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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. how lovely I would probably pick rice fish cause they are adorable and your LFS might take any excess off you should they breed. I saw someone on you tube with them in loads of ponds similar to yours with water hyacinth and it all looked lovely. No personal experience though so other people might have more reasoned advice.
  2. Nope super cute little cichlids. https://youtu.be/fmeTp9z_jG4
  3. I throw a tank size dose of prime into the tank then run the hose from the tap. Never had any negative effects.
  4. Waiting now saves so much work later stick with it
  5. These I have a few and they do have a lot of the goldie charm, in a much smaller package. Thanks for the update I've always been advised they are happier in temperate tanks (admittedly not cold).
  6. I quite fancy shell dwellers as something different at the moment. Their behaviour should be fairly different to what you have. No experience though just my b current whim
  7. I am afraid they all grow and do so quite quickly. I have no idea about shrimp surviving but they are fast and good at hiding so might do ok, snails will be unlikely to be able to move fast enough to keep out of the way of curious goldies. My other thought is that goldfish are cold water fish so not really suited to tropical community tanks. You may have to put this wish on hold until you have a spare tank or pond to switch things around.
  8. Certainly with shift work deliveries can be a nightmare, have a chat to the shop see what they can do. Sounds like a perfect customer order scenario to me.
  9. I'd doubt they will lose money they will just have them included in their next delivery /trip to wholesalers. They might refuse or take a deposit if they think you are the only person who would want that fish. I have never mail ordered fish (I dislike mail order shopping in general). But I'm in the UK and everything is closer together here. If you have a good LFS I'd talk to them first they might have a very good reason for not stocking them that could be useful to know.
  10. I get those I scratch them off with a plant care tag or credit card, if I do it when the fish are hungry the SAE's and barbs will eat it while it's floating around. I have quite a lot of algae I only care about the stuff on the front glass I feel the rest is a normal thing for fish to have in their lives.
  11. Thanks for sharing, you are right about men in particular not talking about health and it needs to change, I've heard it did said that it's one of the reasons women out live them. I am very glad the first responders didn't give up on you and hope you receive great care going forward. I've known a few people with Crohn's and it's a cruel and difficult condition to manage it sounds like you have been doing an Incredible job of not being held back. You have had a terrifying ordeal now let's start chalking up some wins (no matter how small). Take care xx
  12. Aren't they the ones Dean took in on a recent video
  13. Ooo it could well be chamomile that is an easy switch. She'll have wanted the field weed daisy so chamomile is a much better behaved option.
  14. What temp range is cool? You may need advice from some of the native keepers.
  15. Looking good, taste and fish needs change all the time therefore so do our tanks, I think this blog will probably show the tank evolution that everyone has been /will go through from first fish to spectacular display tank.
  16. My thoughts on water are if I wouldn't drink it I probably wouldn't add it to my fish tank.(I know I wouldn't drink water after adding prime but I think you get my drift above). And while suspended silt is probably safe it's probably a similar experience for the fish as us walking through a sand storm (generally not deadly but far from pleasant). Fingers crossed the tests are all good on your water and once the table has settled you'll be back to the lovely clear stuff
  17. So pleased for you, that is a very happy looking and very handsome fish. Well done on getting through that.
  18. I wouldn't hatch in the dark but I think room lighting is adequate. I think some really old instructions use light bulbs as a heat source (like in old incubaters) but that won't work with modern lights. I just leave mine in the kitchen no heat no extra light.
  19. Right waiting time for me it's always 36 to 48 hours , so I would say wait at least 36 the best way to explain how the hatch looks is that the water looks fuller and more orange you'll know when you see it.
  20. We had a mild winter this year but I'm very jealous of those temps. I hate the cold I'd love to live somewhere where wooly hats weren't a necessity
  21. Take things easy, I wonder if the season is effecting the stock available people may be wary of shipping in winter. Although if I remember rightly winter isn't a cold thing were you are @Brandon p
  22. No I use table salt, I'm in the UK so there is no iodine our table salt
  23. All I can do is say what I do. I hatch at room temp the hatcher is in my kitchen which is pretty cold at night. I use about a tablespoon of salt to 500ml of water with a big pinch of bicarbonate of soda. Bubble slowly no stone just the air through the straw at a slow blub rate. Takes about 36-48 hrs to get a good hatch. Eggs stored in fridge like yours. Maybe less air and wait longer every house has a different recipe for success with shrimp.
  24. I believe it's either one or many with angels due to their being a tad grumpy in small numbers but fine on their own as @Tanked explained.
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