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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. It's an evil conspiracy of marketing they are only reducing the fish so you buy something at full price to feel better.
  2. 1) for me it is generally a gravel vac if I'm doing one it's not much harder to do the other. 2) I read clean clean water as 0 ammonia, 0 nitrate, low nitrite 3) the API liquid test kit is good but has many opportunities for human error (shaking ect) so test strips remove most human error and are accurate enough 4) pH is readable on my test strips but I don't use co-op ones (UK) 5) hope they figure out the walls soon. 6) I hear they can be fussy so if they are happy eating what your giving them don't worry. 7) plants are fussy but I had a java fern come back from nothing and all of sudden it's happy. Don't give up but maybe try some other plants instead. I can only grow a sword at end of my tank that confuses me .
  3. I can only keep one Krib alive. Bought two females one didn't last they night. Did some reading learned it wasn't the best idea. Bought a very young male for the remaining female after about a month she vanished. He lived quite happily until I spotted a lone female in a lfs thought she might cheer him up. She did for a while but then after a couple of breeding attempts he was floating. I know it's aggression with kribs but it's still disappointing. I've started writing down the dates I get fish so I have at least an idea if it's old age getting to them.
  4. I would expect the 207 to be enough (without checking) I have a 306 on 60g (just older models). The fuval website is quite good at giving you outputs and comparison charts. It's worth noting though that the step up in price isn't normally that bad and if you'd be considering upgraded the tank in the future it might be more cost effective to ensure your filter could accommodate expansion they last a long time. You will probably be successful with whatever media it's supplied with I don't like carbon so I always swap that out for either additional sponge or ceramic media . Those old sponges could come in handy there. Air stones optional I'd just look at how much flow the filter generates. Again with the spray bar probably not needed set up as standard then see how it feels. Remember flow is controllable on the fluvals
  5. That really is a nice structural piece you had to buy it or it would have bugged you for years about missing it I'm sure it will look lovely anywhere you put it
  6. Welcome, and yes this is a hobby that can grab you. The best advice for fish I can give is match them to your water hardness and pH are hard things to change so find out what you have and work from there. Fish browsing is fun. Looks like a great start. The duckie idea reminded me of the glass fish attached to floats that I had as kid they could make the cycle more decorative. I just bugged my goldfish with them.
  7. I kept paleatus in an unheated tank with no issues.
  8. This might inspire, haven't tried it myself.
  9. 12months ish, I started looking for content I could listen to while working from home so the live stream archive was perfect.
  10. Well my female krib gets on great with the female apisto and they both hate the male apisto. The Krib is the easier going of two ladies. So it could go either way in my experience so have a plan B in place if you try it .
  11. You could probably leave it in place of the tank isn't too heavy to lift with it in. You'll have to be careful not to disturb it to much but I'm guessing it's planted though which could make things trickier.
  12. Anything by hakari works for me and tetra wafer mix. Tetra goldfish flakes get everyone excited which was a surprise. My fish are not interested in bug bites after everything I'd heard on here I was disappointed with the reaction. I think my fish just like red foods better. Now there is an allergy that would have gone unnoticed if you'd kept any other pet. Hope it wasn't too bad or took to long to figure. The thought of raising fly's to feed fish makes me itch but yes your chickens would be delighted. I also I worry about fish getting fussy and demanding live foods because I do think they are a big ask when you want a holiday and need a neighbour to feed you fish.
  13. I had it while back and fingers crossed cleared it up with a few air stones. I manually cleared as much as could first then added an air line to increase flow, it seems to prefer calmer waters. I do have to keep an eye out on the rim and brace for it starting there if water collects. I just wipe those with a vinegar soaked cloth.
  14. That would close the UK completely. It's probably been 8 years since we have had more than an inch or two of snow where I am so funnily enough we are not equipped to deal with it. Take care folks
  15. Alternatively if the tank allows you could try lucky bamboo or pathos growing out of the tank.
  16. Blue light in its own is not really enough for plants, if you want live plants in there I would suggest using a white or grow light for 6 to 8 hrs and then the blue in the evening when your son is spending time with the tank.
  17. Two females they are being monitored for aggression. At the moment they are pretty chummy.
  18. Beautiful pics and lovely sneaky peaky fish face. Looks like a fun fish friend well done on your first 2 years with him I'm sure there will be many more
  19. I feed my corys hakari sinking wafers and tetra wafer mix without issue. Maybe hold back on the blood worms and see if they take more of an interest when they are hungry. Mine also get pretty excited about goldfish flakes.
  20. So today I added my first tetra to the community tank after being dazzled by cardinals for some time now they are out of quarantine and exploring their new home. Another first is these ladies my first bettas which were I admit an impulse buy when I nipped to lfs (UK big box) for a new heater.
  21. I rinse and use an ice cube tray (label it mine is fish shaped to prevent a g&t mishap). But I'm not too precious about some of the salt water getting in as salt water should still freeze in the deep freeze and I need a better sieve if I wanted to prevent that.
  22. Just be aware if you rely on gravity for your gravel vac and keeping low tanks can be hard work. If you use a python it won't be same issue
  23. What a nice story those fish look awesome, so glad you can upgrade for them.
  24. Nice to get an update thanks, I agree with everything @xXInkedPhoenixXhas said don't put to much with goldfish they are plenty of work on their own. Plants will help a little bit but goldfish are vandals so nothing will stay tidy for long. Tricky in the work place but if the tank is suitable maybe grow a pathos out of it . Not sure if it has been mentioned but goldfish water is great for any houseplants.
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