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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. I personally wouldn't worry in a well ventilated space (if it smells your going to open a window) it's safe for your lungs and skin and you are going to be on top of the thing. Obviously keep an eye on things and adjust as you go but I think it would come with huge warnings if it was that toxic. They tend to exaggerate these things to prevent complaints. If you have an air line going in maybe ensure that is getting as fresh an air supply as leads and air line allow if your nervous. Saran wrap is a handy back up if it seems really bad but I doubt you'll need it. Happy new mattress by the way I believe they are an excellent choice.
  2. This is what our nightmares are made off. Well done on the measured and sensible response in the moment. That tank would have gone soon anyway they should hold up to more than a dink with a python so be glad your were home and looking at it at the time.
  3. Without things to challenge or to dominate he isn't going to be as active you can encourage more movement with play and by holding a mirror for him to flare at. Guppies will probably suffer if you throw some in they are to similar in looks so he'll probably attack them.
  4. Missed this thread too. Currently enjoying Raised by Wolves. Loved The Expanse and Foundation. For a lighter note Resident Alien is pretty good. Also grew up with the classics such as Dr Who, Red Dwarf, Star Trek and Sapphire &Steel. Ooo and G-force (battle of planets edited for children).
  5. That works for me. Remember the original stem will in most cases put out branches from just below the cut line to. I cut mine quite low when I be want bushier cover or just trim the excess length when it's out of control them just weight and drop the cuttings. Silly thing is when your tank is full it starts to feel wasteful to throw cuttings. Especially after waiting forever for plants to get going
  6. Frustratingly close, if they are in Germany they have to here (UK) or will be I think they have more breeders in Germany. Maybe it's time to plan a European road trip (COVID permitting)
  7. Goldfish like food they are not fussy, depending on their size (trying to imagine filling my ft long fishes) BBS might not satisfy their appetites but I'm sure they will enjoy the protein boost. Many will eat peas and other veggies (mine did not) as an option. They will probably love the flake food . They just like being fed.
  8. LED lights definitely a big improvement to the hobby although I kinda miss the little tink tink sound of my old lights coming on. I think many people lament the loss of undergravel filters but you can still find them but other options are cheaper. Carbon has its uses but not as a standard filter component more as an emergency detox (that wisdom is a money saver). The amount of fish available is extraordinary butv so is the variety of foods and water treatments. Water test kits have also evolved (not sure if they were a thing 20 years ago or just to expensive for me) The biggest change is access to knowledge, to know the why you change your water, clean your filter, feed this food. Not just case of doing what the instructions said. Being able to test and see the changes in the water and understand what is happening (most of the time) really changes our success rates and in the perfect set up work load. Welcome back btw. (Air pumps can still be noisy)
  9. White cloud mountain minnow. But as an aside an unheated tank isn't necessarily a cold tank as it depends on the room maybe set it up and while it cycles monitor it's temp range.
  10. Perhaps that's the next phase from walstad method we will have the dirty scapers.
  11. If it's very floaty you may want to soak it for a while first but if it sinks your good to go. I normally add things during a water change because that's a good time to duffle everything around so you'll probably add dechlorinator at the same time anyway
  12. I had a swan mussel in with mine for awhile. Great for additional filtration and strangely fascinating to watch.
  13. Glad you found him, I've only got a vague notion on how many fish are in my community tank. He was probably loving the natures chaos scape that had evolved but lovely new set up that you can both enjoy now
  14. Thanks I've been trying to think how to explain without pictures.
  15. My lfs double bags to get rid of corners (bags at 90degrees to reach other)
  16. My first tank was the cut glass trifle/punch bowl when I came home with a surprise goldfish. Someone gave us a metal framed tank to replace this happily before Christmas and the bowl could be returned in time to it's proper use. No filtration, no heater, no dechlorinator, occasionally pond weed. Gravel bottom. Fish lived for years. Current tank after many down and upgrades for same fish is 230l ( approx 60gal) long tank with fluval 306. Became a tropical planted community tank from about 2018 after the loss of the goldfish at the start of this story.
  17. I get my arm wet use those magic eraser type sponges (melamine sponges). Quickest and easiest solution I've found.
  18. You mentioned green slime could that be cyanobacteria, that stuff smells like a ditch and is weird and slimey if you can add a picture to confirm
  19. My goldfish demanded two feeds a day (mainly flake they liked the red ones best) if I missed a feed or they thought I was late all the plants live or plastic where uprooted and any hardscape moved. As mentioned above with these fast growers it's quite hard to overfeed and the advice is more about feeding less to persevere water quality. Maybe get a more veggie food and alternate to keep their digestive systems in order. Mine wouldn't eat peas but loved algae wafers.
  20. I understand that feeling. I'm not a morning person I'm normally on here when I'm trying to wake up enough face the world outside of my duvet to start work at a reasonable time and I never start a tricky task in the morning. But come midnight I'll be forcing myself to stop reading/working/crafting and go to bed. My fish lights go off at 10:30pm the will get some ambient light after that but they will relax because that food giant never visits in the dark. Eye comfort mode on TVs, phones and monitors reduces the blue I use this as standard as I have sensitive eyes. And newer stuff is just silly bright.
  21. I believe fish school for security so those cardinals must be more confident and feeling pretty happy to have spread themselves out with no threat in the water they school more loosely. Rummies must be a more nervous fish
  22. Wow mine are oblivious to everything they mull about together but unless it's BBS they do not react to anything and they do not are about the outside tank world. Funny how different fish can be for different people
  23. If you have white (or any vinegar) give it a go. Is it a glass or acrylic tank? I've used nail varnish remover to clear sticky residues on surfaces but friction is probably the best for silicone if not the fastest.
  24. Sorry no personal experience with flowerhorns been tempted though. I don't think shredding would look quite like that hopefully someone more experienced will step in. The best thing I feel we can do for fish is keep the water pristine while they fight things. The treatments mentioned in there links sounds pretty comprehensive. Best of luck got my fingers crossed for you
  25. Not an expert but looks to be like Ick or Epistylis Here are a couple of links that might help rule things out https://aquariumscience.org/index.php/10-2-2-ich/ https://aquariumscience.org/index.php/10-2-4-epistylis/
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