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Everything posted by Kieflow

  1. Hello All, I recently acquired a 100 gallon rubbermaid stock tank and want to start up an aquaponics setup on my front porch. I'm searching for fish stocking ideas. I live in the Florida keys so overwintering is not a concern (average temperature at night in January is mid 60s). Thanks!
  2. I have a crow tail female that I have for about 5 months and bought her as a juvenile. She has grown a lot since I bought her and recently within the past month she has started looking deformed with a crooked body and distorted face. I currently have her in a quarantine tote because I am unsure as to whether this is a genetic deformity or some sort of disease. She is a picky eater but the food she does like she has a healthy appetite for. If anyone can point me in the right direction as to what I am looking at it would be appreciated!
  3. @Daniel I altered the post. I guess the more forum friendly question I should be asking is “where did you get your breeding bettas from?” Instead of “what breeder do you recommend?”
  4. Hello! For those who are breeding bettas, how/where did you obtain your fish from? I want to avoid breeding bettas with poor genetics that would cause their offspring to suffer. I’m not trying to breed top shelf competition bettas, but I do want to have good genetics. Thanks!
  5. @Colu I’m not too about the betta eating him. I have a lot of cherry shrimp. I’m more curious if cherry shrimp can live out of water like this for periods of time
  6. So a few days ago I added several cherry shrimp from my breeding tank to a new betta tank I set up. To my surprise, the betta hunted down every single shrimp, except one. (I have another betta tank that is full of shrimp with a male betta who ignores them). I found the lone shrimp hiding in a water drop on the tank lid! I slid him back into the water and now he is sitting on a piece of water lettuce. Can a shrimp survive like this?
  7. I’ve had a koi female betta in a 5 gallon bare bottom quarantine tank since the end of November with the 1 male guppy. At the beginning of January she started pineconing on one side and her swimming was off. Eventually she displayed dropsy behavior as well and just sat at the top of the tank. I thought she was a goner but decided to attempt saving her. I added 1/2 tsp of epsom salt to the tank and another 1/2 tsp two days later. Today I checked on her and her pineconing is completely gone but she has a large hole in her side. I have one large piece of lava rock in the tank and she spends most of her time underneath that now instead of at the top as she was when pine coned. She will come out to swim occasionally and I have gotten her to eat live black worms. I have no idea if she will actually recover but the hole in her side really freaked me out. ph-8, temp 85F (usually kept at 80 but raised after betta became sick), nitrates 20
  8. Does anyone have experience using maracyn 2? If so, did it work? I’ve heard it kills off beneficial bacteria, but that shouldn’t be an issue if used in a large quarantine tank. Im considering it to see if it works on bettas with dropsy.
  9. @FishyThoughts it’s for a betta in my tank that has dropsy. I have a small sorority and this is the second one to get dropsy in this tank. I’m don’t know what’s causing it so I’m trying salt and stress coat. If that doesn’t work I will probably break up the sorority.
  10. Hello all, does anyone have any dropsy stories they wish to share? Particularly any information on finding out what caused the dropsy in their aquarium or If they have found a treatment that works. I've had 2 bettas in my sorority get dropsy within a month of each other. I’m starting to think it might be stress induced and I am going to disband the sorority soon. Has anyone had a similar situation happen? Thanks for any information
  11. Is aquarium salt safe for crustaceans? I am dosing a 10 gallon with 2 tbs of salt and I want to make sure it’s safe for the dwarf Mexican crayfish I have in there.
  12. @Danielmicroworms and I’ve started adding the very fine bug bites.
  13. I’ve heard that it’s very important to do water changes every day when growing out betta fry, is there a reason for this other than keeping nitrates super low? I have a 10 gallon with several betta fry in it, and it is HEAVILY planted (I haven’t done a water change in months and my nitrates are always at 0). I feel like my fry are very small for being around a month old and unsure of the cause.
  14. Hello! Can anyone tell me if I should be concerned about this white spot above my plecos eye? Behavior hasn’t changed, eats very well. I just noticed the spot today.
  15. Nice, they are at room temp and I have an air stone right in the middle.
  16. I just got a blackworm culture going. It’s been up for 2 weeks now. I’m feeding flake food and broken up algae wafers. Any tips/tricks from fellow blackworm keepers?
  17. Thanks, I put her in a bucket with aquarium salt, I will probably fast her today. Just curious, why do you suggest adding more bettas?
  18. I returned home yesterday from a 4 day vacation to find one of my female bettas had dropsy. She is 1 of 4 in a sorority. They have all been raised together since they were babies and there is little tank aggression minus a few occasional tail nips. Other than that, water parameters are very stable with nitrates never going over 20. I observed stringy poop that started last night, but still hadn’t passed in the morning. Over the course of today she acted more and more lethargic until I finally realized she was pineconing, and her head/mouth seemed kind of deformed. I pulled her out of the tank for now. my questions are: should I go ahead and pull the plug? She looks bad to me, and if not, how should I attempt to treat this? should I be concerned about the other bettas in the tank? None of them are bloated and they are swimming around the tank normally. What else should I be considering as a cause for this? I know it could be a million things, but maybe there is someone on this forum that has had a similar experience. Thanks!
  19. What is everyone’s thoughts on foods like these?
  20. A betta pair of mine has just laid eggs. They will be hatching right around the time I am going out of town for 4 days. Will newly hatched betta fry be ok in a well established, heavily planted tank for 4 days without feeding? Also, what is y’alls favorite food to feed betta fry? I intend to feed microworms. Thanks!
  21. What is everyone’s favorite predators that can live in tanks 75 gallons and below? I’m especially interested in predators that can consume adult sized guppies/minnows.
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