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Everything posted by CosmicAshhole

  1. I cannot be the only one from California... We have a pretty big local pet store... They do more than fish but their fish selection is HUGE. Other than that the only LFS I've found is mostly just bettas and the others are salt water. Womp womp for me.
  2. I believe it was petco. I miss mossballs. They're a nice addition. I am excited for their comeback as well.
  3. I think what they meant was that the airstones releases the CO2 that's in the water. So if you're not running CO2 then an airstone is bad news because it helps the CO2 that's in the water escape??? I never read that anywhere else so I didn't believe it lol
  4. What I was initially going to do was two sponge filters, but then I read somewhere that airstones could be bad? Something along the lines of it releasing Co2? This is why I frequent here, it seems like the most reliable source lol
  5. Love that. Maybe my $20 box filter will work after all.
  6. Still not plant weights.. I ordered some from Amazon and they should be here tomorrow. I ordered my fish for the tank to start their quarantine. I ordered from Aquatic Arts... The shipping was nearly more than the fish. I expected it to take longer for them to ship them out, but they are going to be here tomorrow... Anyone have experience with this place? I'm getting 2 Peral Gourami, 9 Serpae Tetras, and 5 assassin snails to clean up my snail infestation just a bit. Only two will be going in the 20L. The rest will be in the "plant tank" that I accidentally... had...to set up. So it seems I am STILL biting off more than I can chew these days.
  7. I have a single male betta with 2 Otots, 4 Albino corys, and 1 Nerite snail. They get along fine. I did previously have him with some shrimps but they did not last... I don't know if the problem was me or him though. He would stalk them and watch them, but I never *SAW* him take a bite... But bodies were missing.
  8. Very interested on how you built this. I am starting a 100gal porch pond very soon... I bought a box filter for the bottom but part of me thinks that's just tooooo easy. I am the queen of overthinking though
  9. Just got all the plants I ordered previously and can't find any of my plant weights to keep them down. ...happy Monday. 😭🙄
  10. I will do that! I just kinda covered them back up with more stratum when I noticed that trying to pull it out was a bad idea. Thank you for the advice!
  11. You know when I got him from petco the cup said he was a "half moon king betta"... But he's absolutely a koi. I have noticed his chin has changed some... it was SUPER pale before and now it's more orange. He's been building a bubble nest like crazy recently. his first, i'm so proud of him lol
  12. I'm not sure what Fluval Stratum is considered... But that.
  13. Woooo. NitrAtes are up. That means ammonia should start to go down...I think... Here we gooooooo
  14. I added root tabs last night and nearly had a heart attack this morning when the light came on and I saw white things on the bottom. 😅
  15. This is absolutely beautiful! I love that catfish. The more I learn, the more fish I fall in love with the more tanks I have to have. Haha. I knew there was a reason I didnt buy some before! I thought about exactly this! Thank you for the reminder I will absolutely make sure things are softened. I might even try other rocks because now I am paranoid.
  16. I already am planning on putting a sponge filter that i've been "seasoning" in my bettas tank 🙂
  17. So this tank was the first tank I ever tried to set up and scape with live plants... So it's going to be a prettttttty major rescape. The problem with this tank though is it's a pain in the rump. The top is NOT an easily accessable thing. I bought it because it was different. I want the huge rock out.. I'll be changing it to dragon rock (is that what it's called?) And filling everything else out with more plants for Pietro. As you can see everything is just kinda plopped in
  18. Thank you. I just wanted to make sure I was on the right track without killing my fish.
  19. So I just ordered way too many plants. I am setting up my second 20gallon (not long) to use as a QT tank. Is it ok to put the extra plants in there, even though I will be using it as a QT? I won't have substrate in it and was going to leave them in their pots if they have pots. Second question: ... Since I just ordered a bunch of plants I will be rescaping my betta tank. How do I do this safely? Do I drain the water to a bucket, and then put back (most) of the water? Obviously he's gotta be moved to a safe place while I am doing this, so a smaller put some of the tank water into a smaller one with him, the cories, otos and snail? I have no idea what I'm doing.
  20. 😡 I'm probably being impatient. I just need to chill. My impromptu Otos are doing great. My snail invasion is *thriving*. I just gotta chill. On another note, thanks to the beautiful pictures that @Salshared of her big tank...I have started a secret savings account so I can get that project started completely ignoring the fact that I am currently doing roughlt 4 others. 😂
  21. Looking forward to seeing it! I actually had no intention of doing a Betta tank. But I saw him and fell in love. I'm glad I did because he's so fun
  22. I love them! Maybe I can keep them alive now. I'll put some in my 20L once it's cycled. I'm also convinced Pietro ate a couple
  23. I rescued him from Petco. I have never seen any Betta like him. I realize now, now that I've been back in the hobby for a few months he's not actually special. But he super is to me. 😂
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