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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. Best of luck with this, it should be a great way to rehab those hands. One tip I've heard is to start with a ukulele as they are smaller and lighter so less need to stretch while still teaching the skills for guitar. And can still sound beautiful.
  2. I totally agree if you're going to trim up for Christmas go big and go loud. A colour coordinated Christmas is not a sign of a fun household. Christmas trees should barely be visible under tinsel and every home made cottonwood snow man the kids have brought home from school. Nothing should match everything should be a relic from previous years carrying the memories of fun with it. As for your watermill when I first added an airline I really wanted either a treasure chest or oyster shell that opened and closed. Seems the stores here are cursed with better taste than I.
  3. When they use statements like this its to pull in certain owners but it will be safe for all. They have the same dietary needs. I could never get my fish to eat peas. And one of my goldfish only ate the red flakes.
  4. I always throw mine in the tank with the fish and leave them for a few weeks while I decide what's happening with them. I like to see new growth start before I plant them. Never noticed a change in the water from this.
  5. Thanks for sharing your origin story (perhaps it should be released comic book once the film rights are out there no more need to visit the corner). Enough space and enough food chills out most populations you happy tank sounds lovely.
  6. There is a rugby union team called The Harlequins sadly they use the Italian clown as a mascot rather than the fish. Morecambe football club nicknamed the shrimps. Fleetwood football club -the cod army Also a rugby union club called The Rams sadly their mascot choice is not what I hoped. I suppose a big cause for the lack of fish representation in sports names is the fact that not many towns where built on a fresh fish industry. But fans can certainly get things moving on team names so people of Florida start refering to your team's as "the guppy farmers" write some catchy chants and make the change.
  7. It's possibly an old-fashioned habit now but I have always used a credit card for any online or in the olden days mail order just for that extra protection. It's pretty much the only reason i still have a credit card. PayPal is also very good at protecting the consumer in my experience. It is unfortunate that people use this to treat sellers unfairly abusing systems designed to protect us is the quickest way to us losing them or venders have to increase their prices to offset the losses. The selfish really do spoil everything.
  8. My community tank has pigmy corys and it is generally between 73 and 75.(23C and 24C) I have kept larger corys around 70 (20C/21C )without issue.
  9. I wouldn't go the medication route yet it is all of probably just the diet changes. I almost never see my fish poop I think they wait till lights out.
  10. Soooo Pie is a calzone and sausage rolls are sushi my diet is more varied than I thought. Oh and it reminded me of this
  11. I check more than I probably should.
  12. I'm also a fluval owner (307) I got it as a complete set up with my tank so it was predrilled for the pipework and fittings but it's just an in take and return they are through the bottom on my tank but I think hook over options exist. Media I use the ceramic and sponges it came with I just replaced the carbon with more ceramic.
  13. Fairly big 230litres which is about 60 US gallons I think. I use quite a thin substrate layer one large log and some smaller hollow caves and structures. I don't really worry about the plants. If you are using stone you can get their volume by measuring the displacement of you want to be super actuate (or work it out for smaller one and estimate). I think it's important to have a good idea of the real water volume in particular for treating with meds and salt but for fish I think common sense about how much space they need is generally adequate and if we overstock we just have to get the buckets out more often.
  14. Measure from the top of the substrate with the current move towards deeper substrates for planting this can be quite important to check especially for calculating volume for meds. Equally measure only to where you will keep the waterline. I knock about 30litres off my aquariums max volume to account for the decoration.
  15. Thats amazing - although if mine had been given that tech I am sure that they would have just followed me around nudging for food. It would freak cats out though.
  16. Good luck my mum changed to a low carb diet a few years ago to combat steroid weight gain it has been amazing for her and she really loved her bread. She doesn't really make anything different just doesn't have the starch portion her plate (just extra broccoli) She does make her own granola and has that with greek yogurt for breakfast. And eats brie with celery and nice cured meats as an easy lunch and snack. I think the key to success is to always have safe snack foods in to keep cravings at bay. And remember the first week is the hardest.
  17. Sorry for your losses hopefully the cycle kicks back in soon. I sometimes this hobby really likes to test your resolve.
  18. How often do you change the water and what are your nitrate levels. It's possible your keeping the water to clean for plants they always hit the growth spurt with me when the nitrates are over 20ppm. I do water changes around the 30/40 ppm. Plants seem to struggle for ages them suddenly your tank is full and your can't find the fish. You'll get there
  19. Looks really good, I've seen towns made out of sandstone so it should last a fair while
  20. Nice work and that fish got its breeding act together 40 to 10000 in two years just imagine dealing with that in your fishroom. Also nice work from one of my local zoo's (the posh big treat zoo when we were kids).
  21. You said you set the temp to 80 but have you checked that it is 80 (some heaters can be a little iffy on the dial) also what temp had the water dropped down to before you had chance to replace. Could the reheating have been a little fast and upset the more sensitive fish. I believe you should step temp up and down quite slowly for some fish.
  22. Pretty choice lovely should be a lovely addition. I've been thinking about adding some blue to my community
  23. The Krib killed her mate so not in hurry to throw another unsuspecting male to the black widow and I'm tank limited. I think I'll try some respite care for the smaller apisto and see how it develops.
  24. I generally just try to be a bit better in everything. I think however this year it's time to stop using covid as an excuse to avoid things and start living my life again rather than just ticking over. (Safely though I'm not a fool).
  25. Wood choice be careful sap can be toxic. Pebbles Vs lava or dragon rock is just personal choice. I've used pebbles from the beach just cleaned them up and made sure they are a soluble mineral that will affect pH. Moss walls can take a long time to establish so good luck.
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