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Everything posted by Georgiapeach88

  1. Nice. I’m I love with rummy nose tetras for schooling they are amazing.
  2. Share pic as soon as ya get those bad boys planted sturdy in sub straight. Best of luck and lots of coffee. Ya got this. I’m going to re glue my nana petite down bc my corydoras are butts and dug thru my aquascape last night and uprooted somethings 🤦‍♀️After I just got it set how I wanted yesterday. Sigh so coffee and fixing for myself as well
  3. 😍👌Awesome planting. Zoomed in to spit diff lil fhishy friends. Definitely gotta post some close ups. I have CPD’s and chillis in a nano tank and love them. But the thought of a huge table and a gazillion of these lil guys sounds amazing. I’m out of reactions still. 🥴
  4. Found that vdo a while back. Love watching him aquascape. Always looks amazing.
  5. 😂😂😂😂 I’m out of reactions for the day. @Corycan we up number of reactions pls😂😂?To many good things to like and heart and thank 😂😂I always run out.
  6. Er😳 em…maybe not so gorgeous 😂😂 well maybe still gorgeous enough to visit at the store lol till someone with bigger pockets adopts him.
  7. Yeah that’s gonna be the hard part might have to raise him up a bit separate to get him to size they are usually quarter size at lfs if not smaller.
  8. @Fish Folk Any specific advice for picking a juvenile male from my lfs. As they aren’t necessarily as easy to sex. Are they to picky to just pick a male and place him with her to couple up. or are they better to do the group thing and let them pair off
  9. Thank you for your help! Much appreciated. Now I gotta find her a boyfriend 😂😂
  10. Lol they gotta keep us guessing I suppose 😂 got better pic now of both sides.. it’s been a bit and corydoras have chilled from adding a new neighbor. Def looks more female in this lighting after scrolling thru all of your journal and staring at the pic and vdo’s and then looking back at mine. I love your detailed art work fabulous reply my friend.
  11. So males can or can’t have blue speckles inside black dot I’m so confused 😂🤦‍♀️
  12. I’ve been wondering. When I got this one with 3 others I swore I had all females at store and the store I visit had experienced gbr keepers. So we were pretty certain. But man oh man has it been hard to figure out the males from females That’s what I’ve been struggling with bc this one had specked inside back dot it looked female. But other times I thought male it’s been so hard to determine for me a first time GBR keeper
  13. I stumbled upon your journal on accident and I’m in love with all your info and photos. I just got my big German blue boy into my 36g community tank today after qt him. At least I’m pretty sure it’s a boy.. He’s making himself right at home. Need to find him some lady friends as I had gotten several for him and they were sick with something and sadly passed. I’m still learning how to sex them at my lfs as I thought I had multiple females a while back for him and ended up with two being males. That was a fun mess. They played there colors so much like pink bellied females it took me a bit to figure out I had more males than females.🤦‍♀️. Better pics.. thoughts on sexing this GBR.
  14. Added the remaining plants the pebbles clouded the water a tad 🤦‍♀️Guess I didn’t rinse enough. But I’m so happy with how it looks now I have 5-6 Amazon swords of different variety added So many different textures in small foreground and mid ground plants Can’t wait for it to clear up 😁 There that’s better removed suction egg tumbler bracket
  15. Responding to size part of this. With my albino Corydora…I return them to the parent tank when they are 1/4inch or 1/2 inch long in size and they seem to do well. If I had bigger fish I’d wait till 1/2 inch size.
  16. Sorry to hear. My sons father has never even tried to meet him. Quite sad really he’s five now and such an awesome kido. He helps me with the fish sometimes and likes to ask questions. I got my first two tanks because of him actually as a learning birthday present and a way for me to relax and get to her water sounds in our home. He’s so cute naming off all the fish. He’s only just turned five and learning fast. Might even outdo me someday as animal lover. Nice option for sure. My guys love Xstreme krill flakes as well
  17. Much better clarity today 😍I can see where I want more plants placed. And my Corydora are quite happy and started spawning again today 😁
  18. Nice! Yeah single parent living with my parents in rental house atm so not much space as of yet one day though I’ll get there and have my larger tank. Ya gotta share pic those sound great
  19. Oooh yay more Georgia peeps!! I’m bout 40 min north of Atlanta. My favorite lfs is Southern Aquatics local fish store in Roswell ga. I’m a little over a yr into the hobby myself.
  20. Yeah my problem is spacing in my home 😂😂 rn I have a 36 next to a 29g 2g by kitchen 10&5 in my bedroom. I love to have a longer tank in general just so I can have quite a few of each species in the tank and not have over crowding. I’ll be able to accomplish this in my 36g bowfront but essentially it’s a large old school tube tv size. So once planted well and a few diff types of fish are in there can’t go hog wild lol I’m not to far from ya I’m bout 40 min north of ATL
  21. I have dreams of lager tanks just bc I want such a huge Amazon fish community I’m working on making my 36g a mini version of that
  22. I agree it was my second tank ever bought I won’t get a bowfront again but I do love this tank. I had great plants going last yr till I wanted to change everything up..so I know it can do well.
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