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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. I would recommend new threads for each topic you'll get more people responding that way. Sorry for your loss fish teach lessons in a brutal way sometimes
  2. as @FlyingFishKeeper said either let the nitrate build a bit before the next water change and feed the plants or find a more complete fert. if your plants are struggling now but were doing fine it is probably the reduced feeding that has cut their food in half as well.
  3. Sorry about your discus that must be awful to deal with. Most things in life can be cleaned you just have to decide if you want the work or not some things in may be easier to replace you will have to make the call item by item. If I want to be sure I have killed off anything from a tank I scrub it till it looks like new with (if it need soap I use it) then I will rinse a couple of times and use something like alcohol or peroxide to remove any residue because they will break down safely. Then I leave it dry as most things that live in water need the water so drying is very useful. Obviously this is used for tanks hardscape and equipment. Sponges and media I would chuck and start again. Substrate I use gravel I wash and dry it in small batches. You would probably kill everything by just drying it out, but to my mind if I'm going to the trouble to break it down that far then I may as well get it all shiny again while I'm at it also it won't smell odd while its drying if its clean.
  4. That sounds like a good plan (certainly what I'd do). Counters are designed to be stronger in compression so pretty sure you're safe. But being careful is never a bad idea
  5. Welcome on board. Oranda's are so cute, possibly the bumble bee of the fish world. (In a aquadynamics sense not pollinating)
  6. Sorry you have been through such an ordeal. But glad it's over and you are at your destination. I hope the trouble is behind you and it all feels worth while soon. Very pleased about your fish, the fry were going to be high risk for move and I'm sure they'll get replaced soon as the parents get resettled Take care
  7. Sorry nearest I get is trimming up around the tank for Christmas
  8. @JettsPapa thanks that is a really good and comprehensive guide to take into consideration. As for things hiding in my tank 4 fully grown SAE can disappear completely from view I was under no illusions shrimp would be elusive.
  9. Faster growing plants so stem and floating plants will use more than the slower growing plants but not sure how measurable the difference would be. The plants you grow out of the tank are probably more efficient again as they have better access to light and co2 so able to convert faster.
  10. So just asking for some real world advice before I start spending money. I am thinking of starting a shrimp journey but before a jump in and set up a separate tank for some yellow or blue (household still in debate) I was thinking of trying some mutt neo shrimp out in my community tank but even though the supplier I have found is pretty cheap for mutts (basically selling its cull shrimp) they are expensive fish snacks. Plants 60gal tank full of caves and tunnels. inhabitted by harlequin rasbora, apisto cacatuoides, krib, Corys big and pigmy , ottos and a gang of SAE's So any red flags? or are shrimp tenacious enough to give life there ago.
  11. I'm in the UK I've used paraguard and salt for ick. Mainly I rely on super clean water if there is an issue. I got a fish though fin rot with water changes and melafix.
  12. Great tip, I'm thinking of bringing shrimp into my life and this forum just keeps adding reasons.
  13. Give your substrate a stir or a really good vac, I think you can end up with pockets in the gravel of a new set up that have the wrong bacteria especially if it's a deep substrate. Adding the snails and plants could have disturbed something and damaged your cycle. This comes from a very old memory of advice given when I was having tank issues. But a good clean and big water change is probably good idea right now. Fingers crossed for your danios.
  14. A healthy tank can deal with a body surprisingly fast and completely. I had this with my first krib she just disappeared thought for a day or two she'd found a cave then when she hadn't reappeared a week later striped the tank and nothing. No noticeable spike in parameters either.
  15. Well done for hanging on in there and succeeding hope this leads to much success in your future
  16. I think a small group of tiger or green tigers should be fine in there. Your at the minimum end of the tank size recommendation wise but a small group could look really good when they are all fully grown. It sounds like a lovely idea btw.
  17. I fish out any floating leaves when I feed the fish there are generally some because my krib is a vandal. I don't stress about them its just tidying up. They don't muck up my parameters and if they sank I'd probably leave them for the tank to deal with
  18. How long has it been without a sighting? Does your tank have a lid ? Do you have a cat ? How much cover is there in the tank they could be hiding but they would normally appear for food. I don't always see all my corys they do like to do their own thing especially when they are smaller.
  19. Go with what the hatcher recommends it will probably reduce the hatch rate if you try to much more than its built for after a bit of trial and error you'll know what it can cope with an what it will feed. 5ml is a teaspoon so that is quite a good amount for benchmark .
  20. Nothing to add about filtration but that is a very pretty betta and you never mentioned the mighty stature of your snail 🐌. Would you be able to sneak some bottom dwelling fish past your betta it's a lovely tank it be nice if something else could enjoy it.
  21. I have a 306 on 60gal aquarium I've been running it for 10 years now. The 207 will probably handle the tank and stock very well. The 307 will allow you to upgrade to a larger tank in the future (if that needs to be considered). There is a lot more room for media in 307 but it is has a higher running cost than the 207. Sorry no straight answers from me more just thinking points to help you decide.
  22. Looks like everything is going great, good luck with the breeding project
  23. I would cover the entire desk ( with any of the water proof materials mentioned above)so water runs off not under, and you'll be looking at the fish not the desk anyway.
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