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Everything posted by CosmicAshhole

  1. Hello! So I tried searching everywhere to find a reason for this, but I was unable to.... So here's hoping you guys can help 🙂 So I started a new planted tank on Saturday. Its a 20G long, with Fluval Stratum substrate and a lot of misc plants. It probably has a couple of snails in it that were stow aways, but other than that and some rocks... Nothing alive. Today is day 2 after getting everything in and my ammonia level is 0.50PPM, and my nitrates are between 5.0 PPM and 10PPM. Is this normal? Should I give it a few more days? Add prime? Water change? Pls help lol Thank you!!
  2. We've done Maracyn 2-3 times now. No improvement. I'll look for kanaplex.
  3. Sooo, still no improvement on the parrot fish. Any other ideas? Should I try Artemiss?
  4. Hello again. So I recently switched to using sponge filters instead of a hang on back filter and I've noticed that my water isn't as clear is it used to be? Is this normal for a sponge filter? Should I run both? Am I expecting too much to keep my tank clear? I have two albino corys and 1 king betta in the tank with 1-3 snails. My water tests are always great. It's a 10 gallon tank, I changed about 2.5 gallons out last night and cleaned the filter and it's still not super clear. 😞 Maybe I'm expecting too much?
  5. Thank you! I ran out and got aquarium salt and fully cleaned the hospital tank. It is primed and dosed with salt. Fingers crossed.
  6. I have 2. One is a 10 gallon tall and one is an 8.75 gallon. The 8.75 is just getting going today and it has Java Fern, S. Repens and a Cryptocoryne Wendtii. Once I make sure I can successfully keep these alive, I plan on putting so much more into it. My goal is to have a pea puffer or two in it eventually. The 10 gallon has S. Repens and some I known tall plant and desperately needs some love. I will be working on it later today. 🥰
  7. Hi! I'm Ashlie. I'm 34 and live in California. I fell in love with fish and fishtanks about 6 years ago but never had the money to get anything good going. Today I am starting a planter tank with some stuff I bought from Aquarium Co-Op and I am super excited because for the first time I feel like I am well enough informed thanks to the blog, the forum, and the youtube videos. I am also super OBSESSED with Murphy. I totally plan on taking a trip to WA to see him in real life. 😂
  8. Hello! I'm newish to fishkeeping/tanks. My parents have a 55 gallon fresh water tank with a couple of Sweet Heart Parrot Fish... They didnt know the awfulness of what happens to those fish when they got them... But they are loved. One of them, however, has been basically laying at the bottom of the tank on her side bouncing around. She can swim when she wants to, but doesn't seem to want to often. She eats the blood worms, peas, food...but just lays there seemingly gasping for air. I've done a water test and the PH/Nitrite/Ammonia/Nitrates are fine... we've treated her with Maracyn Two, Ich-X, & Paragard. NOTHING seems to be helping her. I have her in a hospital tank right now while I try and figure this out. She doesn't seem to be getting any better. Any ideas? I don't have pictures right now, as they are at my parents house (the second one is perfectly fine, by the way)...but I can get some later. 🙂 Thanks for any help!
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