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Everything posted by Colu

  1. When you start to see pineconing that can be caused by a number of things organ failure parasitic infections internal bacterial infections. the most effective treatment I have found is aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons that will help reduce fluid buildup a broad spectrum antibiotic in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days you can use as you have it to hand maracyn and metronidazole to treat the tank you could dose the tank with paracleanse one of the active ingredients is metronidazole as you have it to hand @GoofyGarra
  2. Could be a nasty injury to the eye causing inflammation possible secondary bacterial infection what I would usually suggest is aquarium salt to help reduce the swelling but dwarf anchor catfish are really sensitive to salt even at low doses so I would never use salt with them what I would do is use a different antibiotic treatment with a different active ingredient such as maracyn2 active ingredient minocycline also has anti-inflammatory properties I would add some Indian almond leaves as well as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties you might have to add one leaf per gallon to get a beneficial effect and add a dose of ick X and let it marinate while treating with maracyn2
  3. Can you take a picture of the shrimp if possible it will help with a diagnosis I few thing could to mind scutariella japonica that can cause white stick like growth's on the head or vorticella which looks like fungal or mold growth on the shell of shrimp
  4. They look healthy nice round bellys
  5. What I would suggest is doing a course another course of expel p you could follow up with course of maracyn2 just in case there's a bacterial component with no symptoms to go off it Could be parasitic or bacterial
  6. You want a tank with a larger foot print at least 24in wide you have to take into account when keeping multiple species of bottom dwelling species is territorial aggression you will need plenty of cave's wood to give them individual territories
  7. Could be fluid filled cyst what I would do is treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for one week then give an update if your seeing no improvement
  8. What are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature. any rapid breathing hanging out near the surface lethargy spitting food out flashing sunken belly. have you introduced any new fish recently if so did you quarantine then prior to adding them to the main tank.
  9. As metroplex has had a discernable effect and you have only done one course of levamisole what I would do is follow @odd Ducks treatment protocol for parasitic infections treating with levamisole and praziquantel I would get holed of prazipro is the liquid form of praziquantel
  10. Sorry to hear that she didn't pull through you did everything you could 3 years is a good age for a betta especially with health issues they have due to low genetic diversity in tank bred stains
  11. A couple of things come to mind localized inflammation of the tissue due to an infection or injury possible growth what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature @Tropicalfishkeeping201
  12. If she's still holding on you could add the kanaplex if you think she suffering I would humanely euthanize her with clove oil
  13. What I would suggest is treating with maracyn2 active ingredient minocycline has anti-inflammatory properties and add a dose of ick x and let it marinate while your treating with Maracyn2
  14. You want to use Epsom salt not aquarium salt Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to help relieve pressure on the swim bladder i would do epsom baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days aquarium salt used treat external bacterial fungal issues at the correct amount can be used to treat ich
  15. It's difficult to see in the picture what's going with the mouth does it have a fuzzy appearance is there a lump
  16. Colu

    Ich or Sick?

    Ick X shouldn't harm your benefial bacterial a little more information would be helpful what your temperature pH KH and GH as low KH and GH can cause health issues in liverbears
  17. You might have to do two courses of kanaplex back to back if your not seeing any improvement after the Frist course
  18. It all depends on your water source and water companies routinely flush the pipes with chloramines to kill bacteria
  19. Sorry to say she might be to weak for the medication to have any effect at this point what I would do is add an extra air stone and hope for the best
  20. You might need an antibiotic treatment with a different active ingredient such as kanaplex maracyn2 or API fin and body cure which every one is more readily available
  21. I would test your tap water water for nitrite and nitrate just get a base line how much ammonia in your tap water @tetra
  22. Colu


    The new fish could have a compromised immune system that why it's affecting them and not your other fish when fish have been kept in tank for a long time they can develop immunity to some bacteria in your tank when you add new fish they can start to die the other fish will remain healthy and unaffected
  23. It could be permanent damage to the eye. that's why your not seeing any improvement. Ick X won't have much if any effect of the eye issue paracleanse one of its active ingredient metronidazole effective against aeromonas that's a gram negative bacteria what I would do as long if it's eating ok and active I would just maintain stable water parameters and give it some time for the inflammation to go down it can take weeks for an injury to the eye to start to heal depending on the cause
  24. Colu


    With what you described with lost of colour and being lethargic more likely to be a bacterial infection maracyn2 is a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment if you see any other fish showing symptoms I would treat straight away with maracyn2
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