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Everything posted by Brian

  1. I have never used CO2. But I didn’t know this was a thing. I mean what is everyone else doing? I’ve seen the Aquarium Co Op tanks and Cory’s he uses both. Hmm. Good Luck
  2. That’s a hard call. You might want to condition them separately. Let her recover. I would move the male. So when you rejoin them she has home field advantage. Are they young fish? Sometimes it takes a few times for them to get it correct. Also maybe put them together on a day when you can watch them. Good Luck
  3. I’m thinking fin loss and not fin rot. Maybe caused by stress. You could have more than one or two things causing stress. Netting, diet, any sharp edges in the tank or decorations…. Something
  4. Maybe this was asked and answered, but he is eating? If so do you have any frozen blood worms and brine shrimp? Are we even sure this is Fin Rot? what kind of gravel? It isn’t anything sharp like crushed granite? Heater, does it have a guard on it? Maybe when he is resting his fins are to close to heating element? Maybe buy or make a betta hammock so he can rest. Also how strong is current? Is it possible to just use a sponge filter with a mild current?
  5. What kind of aquarium you ask? Does it hold? Was it free or cheap? Then I say it is the great kind…. look up reef ready, or aquarium overflow, or aquarium overflow weir. Also plenty of videos how to plumb them Nice find Good Luck
  6. I use ice cube trays and chocolate Candy molds. If you check the dollar store and kitchen store even craft stores you will find all different sizes (and shapes,lol). Use a toothpick the slide them out. As for making I have a bunch of different size and shape containers for a dollar store that I deemed FISH ROOM ONLY.
  7. Sorry I disagree. There are a lot of reasons to be in the hobby and to be a hobbyist. I belong to three clubs and I would share, give and donate fry at them all. I would also trade fish with other hobbyists. All three of the clubs I belong to also have at least two auctions per year, and yes I sold fish at these auctions. In the last 20 plus years I have kept at least 4 display tanks and as many as 35-40 spawning and or fry tanks. That doesn’t make me or others anymore or any less of a hobbyist.
  8. @Cory Hello Cory and welcome. Now let’s get down to business. We want more Dean. And more Dean DIY. Thanks again……😂
  9. Also I made good money with Black Kaiser II Tropheus, Cyrtocara moorii and Altolamprologus calvus. But again such slow growing fish. Good Luck
  10. I don’t know if I ever made a profit, or just helped offset the cost and paid for the next tank. Well, that’s not true. My big money makers. Syno Multipunctatus,Discus and Egyptian mouthbrooder. I’m sure my Frontosa made me money also, but fish like that take so long. I had my Frontosa group for two years, two weeks and five days before my first spawn.
  11. Wow, those are both gorgeous aquariums. Thanks for sharing
  12. I guess what and how often depends on what I am trying to do. Grow out fry, condition for spawn, Newly hatch fry or just wanting to curve aggressive fish. So unless getting ready to bag fish I would guess at least dry food twice a day and live or frozen at least once. Thanks
  13. Oh looks like you got this. Good luck. keep up updated
  14. I’ll be honest never spawned rummy nose. But with most egg scatters I use a bare bottom tank. Depending on fish spawning mops or some sort of egg barrier or screen on bottom. Maybe nice size black marbles. Condition males and females in separate tanks. After predetermined time say maybe three days add females to the tank let them settle in. After lights out add males. I do this the night before a day off. When I get up and wake up fish room I can check on the spawning groups. And check on them during the day. When I was spawning a lot of fish I would try to set up at least two tanks if the same species and setup as many different fish at same time. So maybe cherry barbs, white clouds, tiger barbs, beckfordi pencil all on the same weekend. I could check on all the tanks and once hatching started I could keep my live foods on same schedule. Green Water, micro worms, baby brine you know whatever. Good Luck
  15. Ok so there is a lot going on. So, first not an expert I can only tell you about my experience. Are you wanting to keep plants or young discus? In my experience young small discus will do so much better at 86 - 88 degrees and a constant water parameter. You don’t need to be a chemist. Yes, frequent water changes. I raised mine at 7.4 - 7.8 bare bottom tanks and after two months I would only change water every 3 days. Mine even spawned at that PH. My GH was maybe 90-100 and KH was maybe 130-140. They did fine. I only lowered all parameters for spawning, well really egg hatching. PH 6.8-6.9 GH 50-75 KH 60-70. Now for the plants. I know less about plants. But what I found out a lot of plants like to be a little cooler than discus. Also they like things in there water. I’m not a chemist. If the things we remove because we think that is best for one living object might be needed by another. What do we do? I guess what I’m saying if enjoy all the work and guess-work have fun. If not maybe raise the discus in a 40 or 55 and right around the time plants settle in and the display tank is dialed in, the discus will be old enough to slowly transition into that tank. Are they maybe 2-1/2 to 31/2 now? I would think maybe another 3 or 4 months. Good Luck
  16. Why snails? with anything fish I think what are the rewards and risk. 01. Snails eat eggs 02. snails eat algae and first foods available for fry 03. snail dies and fouls water Rewards: ?
  17. https://www.amazonasmagazine.com/ https://www.tfhmagazine.com I really liked Amazonas- but I haven’t subscribe to any magazines in 3 or 4 years. When I was getting it is was all articles and no advertising. Not sure if it is still like this or not.
  18. Sorry. Aqua scape. Driftwood-plants or decorations. Whatever you want.
  19. Ya, I guess. I have never had a centerpiece fish. To be honest I just don’t understand that concept. Unless it is normally solitary fish. I don’t know it is me I guess. Does any of that make sense?
  20. Well you could use a plastic cup or container and add slowly. Or even a net. Add slowly maybe taking a couple hours to complete . but if possible why not remove half the water to a bucket and put fish in there. Dump and scape. Once tank is clearing up add the fish back in
  21. Any fish in the tank? If not remove some water, maybe half. Rinse gravel and dump.
  22. Oh I forgot to mention I don’t think it was caused by low oxygen levels. But, when testing for oxygen levels in your aquarium I would test maybe an hour or so before turning on the lights. Good Luck
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