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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. yeah but @Atitagain at least tetras are oftentimes smaller fish soooooo you can have several types in one large tank 🙂
  2. Me too! I love my small tanks an multitudes of small fishes.
  3. Hope he pulls through for you @Helan. How terrible! Out of curiosity, have you checked your water parameters? Just to confirm he didn't jump initially out of distress of that? That he jumped just to do it.
  4. Others will have to confirm it for me, but if I'm not mistaken I think the Inkbird brand makes a thermostat monitor that can work with a space heater. Most use it with their heaters IN their tanks but I'm pretty sure you could use it to monitor the temperature of the room and it will turn a space heater on when necessary. I run low tech so I rely on my house to keep my tanks at a good temp- I use a space heater but it has a built in thermostat. I would presume some of the better oil heaters do too?
  5. You're trying and looking for help. Anyone that tries to smash you down for that....well you just send them to me, I'll flatten them. 🙂
  6. Yea I would definitely try the coral solution otherwise you'll be constantly adjusting and I can attest to the fact the fish aren't usually happy with that. I have a friend that does that with her 40 breeder and whenever she adds fish they don't survive the constant changes (but her resident fish survive I guess they're used to it). I put some in a cup and hid it with subbwassertang in my 4 gal tank just last week, it's going to take a bit for it to come up just because the flow isn't going over it as it would in an HOB. You probably didn't have enough to make a difference.
  7. Yeah there may not be a lot of room for much of it. How long ago did you add it as it does come up gradually. You might want to get a mesh filter bag and fill that, either do as you suggest, make room in the HOB or even just put it behind a plant. I have quite a bit of it in some of my tanks which run sponge filters.
  8. What kind of filter do you use? If you use a hang on the back this is a good spot to put crushed coral. If not you can still place crushed coral in your tank. In simple terms as the water gets more acidic it will break down the coral and bring the pH to a more neutral level. This is a more stable way of achieving a pH in the 7s. Constant fluxuations with chemical solutions isn't great for your tank as you've likely deduced. It will bring up your GH too, but my tanks don't seem to mind that so much. I just put my crushed coral out of view along the back at the top of the original substrate.
  9. HERE WE GO FISHY FRIENDS!!!! We're approaching summer in my house (no really it's fall outside but I keep my house on the warmer side this time of year). The room my tanks are in are helped by a space heater. I thought we had a month or so to go until I saw signs. I was watching my original Otos this morning being waaaaay more active than they usually are (meaning I never see them and this morning they were dancing all over the tank). So I made a mental note to start checking the glass every day. BUT I went to clean the Accidental Oto tank (where all the offspring are that I recently decided to keep) and TA DA!!!!! I caught 3 babies!!!!!
  10. @Patrick_G OR a YouTube following. And to his credit, Cory tells us to shop out LFS and support them when it comes to fish. You can't start out doing what Cory does until you have the $$ to do it. I'm positive Cory didn't start his business that way.
  11. .....this is a bummer. But I have to hesitate and say Ich can happen at ANY LFS or big box store. Of course it sucks eggs to have just spent money on fish and have them die there's no denying that. I frequent an LFS that I purchased 7 of my Otos from (who bred btw)- they ALL had Ich when I got them home (didn't look too closely at them at the store that was MY BAD). I have to say it would have been hard for them to spot the Ich as the Otos are kept in a planted tank. This was my 2nd batch as 6 of 7 died of my first from a DIFFERENT LFS, they died for a completly UNKNOWN reason and I didn't like that LFS's customer service. Anyhow, I called my 2nd LFS and told them, they had Ich- they immediately offered to take them back. I didn't want to take them back as they were already in my QT tank and I'd fought that fight before so I didn't mind treating the Ich- it's actually IMO one of the easiest to spot and treat of all the aquarium diseases. (all of them survived QT) After my call- I believe that they put an NFS on the Oto planted tank and treated them- this is why: I went back not too long ago to get some Ember tetras and as the gal was catching them she noticed Ich. She said, I'm sorry these have Ich I cannot sell them to you- she immediately told the manager (who I believe is the owner's son). An NFS was marked on the tank. All this to say is that not all LFS can be like Aquarium Co-op and treat the fish before sale- have you seen their videos? Holy moly they've got a back room. My LFS is a very tiny store so they are limited on space- plus I live in CA I cannot imagine their overhead. Ich happens- to stressed fish in ANY tank. Maybe don't count them out yet.
  12. Would bamboo in pots coming out the back of the tank work? At least those could be secured.
  13. There was just discussion about this kind of thing recently. Puffers will harass the snail, per @Odd Duck they'll pick at the foot. I wouldn't combine them.
  14. Mystery snails are my favorite snail wet pets. Nerites are my FAVORITE clean up crew.
  15. Yes they can be difficult. I tell most people if they really INSIST on no eggs, go to a LFS that will exchange them if they turn out to be girls. I am someone who doesn't mind them. Use a razor on the glass, but they will get on plants and decorations. Here is a pic for reference. The eggs fade over time if you do nothing about them.
  16. What a great place to take pictures she'll remember forever due to the milestone! Ratfish!!! Whaaatttt?! 🤯 That is the coolest! There are some amazing creatures in this world.
  17. @CalmedByFish they look like tiny water Iguanas to me. They even turn their little heads like lizards. I love animals that look like a cross of several things. Fish-frog-lizard.
  18. Yep. That's what I've experienced in the last year have had a few die 2 within a few months the first one thankfully made it over a year but that's still not long enough. It's unfortunate. I can make Otocinclus breed and keep everyone else alive....but not a Betta! 😞
  19. The shrimp will be great, if you add that Nerite it will be even better.
  20. I get it. I'm just starting to form the opinion that Bettas are not easy to keep, and not great in community tanks as they need different parameters than typical community fish. But I wish you much luck on your next pick!
  21. I would like to suggest to you a Nerite snail for the 5 gallon, I swear by the little roombas.
  22. Very sorry for your loss. 😞 What are your water parameters and temperature? Have you considered a Blue Dwarf Gourami?
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