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Everything posted by RyanR

  1. One of my sons got a tiny feeder guppy by accident when getting some other fish at our LFS. It's been a month or so and now it's coloring up. Is this a mut guppy or any particular type of Guppy?
  2. I was thinking of putting this in the back of either my 29 in an Easy Planter and\or my 14 gallon cube (15 in tall). I was wondering how tall it will get?
  3. 😁 My 6 yr old son saw that in an LFS and wanted it, but he hasn't seen Star Wars yet...lol. I was impressed when he picked it out.
  4. Thanks. I'm looking to stick with a common variety, and I guess I should have asked, what's the tallest of the common Aubias?
  5. I have a 29 gallon that I want to put an Anubias in an Easy Planter. It's going in the back cornet to try and hide the heater and an airline. Which one of the Anubias is the tallest?
  6. I literally just added my first background to one of my tanks last night. It made a huge difference. Take a look at the picture. I bought blackout window film and it is very high quality. I plan on putting this on all of my aquariums. Here's what I ordered.
  7. Exactly what he said...lol. My ambient temp is about 73 or so. I thought originally I had to be only about 4 inches away and I was close to 90. Those lights get pretty hot. I end up being about a foot away, maybe 14 inches.
  8. What's your water temp? I keep mine about 80° and I use @Dean’s FishroomFishroom method in this video. I also only use 1 tsp of eggs, 1L of water and 2 tbsp of salt. You are close enough with your recipe where your eggs should be hatching if your temp is ok. To a certain limit, the lower your temp, the longer it will take your eggs to hatch.
  9. I use a construction type clip-on lamp with the silver housing and a 60W incandescent bulb. You could also use a flexible desk lamp. I figured out that I needed to be about a foot away to keep the water at 80°.
  10. Using the small vial of eggs I got the first time from the Co-Op, I didn't see nearly that many shells. I guess that's what they are talking about when they say 90% hatch rate. Huge difference! Great job @Cory!
  11. I hatching my 4th batch of BBS and my first using Aquarium Co-Op Brine Shrimp Eggs. I'm about to drain them, but I've never seen such a thick layer at the top before. Are those all of the shells?
  12. I haven't done a GH test in a few months and I don't remember what my GH was. I do know that I have hard water and that seems to be the consensus as to why the black spots are there.
  13. I ordered my first order of Co-Op Brine Shrimp eggs yesterday! Using the the @Dean’s Fishroom method with the Essentia water bottle. That thing is great for only a few tanks!
  14. Thanks @Jdogtrainer. It looks awesome. I got cold feet on the Planted+ from what Cory said earlier. I'm going to stick with the Stingray.
  15. Thank you. I will be placing my order through the Co-Op shortly.
  16. Wow...thanks for the heads up. @Cory do you think that the regular Stingray light will be sufficient for java fern, anubias, etc. and will light up a 29 gallon well enough to clearly see fish? I have a Stingray 2 that's about a year old that is nice. I just don't like the silver and I can't find a 30 inch.
  17. I found the answer to my question. @Cory compares these two lights in a 20 high, which is close enough. I'm going to spend the extra and get the Planted+.
  18. To give a little background first. I have a 40 breeder with a Stingray 2 on it (like the light, but don't like the silver color), a 20 long and some other 10 gallons with the Hygger lights on them. For Inexpensive lights, I like the Hygger lights, I just want something a little nicer on this since it will be in the den. We are upgrading one of the 10 gallons to a 29 for Christmas and I am torn between the Stingray (1st version) and the Finnex Planted+. I won't have CO2 and I don't think the plants will be anything too difficult (annubias, java fern, micro sword, etc). My only concern with the Stingray is that it won't be enough light for the plants nor enough lights to illuminate the tank (I like semi-bright aquariums). Any thoughts on these two lights. BTW...my budget doesn't fit a Fluval 😒
  19. Thanks. For the first month or two, I was getting a bunch of plantlets, which was understandable and I haven't been getting too many, if any, lately.
  20. They seem to be healthy only because they keep growing new leaves, they just don't look too great. And the new leaves are nice and green.
  21. There are black spots on most of the leaves of the Java Fern and holes in a couple of the leaves. My parameters are 0, 0, 30-40. I dose Easy Green twice a week and they get about 10 hours of light a day. The plants are growing and making new leaves from the rhizome, but they don't look great.
  22. This is my youngest son's tank (6 yr old), so don't judge me too harshly....lol. And he's getting a 29 for Christmas, by currently, those fish are in a 10 gallon 😳.
  23. They don't hurt anything and something is better than nothing, in my opinion. I think that you should use any available space in your filter, whether it's with sponge or bio rings.
  24. We have a Dwarf Neon that's definitely am eye catcher in a tank with a swordtail, 2 red eye tetras and 2 dalmation molly's. I was told that adding more than one if you tank isn't large enough can spell trouble.
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