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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. WHAT is this fish?!?!?! I MUST have it....lol. I've never seen anything like it before. This is one of the coolest looking fish I've ever seen! Is it in the Whiptail Catfish family?
  2. If you want the most realistic type of set up, I would go with live plants. The best customer service you'll find is with the Co-Op. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/collections/live-plants
  3. They have an installation video on their site. https://www.universalrocks.com/videos/how-to-install-a-3d-aquarium-background?gad_source=2&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5urYqpj1hAMVAEt_AB051AUyEAAYASAAEgKoSfD_BwE
  4. Do you have pics of the rest of the tank? Crypts need a good amount of room. I would recommend not up against the side / glass. They still would do fine in those spots, but to enjoy them fully, more open space is optimal - imo.
  5. Jeff


    Sounds good. I was just curious if there was a common denominator for most that is the easiest to use.
  6. I'm thinking about ordering some Repashy, and trying it. What kind of containers do y'all use to put it in, after you make it? Do you just buy ice cube trays?
  7. Have you added any livestock recently?
  8. I have a 40g breeder sitting in my basement; and I haven't been able to come up with an idea for it. Then, it hit me - I'd like to try my hand at creating and running an on-going Daphnia colony: a large-ish surface area, and a shallow-ish tank to boot. Bingo. Here is my question. In this article, it states that having shrimp is a good thing for Daphnia. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/daphnia-culturing-how-to-raise-daphnia Freshwater plants like duckweed, shrimps or snails, and algae help them thrive. Ok. That's fine. So, now I looked up how to keep shrimp - something basic like Cherry Shrimp. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/cherry-shrimp-care Ideally, put them in a mature tank that has been running for many months so that it’s chock full of microfauna and mulm for them to graze on. A good way to have a mature tank, is to have plants, and algae, right? With this all said - would I have to set up an entire fish-less planted tank to make this Daphnia ecosystem work? Like substrate, plants,a good light for plants, etc? One of the takeaways from the Club speaker, Carlos Rodriguez, a Daphnia ecosystem isn't the easiest. So, what says you - what's your take on creating a set up such as this, and establishing a seasoned tank, to have shrimp?
  9. I posted in the Facebook group about this as well, and someone responded that if the lines weren't the same length, that could affect things too / using a gang valve. All good things to consider. I'm just happy that switching the lines on the pump helped quite a bit. I was getting a bit worried.
  10. Yeah, using all of the air collars. I switched the lines on the pump (never thought of that; thanks @AllFishNoBrakes). It improved the one that wasn't working so well a decent amount; but it's now seeming to be an issue at the base. I pulled it off...there's nothing blocking it...but here's the difference. Hopefully you can tell. The one that's not working so well is more of a stream...vs the other good one is a mixed stream. Here's the one that's not working so well.
  11. I have two Co-Op sponge filters going with the extensions on. First time using them. Both are in the same tank. Co-Op dual air pump running them. I have the pump on full blast. One filter is working perfectly. The other is getting air, but not nearly as much. I took it apart, followed the video on how to set up, and still the one is not getting enough air as the other. Is a potential leak in the Co-Op tubing the only possible answer?
  12. Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus Very insightful, to say the least!
  13. Here's a lid that would fit Here's the light I would recommend - the 20" It has a 3 year warranty. Best light on the market, imo. You'll have to cut the plastic on the lid. I usually use wire cutters. You'll struggle with regular scissors. make sure you cut only enough for your heater cord and filter intake tube only. That way, it doesn't allow fish to jump, snakes it hard for snails hard to climb out of.
  14. I've been to numerous public aquariums. My top 3, in no particular order, and I highly recommend all 3 Audubon Aquarium - New Orleans Tennessee Aquarium - Chattanooga Georgia Aquarium - Atlanta
  15. The Co-Op mini. FYI - they have a sizing chart for their pre-filter sponges on their site, for many filters. Just click on filtration, and you'll find it under 'more'
  16. An AquaClear 20 would be sufficient, if you don't want to go the sponge filter route.
  17. AquaClears are self priming @tolstoy21 Mine has self primed numerous times after the power went out, and I was not home.
  18. There's a skimmer on it. If you ever have fry, it could suck them up. Also, there are certain parts of the filter that are blue, such as the skimmer dial. That sticks out like a sore thumb, in an aquarium, imo.
  19. I would recommend to not gravel vac your substrate in a planted tank. Fish poop and mulm is great food for your plants.
  20. How long was your established filter in a seasoned aquarium for, before putting it on your QT?
  21. Pros and cons to all filters. I've never had any noise issues with the AquaClear series.
  22. I'm setting up a Quarantine tank. And am curious about how long to run the light. I read through the Co-Ops article, but didn't see anything about the light. Do you only turn it on when you go check on the fish? Do you run it, somewhat normally....5-6 hours? https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/quarantine-tank
  23. I bought it at Pet Smart. I'm not sure if it's a home grown PS brand or not.
  24. I recently purchased a stand for my 20L tank I'm upgrading to last week. I finally got around to opening the box this weekend, and one of the pieces was gouged. On the instruction manual, they have a phone number and link to request replacement parts. I don't have much time during my work day to call (as their customer support via phone is only M-F), so I went online and submitted a claim. It asked for the model and lot number - which was right on the front of the manual. Today, I received a link with a tracking for my part that was shipped. My wife called to check on my claim, and their live customer support was super helpful and pleasant. I highly recommend Top Fin, as a brand, for your future purchases consideration!
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