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Everything posted by Mmiller2001

  1. I think I would tackle this by pulling the plants out and dipping them in hydrogen peroxide. 10ml per 1gal of dechlorinated water for no more than 10 minutes. I would manually remove any algae that I could and do a 90% water change. I would replant the tank, dose liquid carbon at initial dosing instructions ever day and do 50% water changes every day. I would include vacuuming the substrate as well. I would dose fertilizers very lightly during this time too, and then drop light intensity some and duration to 8 hours max. I would stop after 2 weeks and test.
  2. Some tank controllers can monitor power usages and notify you if it stops.
  3. Personally, I would say no. They can both be ornery. I have them in my 75 and they get fussy with each other.
  4. Cut the health tops off, remove the bottoms completely and replant the healthy tops.
  5. Increase potassium and are you dosing Micros?
  6. You don't need the blue channel because that light has cool white and white, which has blue in it. Adding blue is over kill. You could probably go as low as 35 percent.
  7. This. But I will add most plants prefer softer water and some require it. But 95% of plants will grow in your conditions. Just try a multitude of plants and see.
  8. Seems mostly normal to me and adding carbonates to water would increase KH, not lower it.
  9. Water change day today. I will be moving GH to a 3:1. New stats here.
  10. These Fluval 3.0 settings seem to be really working. This past week's growth has been heavier than normal. I do raise the light so keep that in mind when you choose your intensity.
  11. More plants help, but it's a balance of light nutrients and CO2.
  12. Awesome man, glad to hear that for sure! I hit 3 years in January, and I can't wait to have less CT scans. The contrast makes me so sick.
  13. Thank you! That is Myriophyllum Roraima, and you are in luck, it does very well in both low and high tech tanks. This is a very fast growing plant so be warned Java fern girl. 😆
  14. You are on the right track, but you're working in reverse. To simplify things, I recommend mixing your source water to the parameters that you want the tank to be. Example, you've determined you want the tank to be 8dGH and 2dKH, so you need to test source water. If source water was 6dGH, and you want 8dGH, then add the appropriate dose of Equilibrium to the source water that raises it 2dGH. Same with KH. Then by doing water changes, you adjust the tank parameters to the source water. When fertilizing, you want to dose enough. And by enough, I mean an amount that plants always have access to, with out depleting it to zero, and not so much to hinder plant growth. You seem to be adding things with no specific goal in mind. I know that Equilibrium has Ca, Mg, K and Fe, but I don't know how much. Same with the root tabs. What ppm is in a root tab, and what nutrients are in them as well? When our nutrient parameters are fluctuating our plants will suffer. This is why we want to know what is being dosed and be consistent with that dosing. My best advice is to research what each of those fertilizers is adding to your tank(ppm). And set a per week ppm goal. A good starting point might look like: 7ppm NO3 1ppm PO4 10-15ppm K .1-.9ppm Fe Additionally, I would go really light on root tabs. Personally, I don't use them, but they can fill in the gaps. I would find a more comprehensive fertilizer, Flourish is just a supplement. Choose something like Easy Green. Equilibrium and Easy Green should mesh well. And the ppm is available to us with Easy Green. But certainly, there are other "all in one" options mixed in different ratios. MC Cuba is a high light high CO2 plant. Don't get too upset it's not doing well. Learn/Understand GH and KH, ignore pH. Understand nutrient PPM and how to calculate nutrient PPM when dosing. Once I was familiar with these few things, the tank got easier to figure out. Light also drives all uptake, try reducing light intensity or photo period. 8 hours is plenty. Hopefully I didn't bore you ☺️
  15. I'd be more worried about plants. Water changing the salt out will work. If you want to add KH, I recommend potassium carbonate or potassium bicarbonate going forward.
  16. Keep in mind, adding baking soda for KH adds salt to the water too.
  17. Here are my numbers for the 75 Gallon for those who might be interested.
  18. I saw PetSmart selling them. Check online and see if you can pick one up. They price match too.
  19. Fluval Aquasky Nicrew plus planted Beamswork Finnex ALC- even though yours died. A few of these have timers sold separately.
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