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Everything posted by Colu

  1. Have you check the ammonia level in the main tank to rule out ammonia burn fish decompose really quickly in warm water the pale Gill's and cloudy could have happened after it died there's also a possibility of a bacterial infection with the redding at the the base of the fins I would keep a close eye on your other fish over the next couple of days I would get holed of kanaplex or maracyn2 they are more broad spectrum antibiotic treatments just in case you need to treat the main tank
  2. It's possible ammonia burn to the Gill's I would up the level of salt to one table spoon for 2 gallons the aquarium salt will speed up the removal of ammonia from your Fish s blood stream
  3. shrimp can carry camallanus worms as part of the second stage of the life cycle of the parasite from what I have read the type of parasites that causes wasting disease won't survive without a host longer than 4weeks you can treat your shrimp with Expel p it's shrimp safe if you have shrimp in tank with your fish then it won't harm them and it will remove any potential opportunities for parasites to use your shrimp as a intermediate host @PerceptivePesce
  4. It could be an injury from swimming into something in the tank that would explain the red patch is hemorrhaging caused by the impact I would move your angelfish to your quarantine tank i would add some cycled media from your main tank I would add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes I would also do a course of maracyn just in case there's a bacterial component I would test your ammonia and nitrite just in case you had a spike @Guppy Guy
  5. If they have a heavy parasite load the parasites can cause internal injuries it's not uncommon for some fish to go down hill even with treatment
  6. It's a double post I already answered it
  7. Love my EBO foods really good quality my 3 favourites are EBO spirulina tabs has 30% spirulina EBO veg sticks made of 50% pumpkin 50% peas and EBO youngsters grow paste is great for getting my bristlenose plecos into breeding condition and increasing the growth of my pleco fry with a higher protein content I have also just started using sak spirulina pellets they are really good quality food for herbivores such my bristlenose plecos
  8. That what it looks like to me an injury the type of parasites that borrows into the skin and stick out like that would be anchor worms they are more common in pond or wild caught fish I don't think it that
  9. It possible they were accidentally kicked out of the cave my male bristlenose do this you could put them in a breeder box with an air stone or use an egg tumbler @Razberry910
  10. You can just put your UV light back on that will break down any remaining medication
  11. It could be an injury or a cyst What I would suggest is adding some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties depending on the quality of the leaves you might have to add one leaf per gallon to get a beneficial effect add a Small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 10 gallons at that level it won't harm your plants after week update or it gets worse before then @Wicklessfishmom
  12. I can't tell off your picture and your video hasn't uploaded @sharkboxed
  13. It depends on the source of black worms theirs a small risk with any live foods metroplex has more of active ingredient metronidazole so it more effective at treating the parasite hexamita causes hole in the head I would treat with metroplex inbetween treatment of Expel p
  14. If your fish are struggling to eat the medicated food I would is just dose tank with metroplex to make sure they are getting enough of medication 24hr after you have treated with levamisole as they all need to be dewormed I would just keep them to together it will be more stressful separating him at this point the parasite that causes wasting disease causes throat irritation that can take a couple of days after treatment before you will start to see any signs of improvement you could try feeding your puffer freeze dried blood worms if you can source live blacks worms or offer a selection of frozen foods you break open the snails shell and then drop it in the tank add some garlic guard to his food it can help simulate appetite I would only start to worry if they start to develop sunken bellys
  15. Sorry to say it sound like the tumor has spread to the point it's affecting his swimming with pineconing and fin rot you have to think of quality of life if he can't swim properly because of the tumor possible organ failure with the pineconing medication would only be a stop gap you can add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon that will help reduce the fluid buildup that's causing the pineconing and help with the fin rot you could also add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties there's not really anything I could recommend for tumor other than going to a vets to have it removed
  16. Forgot to add that no more than 15 minutes
  17. Potassium permanganate can be harmful to plants so I wouldn't go above 2mg a liter in a dip
  18. Can you post a picture of the fish from what your describing pineconing is usually a sign of organ failure or kidney infection causing fluid buildup that coupled with a tumor i would consider humanely euthanizing him with clove oil
  19. It looks like the tumor is spreading causing the Popeye and the bubble above his eye prognosis isn't good combination of the Popeye and tumor I don't think he has much time left it's virtually impossible to eradicate micro fauna from your tank you can get the population down to the point we're it's less visible with good water quality regular gravel vaccing to reduce the amount of organic matter in your gravel reduce feeding they are beneficial to the tank and won't harm your fish @Starburst
  20. Looks like a tumor they are really common in Bettas due to inbreeding treatment wise I would just keep stable water parameters add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties as long as he's active and eating ok i would let him live out the rest of this life if he get to the point you think he's suffering then I would euthanize him with clove oil it could be a combination Copepods and detritus worms both are harmless you get detritus when you get a build of organic matter or your over feeding can you take a picture of the bubble above this it will help with a diagnosis @Starburst
  21. I have no experience with L199 an not sure how well the combination of L199 and bristlenose would be as long you provide lots of caves and other hiding places I don't see why wouldn't work
  22. Sorry to hear that I thought he had a good chance as he was improving sometime fish start improve then go down hill rapidly even with treatment@Arcticgypsy
  23. What your describing sounds like wasting disease you would want to treat with Expel p once a week for 4 weeks as far as I no theirs no disease that affects snails and fish
  24. Yes that's correct the reason you repeat Expel p once a week for 4 weeks to kill the parasites that hatch inbetween treatment it can take four course of treatment to deal with the parasites that cause wasting disease feed a small amount of the medicated food twice for upto 21 days if there not eating the medicated food then I would dose the tank
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