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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. Is this the tank in situ? Will it be viewed from all angles? My thoughts would be to secure either the tops of the sticks to something in the back corner (say a straight top to bottom that I can cut notches in to hold everything) or the finger ends to a mesh under the gravel. Hard to explain I work best when handling things but I hope that helps expand your thinking.
  2. Welcome I've certainly been enjoying it here . Your grandad was probably quite right much more practical to fly for living and study fish as hobby the other way round would really have been expensive. And yes much easier and be more fun if you are both into three hobby.
  3. @Dolbec Aqua Designs the yeti is ace
  4. I don't think we have that yet, it will definitely be in the watch list. We had quite a Bruce Campbell binge over lockdown
  5. Yes I did, more than I'd expected (cause of my suspicion of these reboots in general). More of a family film than the original but it made me jump and made me laugh and didn't make me check my watch . Can't say to much just incase I spoil it.
  6. I think they can be a little bit extra delicate when first regrowing I'm sure with bit more time it will be looking great. Still remove anything sharp you can just to help things along
  7. Yes just move what you can. I'm trying to remember how my goldfishes tail grew back after fin rot I think there is a sort of scruffy spell where it constantly looked ragged. It was a long time ago though. The tail doesn't look sore so it could just be part of regrowth. Keep your water tip top I think your on the winning side of this
  8. twice in 4 days you're slowing down mate got to move quickly if its in the water its fair game.
  9. I had a goldfish that would only eat the red flakes. But I think the main reason to buy some foods is because they cause less waste in the tank than some home grown variants pride justified
  10. @JettsPapa fingers crossed
  11. I'd remove the pieces of slate more likely to be causing the damage than the plants.
  12. Always check motivation. I enjoyed his older stuff when he had a fish shop quite a bit got me though some tricky problems with my set ups.
  13. Traps still being ignored, have moved up to poison (wanted to avoid because they are in the cavity walls and it can get unpleasant). Not ruled out buying a predator. Thinking (hoping) mouse but no actual sightings just noises and a couple of damaged wheat bags (the sort you use as heat therapy). I can see me taking some time off work and turning this house into some crazy Heath Robinson contraption.
  14. He's great isn't he. Anyway I have fluval 307 on my approx 60gal tank. And in have it positioned really badly due to the tank being really low and the filter won't fit under and I have stupidly long hoses so the flow could be better but for nearly 10 years now it has been going strong the trickiest bit is opening it up for cleaning but that isn't very often these days. Can't compare with anything else canister wise.
  15. We have been conditioned into store food because people want to sell it us, but it has come a long way from the dried daphina I used on my first fish. This also reminds me of a story about ducks. A few years ago it started to be said that bread was bad for ducks and feeding it them was shortening their lives due to duck obesity and diabetes. So we should be feeding them seeds. This did the rounds of social media and soon kids on parks were being vilified for throwing a duck a crust of it's sandwich. Time moves. And lock down suddenly no one has grain and shops near the parks (that were selling it are closed) ducks start to starve. Signs appear saying bread is better than an empty tummy. So it turns out the whole bread is bad thing was started by a seed company and had no basis in real fact (seed is better but bread ain't bad). The park and rivers board backed the idea as seed didn't foul water as much as bread and they could make a few quid selling it so they never debunked it. I find this to be a useful tale about marketing and working out where the money is when you are doing research. I don't feed greens because historically my fish were never that interested in it so I'd always be fishing it out. I should probably try again now I have bigger variety of fish. Sorry about long tangent (I'm prone to them)
  16. most fish can sort this keep your water tip top the salt is a great suggestion. Goldfish can be pretty clumsy but seem pretty resilient.
  17. We can have air guns, you have to be over 18 to buy them and for use on private property only. You need a good reason to have them in public. We used them on rats in the barns growing up, however my mum had a tale where her and her siblings where given spades and positioned at rat holes in the wall of their cowshed and granddad would hook a hose to a car exhaust and use that to flush the creatures out to the waiting kids. Not sure how that fits as quality family time these days.
  18. Need - To sort out flow to hopefully be free of Cyanobacteria. Want - Everything certainly all the fishes but I have narrowed this down to a shrimp colony and maybe (cause I've never had one ) a Betta (koi versions are stunning) Wish - Seahorses, always wanted to keep them but they are so labour intensive and not the sort fish you can ask a neighbour to feed while you are away. I did get really excited when I saw pidgeonducks freshwater pipefish
  19. Cool find, it will be a tricky shape to gavel vac so the less messy occupants will make life easier. I have a gaint glass sweety jar (the ones they had in the shops back when you had to buy sweets by weight) anyway that was used as the fish transport jar when the goldfish had to go and stay with someone else for the holidays. Not quite big enough to be a long term fish home but great for resting plants
  20. Always, and I really do hope the right decision is made for you all.
  21. I think you've got it covered. I just scrub things as clean as I can use alcohol or vinegar to remove any soapy residues rinse rinse and dry.
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