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shkote last won the day on December 15 2020

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  1. I have had wonderful luck with Rainbow sharks and cichlids. 🙂 Mine is not particularly aggressive toward any of his tank mates, but can hold his own if he needs to.
  2. Sometimes one Blood Parrot even photo bombs the other Blood Parrot. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I love these guys.
  3. Vienna guppies go back quite awhile and come in a lot of different colors. Here is an example of my blonde vienna emerald lower sword guppies. It is pattern that makes it Vienna.
  4. It's been awhile since I updated this. I got so busy with my 150G at work that this one fell aside a little. Here is the current update on the tank. I went with the HOBs on the 75 gallon for this tank. Added some more sand today(hopefully it clears up soon) and the rest of the fish went in today. Funny because it looks empty with everyone hiding. I have my local glass company cutting custom 1/4" thick lids for the tank and the new light should be here next week. I will get some better photos of everything once it clears up and the new top and light is on it. And Mushu took over the 75 gallon they came out of.
  5. My Blood Parrots have always been the biggest photo bombers in my house. From juveniles to adults, they have to be in every picture if they know it's happening. It can make it difficult to take pictures of other fish in the tank. And then there's this guy......
  6. shkote

    Mystery fry

    Amazing update!! Congrats on raising those tiny things.
  7. I feel the same way about lots of different killifish. I got my hands on a pair of Blue Gularis and cannot for the life of me figure out why everyone doesn't have them. They are gorgeous fish and very entertaining to watch. I think I'd like to keep more killifish now.
  8. I remember seeing this thread awhile back and wanted to add to it. I just received my pair of Blue Gularis today. These are Niger deltas. I will be breeding them this fall. Absolutely love them.
  9. In the early spring, I put a small group of juvenile Ameca splendens out in a small tub outside in the shade. I didn't expect them to do so well considering the temperatures get up to 106 in the summer time, but they have grown and thrived in this setting. Floating frogbit, duckweed, guppy grass help shade it even more and provide grazing options for them. This tub is rarely fed, or tampered with, providing only top offs. This group is active and looks fantastic. I'm very happy with the outcome and will be trying other goodeid species next year.
  10. That's a wise decision. I think anyone keeping cichlids should have extra tanks and backup plans. I love them, but they can be a pain, especially if you aren't used to dealing with aggressive fish.
  11. I have one, she maxed out at about 3-4ish inches and more resembles the size and temperment of a Convict. A 20 gallon would be fine for one. I've never seen them get very large. Mine is in a 29 gallon alone because she's a very hateful little thing. One of my favorites though. 😄
  12. Praecox Rainbows make wonderful dither fish, but any fish large enough to not get eaten will probably snack on some fry.
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