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ed gibbs

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  1. BLUE or bluegreen algae -- is it harmful and what causes it . Thankyou
  2. I want to purchase a external IN LINE uv sterilizer, can anybody suggest a good brand ? Thanks ED
  3. My system background is 30-gallon planted tank, Fluval blue tooth light, Fluval 307 filter, heater, CO2 tank, and air stone. Fish are 12 glowlight tetras, 8 neon tetras, one male beta, and I had 6 orange shrimp and 6 red shrimp. I am now down to 4 shrimp total. I tested my water with the API freshwater test kit and my results are as follows: Ammonia 0 ppm, Nitrite 0 ppm, Nitrate 0 ppm, and my problem pH 6.5. I use API's liquid pH Up with not much success. So why are all of my shrimp dying? All of the rest of the fish are fine. The rocks as pictured below, are from the Vermont mountains near the Connecticut River. My suspicion is that the mineral content of the rocks is keeping my pH low. Any advise and explanation would be extremely appreciated. Sincerely, Ed Gibbs
  4. Thanks for the feed back ,i realy appreciate it . I am a newby at this . Ed
  5. Should i turn off my co2 overnight thankyou
  6. I read that for a balanced tank with no fish you should start by adding amonia . Can you use household amonia and how much for a 30 gl tank . Thankyou
  7. How long will a 5 lb. co2 last in a 30 gl. tank? Thankyou ED
  8. I have a 30 gl aquarium that measures 36x12 that i want to plant. I want 1/2 of it to be carpet and the rest to be medium and tall , i also have some rocks. How many plants should i buy and what type? I have excellent lighting but no CO2 at this time. Thankyou Ed
  9. So i have this 30-35 gl aquarium that i want to set up as a planted tank. I want to put in aprox. 40-50-neon tetras , 1 male betta , 2 cories and a few shrimp. yes i exceeded the 1 inch rule, can this be done ? I want to purchase a Fluval canister , based on my tank size the 207 is the proper canister. But because i want to add so many fish i was thinking i should go with the 307 . My thinking is that the 307 would take care of my filtration needs but my worry is that i might be adding to much turbulence.What should i do ? Yes i am a new at this. Thanks Ed Gibbs
  10. I have a 30-35 gl tank that i will be setting up soon as a planted tank. i would like to fill it up with aprox. 40 to 50 neon and glolite tetras. I want purchase a Fluval canister filter , would the 207 be adaquit or should i go with the 307 since i would be going the 1 inch rule . Thankyou
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