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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. Thanks @Sumson and @Odd Duck. I was surprised it lasted this long maybe I'll give it's new growth a go outside the tank.
  2. Have you got the manual might be worth a down load to see if you have missed a trick.
  3. Can't speak for the make you have but I find my canister pretty painless. As it's second hand it might be worth checking that the seals haven't perished they are generally pretty easy to replace or oil if they are brittle
  4. Well I picked this up from a lfs a few months ago there was no one working in the fish room at the time to ask. The colours haven't shown brilliantly in the photo but they are dark green on the top and purple on the underside. The plant was very cheap and was just the big leaves tied together so I didn't hold much hope for it lasting. Anyway it has rooted and as you can see new growth so now I figure out what to do with it.
  5. I'd use a spray and many thin coats. I have also heard that window film is a good alternative.
  6. I use it as it doesn't add nitrates just the trace minerals that get used up. Suits my water change routine nicely perks things up when remember to use it.
  7. 3113 8986 0124 I still play very causally. Helped to fill the void left when I rejected Facebook (and other social media).
  8. Does seem like odd behaviour for them, I have them in my community tank and they never seem to get the speed up to be able to jump. What else is with them ? Are their multiple pairs of apisto's could it be territory squabbles ? I would say a lid is the only way to stop jumper or drop the water level to make it harder (maybe do that while you sort the lid)
  9. Generous and well deserved prise for you all, I do look forward to seeing the content. This could be an extravagant treat for house plants, I give mine the aquarium water and very occasional a proper feed but I find houseplant ferts are a lot cheaper than aquarium ones.
  10. I was going to suggest do nothing let nature have a go and after my a week see where you are. If it's not a fish in cycle no need to kill yourself with water changes. I've got a tank in slow cycle in my kitchen at they moment with a view to trying shrimp it's so frustrating but fingers crossed it will be ready by the spring.
  11. You'll be putting an "R" between those H's then
  12. sadly the best advice is to go slowly and try to make careful and considered purchases, it will save you money, heart ache and time in the long run. I am quite sure we all have a box of regrets ( noisy air pumps, disapointing filters ect) its nearly impossible not to but if we can save you some of it we will.
  13. Zizz air stones reminded me that last time I needed to buy one after searching online (3 lfs didn't have any) I ended up buying a pack of 6 from somewhere that didn't charge postage rather than buying a single and paying postage. The end prices were to close. So I now have bubbles sorted for years with my single airline.
  14. I picked up the JBL artemo hatcher on ebay its basically the same as the one at aco but smaller as I only have one tank to feed. I still freeze the some from each hatch but which are handy. I got loads of tips on brine shrimp from here before I started (link below ) oh and my apisto's do eat various pellets hikari vibra bites and mirco pellets not so much the wafers but the corys are pretty formidable at feeding time. I feed brine shrimp once or twice a week.
  15. I'd just add another pack of food or a plant as long as it's cheaper than the actual shipping.
  16. Get the biggest tank you can and a lot of filtration. Goldfish have long lives and grow continually better to set up for it than having to keep forking out for new tanks and extra filters (I lived and learned this). I loved keeping goldfish hope you get to enjoy yours for a long time. Black moors are adorable hope you get to add one to your collection but as others have said for two mature fish you will be needing 40gal plus
  17. I believe this ended up as a in store only product due to it being a shipping nightmare
  18. An alternative fish to keep instead of the Betta, reading on here loads of people are really into them but they seem to have a high mortality rate especially with children and beginners. Is there a fish that while might not be as elegant has enough personality to compensate and can be kept in 5 to 10gal tanks and being a little better suited to the early days learning curve. I feel lots of fish have as much personality if not more than bettas and something has to fit this bill and really save some painful journeys. Kinda a best first wet pet - not snails.
  19. Ouch, for a few years I only tested for Ammonia as with a single liquid test didn't even think about nitrates at the time. Maybe that could work out more cost effective. But in the mean time just keep up with the water changes and leave your algae alone. I have kept health fish in green tanks it's not pretty but it helps
  20. My tank had a funk a few weeks ago I found cyanobacteria on the central brace wipe down with vinegar problem solved. Cyanobacteria is the normal reason for a strong smell inspect all the surfaces try and catch it as soon as it shows then stick an airline where it appeared to keep it away.
  21. Hi welcome to the gang I'm pretty new here and found it to be full of helpful and knowledgeable people. I have found harlequin rasboras to be easy going in both temperament and requirements. I love my cherry barbs for the activity and personality they are very friendly and chase my hand when I'm working in the tank. Corydoras of any type are fun and active at the bottom and are quite the breeders if conditions suit. I would suggest picking a favourite/must have fish either as centre piece fish or a must have school and then pick what fits with them. It can save disappointment down the line.
  22. It's corys pretty good odds on them increasing their numbers themselves mine did until I added SAEs to the mix. So maybe try three and see if they breed if nothing is interested in their eggs numbers you won't need to do anything. You can always add some later if they don't but it's nice to have room to keep the offspring
  23. Won a fish at the fair (actually this was probably the 3rd or 4th from the annual fate). It lived for 28 years so forced my hand really. Nearly gave up on fish after it died but then time heals and lock down meant it was really hard to avoid the huge aquarium in the living room. So started adding some algae eaters to the corys that had survived the goldfish and built slowly from there. I now have a modest planted community tank that I can enjoy again.
  24. Why not kill the larva before feeding it to fish I would expect all it would take is a few hours in the freezer.
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