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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. Lovely tank hope this turns the algae corner for you. I only light my fish from after work till bedtime so I max joy out of limited light hours. I do get algae but it's normally just the short dense stuff so I leave it on most surfaces. Since being able to add plants it has been receding slowly which is interesting to watch. Because it's set into my old fireplace I only have to clean the front anyway.
  2. To my mind (and I'm sure I've heard and read it somewhere) If you are using trace element fertz that don't have the nitrates in to feed the plants then you increase the plants ability to use up the waste chemicals in your aquarium. By helping to support healthy growth. (Vitamins don't stop you eating) Root tabs and nitrate fertz let you have more plants than your fish can support. Plants would grow to the level of waste in the tank then start to die back until they hit a balance fertz let us control the balance
  3. Blimey I never get free fish although that one is crazy surprise
  4. I had two panda garras with 4 siamese algae eaters in a 60gal and no issues. Had them together for at least 5 years . Adult SAEs are more interested in food and corys eggs than algae though.
  5. Mystery snails have been banned in Europe because they have caused havoc in Spain. Not sure if they will be allowed in the UK again now we aren't under the EU regulations. And our weather conditions are rather different to Spain's
  6. Good luck with the move, just think how good it will feel not to be planning this anymore. Looking forward to reading how the fishy road trip goes and seeing the tanks set back at other side. Safe travels
  7. I had a colour blind friend who just used to send me pictures. So I've been an app. There is definitely market and I've seen one test strip manufacturer offer it with their product. However I'm with @Guppysnailand any ammonia or nitrate time to change nitrate getting high time to change. I feel needing the exact numbers can not be achieved without a lab and I can't really see what I'd gain
  8. Alcohol in a spray bottle can be really good at getting the smell off people and fabrics with few rouge chemicals being left in the air but you'll still need to air it dry to be effective. I used to use an alcohol based spray for my hair to get the smell out after bar shifts.
  9. Urgh grim for you to. I personally wouldn't worry about the smell hurting the fish you'll be keeping the air flow through the car pretty high no doubt for your own comfort so that should reduce issues. The main issue is the smoke reducing o2 and increasing particulates in rooms with tanks and reducing gas exchange and there is no smoke in your situation But if you use anything to try and remove the smell make sure your air the car well before adding the fish as that will hang in the air longer.
  10. The thought of predators is the reason I have a large tank and no pond as well. Although it's only heron's here, I've got friends who keep pet raccoons and trying to protect anything from them little bandits must be a nightmare.
  11. I picked up some wrong sized food and I just crush it for my smaller fish it sinks a bit faster than I'd like but everyone seems to eat it ok. Harlequin rasboras and pigmy corys certainly have no issues. I do prefer the hikari micro pellets but sometimes you have to work with what you have.
  12. Video would be best but is the fish rubbing on things / showing its belly ? That can mean ick.
  13. I'd be tempted to try on a small scale first to see how it works (jars). My concern would be that they would germinate and grow nicely in the well lit humid tank but then when the water was added and and they have to adapt to the new (less light less CO2) conditions the melt back would be troublesome. If it works though awesome and I am really interested to see how you do.
  14. Plug sockets in bathrooms - terrifying I know this is uk to usa thing but its pretty much unseen here because well somethings just don't mix.
  15. has a fish ever looked more annoyed about having its photo taken ?
  16. Congrats on the dream find and welcome to group.
  17. Goldfish - love those things for their personality but they do grow. I also love the tiny baby bichirs they'd be cool. I read a sci-fi (i think Arthur C Clark) book once where they had mastered the miniaturising of animals but where shocked by it changing the behaviour of animals they gave the example of an elephant the size of a cat being more like a rodent than the majestic large versions. Its all about perception .
  18. Where do you plan on putting this set up? I would not want a stock tub in my house I feel you could end up spending quite a bit dealing with the potential issues it could have. If you have children or other pets a large volume of open water in the living room could be problematic. Having to set up a dehumidifier (if you don't use them already) could also be an expense and its running costs need to be considered. Stock tubs are great as pond overwintering or for fishroom breeding projects but as long term in home pet house not sure. You will get more from the large aquarium but if its out of reach then fair enough but take some time on the pros and cons. You need to buy more than just the tub to get this going so fully price up both systems were 400 is a lot it is more if you try the tub and hate it after spending a 200 setting it up. I would add that you have time the fish looks great and they do zoom less as they age (who doesn't) Gholee has room to swim and isn't struggling for air. So maybe start saving now for the right set up for both of you. My goldfish lived for 24 years (lost to a disaster when we were on holiday) so whatever you come up with you will hopefully be living with for a very long time.
  19. I agree with @Helan seeds could be a new level of "fun" that slows you down at the start however I'm intrigued what are they are what are the instructions ?
  20. I'd go substrate first, then decor, then plants, then change your mind and move everything. Get your cycle going then add fish.
  21. I'm quite new to BBS but I use a bit less salt than you and add some bicarbonate of soda. In 500mls of tap water I use 7.5mls salt (half a table spoon) 1ml bicarb 1ml eggs Leave at room temp with a not to bubbly air stream. Maybe the bicarb is needed for your new water. It was just mentioned to me (on here) when I started so I've run with it.
  22. Well done with Lone Ranger they are very fun fish loved keeping mine they had the funniest tricks and traits. Trust that the other guys have the Betta sorted it could turn into a drama if you try to help.
  23. wow - congrats. I just read this from the start and you really had quite a journey with this. So glad it worked out in the end
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