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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. @Zenzo just posted this video featuring @JimmyGimbal!
  2. I have used terrestrial moss in some aquariums. It can handle some submerged time, just like it can handle snow. However, it does best on emergent wood and rocks at the waterline, where it can wick water, and access air.
  3. The YouTube channel provides a lot of value. I have been analyzing all my streaming subscriptions, and my watch time, which helps me think about this in context. The forum is gold, and unlike my previous aquarium forum, I don’t have to pay for more image storage, and the image quality here is better. I had to get a paid Flickr account before, and jump through hoops to embed images. Not here! I also don’t have to see any ads here. The automatic embedded links go to the Aquarium Co-Op store, and are not intrusive at all. As a moderator, I donate my time, not just to keep this place friendly and non-judgmental, but also use some of my IT skills in the background. The forum has been great for my mental health and that of other members, not to mention keeping our wet pets alive! Top value in my book.
  4. @CalmedByFish, It is a bit tongue-in-cheek, but it does take place during a Christmas party. I don't want to say anything to spoil it, but it is a really fun movie, and Alan Rickman just chews up the scenery. Make some popcorn, give it a watch, and then tell us what you think!
  5. @Dolbec Aqua Designs, that's cute, but I want to see one themed for the best Christmas movie of all time: Die Hard.
  6. Another metric would be algae and biofilm growth to support shrimp fry.
  7. Not aquarium, but relatable! I am with Théoden.
  8. Looking good, @Northwest Fish Keeping! How do you like that Dymax? I have several and they are nice and simple, and they fit some standard foam sizes.
  9. @Fish Folk, I only ran tubs for one summer. I moved the plants and inhabitants indoors to a tank, and the tubs to the basement, but I didn’t really follow through with the tubs.
  10. I had issues with mice getting into outdoor tubs. I had to make sure to have emergent wood or rocks to provide an escape path.
  11. @Guppysnail, what do you use for ramp-up and ramp-down times? I have been using triangles for dual siestas.
  12. I hope that some of my membership fee goes towards hosting this excellent forum.
  13. My settings with three lighting periods and dual siestas have been really stable, but I am thinking of testing a setup with two lighting periods, and a longer siesta.
  14. I can tell that you are interested in a lot of different species. You don’t have to tell the forum that you might keep them. You can just be curious. For example, I think archerfish are very cool, but I can’t support them now. I might do a search for archerfish, and then ask about them in an existing thread. The search function is useful, and other members will enjoy answering questions in their threads.
  15. The best way to participate as someone new to the hobby is to share what you have tried, but not say that you have all the right answers. If you see a thread with a fish or plant that you keep, perhaps share your challenges or success stories.
  16. I put your journal in your signature. You only post new threads and do not participate in any threads from other members. Keep your existing threads going rather than starting new ones on the same topic.
  17. You created another new topic. I merged it with an existing thread. Please respect the forum like the other members. This is getting tiresome.
  18. Thanks @DaveO, @Atitagain! Yes, that is a big anubias. The rhizome is probably five inches long. I have it pinned between two pieces of wood. I’ve noticed that the combined wood looks like a steamroller headed for the baby tears!
  19. I had to replant a few new additions to get them deeper. Now I have to be patient.
  20. The definitions of nano and pico are a bit fluid. For small tanks, I like Seapora/Aquarium Masters/Deep Blue. I’m a big fan of black silicone, because it breaks up the refraction for aquarium photos.
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