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  1. I hope you all can help guide me. I’ve spent so many hours researching what my aquarium plants need and I’ll continue to let this consume me while I neglect other responsibilities. So, I’m reaching out for guidance in hopes to add balance back to my life. This is long because I’m hoping to provide all of the info needed for people to help me. Background: 20g tank, it’s been up around 11/12 weeks. 6 tiger barbs, 2 peppered corys, 3 mystery snails, and 4 ghost shrimp (I think, although I have physically only seen 2 lately). I bought 2 of my plants from Petsupplies Plus, about 6 from PetSmart, (all of those have been in the tank most of the time), and 2 from Aquarium Coop (my newest plants- they’ve been in there about 4 weeks). Based on other people’s photos in reviews, I left my Aquarium Coop plants in their baskets. I think that was a mistake. I had a huge algae bloom that took about 10/12 days to get rid of. I installed a 3w UV light that attaches to HOB filter, which I’m not sure did much, and did many water changes (which were lifesavers). My water parameters have been good and steady, and algae has been under control. I cleaned the filter a couple of days ago and forgot to plug back in the UV light. It seems like some algae is afoot so maybe the UV light does work. I plugged it back in this morning. I was having trouble keeping the Ph where I wanted it (API Ph test was above 7.6), so I started using distilled water for water changes during the algae bloom. My Aquarium Coop plants melted badly. I removed them from their baskets. After a while I read that it could be due to lack of water hardness (I’ll use purified water and treated tap water in the future instead of distilled water). So, I put a little tap water in to replace evaporated water, then added in Seachem Equilibrium about 5 days ago. The AC Amazon Sword color improved substantially but the AC Monte Carlo didn’t change. I use Seachem Flourish 2-3 times a week, API CO2 booster 2-3 times a week, (except this week it’s been about 5/7 days), and API root tabs periodically. This weekend I read that perhaps the dark spots on the plants could be caused by too much phosphorus. I was going to get Seachem PhosGuard and put in a bag to put in my penguin HOB filter with bio wheel. Then, reading this forum today I am now questioning other things. I feel I could go nuts trying a million things. Water parameters this morning: Temp 77 degrees Fahrenheit - API Ammonia test 0 - API Ph test 6.8 - Aquarium Coop test strips: Nitrates 25, Nitrites 0, GH color doesn’t match any options on chart, KH 0, Ph 6.4, CL 0. API test strips: Nitrates 0-20, Nitrites 0-.5, Ph 6.5/7.0, KH 0, GH 180. Water change will be done this evening I appreciate any guidance you all may have. Thanks in advance!
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