see it in action; obviously. If you have this tank - PLEASE show it. Would be incredible if you use ALL of these on one tank. -Aquarium Co-Op heater -Aquarium Co-Op sponge filter -East Plant LED -Easy Planter -Painted black background (a Cory fav) -Aquarium Co-Op Power Head -Aquarium Co-Op Regulator -Pure Water Pebbles substrate (substrate Cory uses) -Crypt garden (a Cory fav) -Vallisneria (a Cory fav)
  16. What are we doing here? 1/2 gallon? Those flags, though....
  17. Got my dirt substrate in. Ready for plants.
  18. I don't post on the FB group - I generally just look. I like to have a thread on the forum for a topic vs. FB. But, that's just me. I still enjoy the FB group; and I still learn from it.
  19. What's the consensus on plant growth after doing this? From the first post, am I reading correctly into this - 6 months? Just did this last night, and plants are back in my tank. If this doesn't work; I'll implement Cory's suggestion of Flag Fish and Maracyn next time.
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