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  1. Interesting. Never had that happen before. Extra snack for when I add fish.
  2. Got a photo...seems to have segments so maybe detritus? thanks again for any help
  3. I have a 20 gallon cycling about one month. No fish, and was previously a saltwater QT. I have been adding numerous plants and a couple snails. This past weekend I added some water lettuce from a LFS. Today I'm seeing small red worms (about 6) swimming in a corkscrew pattern in the water column. I couldn't get a photo, but they look a bit like photos of camallanus. Not sure what I should do about the tank. I do have Paracleanse, Ichx and Maracel as well as Chloroquine Phosphate from when I was saltwater qt. Any thoughts on what you would do if it was your tank? Appreciate all thoughts.
  4. Today I sanitized my 20gallon saltwater quarantine and equipment to get ready for a freshwater tank. Looking forward to beginning cycling and planning for the new inhabitants.
  5. I really like what you did with the tank. I have not seen someone use a glass pot like that.
  6. Well there is the smart way, and the way I would do it. It isn't smart, but in all honesty, if it were mine I would probably drain the 15g enough where I and another could move it, and set it up in the new room.
  7. Thanks currently I just have my 133 saltwater, but now that I have it stocked (couple clowns, yellow blotched rabbitfish, Powder brown and lemon tang plus a few small gobies) I'm going to convert the 20 gal. quarantine to freshwater. Not sure I can convince the wife with any additional tanks, but she is starting to get sucked in, so you never know.
  8. I'm in the Newnan area. Do you have a favorite LFS for fish. I'm having a difficult time finding one I feel good about. May have to take a road trip hunting for one.
  9. I will be using Paraclense as part of my quarantine process. Is it worthwhile to bind with focus in food, or do you just treat the water column?
  10. Recently decided to reenter freshwater aquariums after a long layoff. While I have kept fish often successfully I never really advanced in the hobby. Look forward to talking with you guys.
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