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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. In a heated house they are generally good a room temp my fish was over 20 when I added a heater which was to treat ick (much easier in warmer water) and then left it in to protect against my miserly attitude to heating when I'm out or away. Checked a converter and 18C is about 64f so your in the ball park. If your dropping temp try to do it slowly only a couple of degrees each day. Just to be on the safe side.
  2. I kept mine at room temp so about 18C . I used a heater to prevent it dropping below that. But what's your trouble and what type of goldies ?
  3. Tank is approx 60gal long (or 230litres). Water parameters are good (water changes done generally around 30ppm nitrates) it is a community tank overall the female apisto is the more aggressive the krib only does something if its blundered into and the ladies are fine together. My thoughts are if it is worth taking the bullied apisto out to see if it will feed up and return it later or if it stands a better chance getting through this in big tank.
  4. So about 6 months ago I bought 2 apisto cacatuoides double reds. One (female) is doing great and is big bright and best mates with my female krib. The other is not so happy very dark coloured in the body hasn't grown very much and hides most of the time ( thought I'd lost it until last tank redress). Over the last few days I have made sure I see it eat. The krib and other apisto will chase if they see it but no damage and it does fight back . Should I separate? I have a nano tank I can use but it would be alone or should I just see if it can tough it out in the main tank. The tank is moderately planted and has lots of hiding spots. The nano tank would be a fish in cycle (it is only a few weeks into being slow seasoned for shrimp).
  5. Well I can, my big momma peppered cory begs for food and sits in the notice me corner if she feels I'm not being attentive enough. The also seem to break up any random aggression outbreaks in the tank by "dropping in" and take no guff from anyone.
  6. After everything this year threw at you sorry you didn't get this win. Disappointment can be so hard to deal with it is such a crushing emotion. At least they worked with you to sort the enders so when things have calmed down after the holiday period I am sure they will find ways to work with you in the lets face it you could be a customer worth keeping. As mentioned above ask about going in early or late if you have a list ready ( yes you want a browse but let them get the dry goods ready so they know there is a sale at the end). And make sure they have that number 1 fish in stock. When you feel up to it see what they can do. That reminds me I really want to know what the number 1 fish is can you tell or are you working on a surprise tank reveal down the line?
  7. Keep a tight eye on your water the change in tanks could mean you are in a fish in cycle still and they can trip to toxic levels pretty quickly (I had a similar issue with a tank upgrade for big fish). So expect to be doing partial water changes daily (just enough to keep it safe and let the bacteria grow). Keeping the water clean will be the best thing you can do for that fish who is probably still healing from whatever the meds killed. Fingers crossed for you that this all goes smoothly.
  8. One of the local nature reserves near me takes old Christmas trees to use so you can dump your tree and try and spot red squirrels or the local tips compost them for the parks. Not that I have tree but it's nice to know they aren't wasted.
  9. This is in BBC drama "vigil" which is set on board a submarine. So that's a world within a world within a world kinda thing
  10. I was a little older than your daughter but I can clearly remember the aquarium at the hospital from my poorly childhood days. Plants will help with your water I would recommend some cheap fast growing stem plants for you at the moment (any you can get local) for me they establish fast and if you replant the trimmings you soon have plenty to work on those nitrates. Then take your time and decide what you want the set up to look like and take slowish steps to get there asking questions along the way (even if they sound silly).
  11. Welcome, love goldfish I had 2 in a variety of tanks for all the years your life should get easier now they are in the 75.
  12. Well I spotted a murmuration yesterday evening. Quite while since I've seen one that large always a treat to watch though. Only had phone with me but the pics still give an idea of the size
  13. Don't chase the fish get settled in an area they are active in and wait. A chair can help with this. Anything on the glass makes focusing a nightmare do get out the magic sponge and then do the outside with vinegar. My camera loves to focus on plants and likes to blur all those pesky fish that keep getting in the way.
  14. Welcome back to fish, i get more and more paranoid about my tank heater. Sounds like a really nice set up that you have in mind though. Sorry about the issues painful route you had to take to get here. I had a big fish loss a few years ago and struggled to even look at the tank let alone talk about restocking until last year. This site has really helped move along through this.
  15. I've ziptied weights to the end of hoses before now. Especially useful when gravel vaccing alone
  16. These have been around in the UK for awhile, I've been tempted by them but aside from seeing them running in various garden centres for years can't really comment on them. They are made by a company called blagdon. They are considered to be UK winter proof and be the windows are made from pvc according to their website
  17. @Torrey very very little online is been quite frustrating. Planning on seeing what I can find at local museums and bug the records office at some point. I want to see the plans and how they treated water. I wonder if at first they piped in sea water directly as it is on the sea front although I could imagine that would lead to a lot of issues.
  18. Ok drunk Lucy (flumpweesel) is in control right now but it's getting very close to Christmas Day so I do wish you all the very best of season to each and every one who reads this. Sent now because it will be nonsense soon 😝
  19. Your baking looks amazing. Hope your Christmas shifts are peaceful. And you get deservedly spoilt on boxing day.
  20. I wonder how many holiday traditions would be better at 200mph🤔
  21. The liquid fertilizer is designed to provide the missing nutrients and help the plants use up the excess nitrates from fish and food waste. Reducing the amount of food for the algae. Algae will grow if you have an excess of anything (or any one thing )as it is very simple and has a form that suits many environments. So more light or food than your plants need = alage. Fertz might reduce the excess and reduce the alage or you may have to do more tweaking
  22. Sorry I can't help but my dilemma is between Blue and Yellow.
  23. Wait and see, time in good water will make all the difference, you are doing all you can. As said by others these are sturdy fish.
  24. Come to the UK the water is lovely! This is probably a big bonus for living in the rainiest part of a rainy Island. Most of my water comes from lakes, rivers and reservoirs in national parkland. Also the water company's here are fined by the government for leaks on the mains or for imposing drought measures (except in extreme conditions) which helps to ensure that the supply is well maintained so no need to heavily treat to make up for it. A few years ago they discovered a contaminate one of the holding tanks at treatment center while we had to boil our water for awhile they treated it with UV and compensation was issued.
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