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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Welcome to the forum! Cool tanks! @Synder
  2. I am sorry about this situation @Zathul, but if u did the fish in cycle this can be a problem, I am having a hard time figuring out why this happened…the fish in cycle did not turn out well for me at all as my fish died within a month. But I didn’t know what I was doing lol.
  3. @Colu, I know it might help, but I have to TAKE HIM out ? I know it’s might sound dumb but, I really don’t want him to get stressed out and like my other betta trying to attempt a bath he died and this one has a big tumor to worry about, I know maybe kinda dumb thing to say, but is THERE ANY OTHER SOLUTION? I have aquarium salt. The fritz kind, will that work? I have dosed lots and lots of times, like once per week for close to a month. And then every once in a while. The water quality is good like, t(e old water is almost completely clear. Help @Colu plz
  4. That is cool! You can repost in another section if u want, just have to repost the same thing @Synder
  5. I think that is actually the shelf with a upside down pic @mynameisnobody. I might be wrong.
  6. Ok thanks but “pineconing”? I have never heard of it… @Colu? Ohhhhhh…like his scales on his belly raising basically right?
  7. I just thought it would be better and my hob has hard flow and is a power hob. @face I will need to watch a vid I guess on HOW to set up, I might not get one tho, not sure but I have had this Q for several months and ya that’s why @face
  8. Ok, I have this betta for maybe a year know. I got him on this month last year. Before I continue, the following paremeters are: Nitrates, 0ppm Ammonia, 0ppm nitrite 0 ppm ph 7.0 ppm. temp is 80 degrees I know. Good paremeters. So confused So, he is a tough betta that is for sure and I have made several topics on him (for example, “bettas stomach is fat?”And “this is the toughest betta on earth!” So I have him in a non-planted 5 gallon topfin all in one tank with a hang on back filter. Sadly all this happened during the beginning of my “career” (even tho def NOT a career.)but anyway I didn’t cycle the tank, only dechloranated the water and added him in within 2 hours day one. No acclimation either. 😆 I messed up so bad, but at least I Ifinally know how to cycle a tank, he had a bloated or fat stomach a couple of weeks ago and now it looks like it will burst. I am scared because he has had his top fin clamped for a LONG time. I am talking 3 months. His ventral fin (one of them)is like rotting and torn and I am clueless. I feed him daphnia every other day (I didn’t use to until the fat stomach and then I got freeze dried daphnia and fasted him and then I have been feeding him every other day. He will eat. Mainly sits in his cave or at the bottom. Does swim some tho. He is a half moon Lon fin betta. Yes I realized eventually that thse things don’t STAY healthy. with all that said, HELP!!! 😂. I am clueless of what to do. Plz I need assistance here…thanks in advance These pics are from now: these are from the last couple of weeks:
  9. Ok I have a hang on back filter and the the tank is cycled, could I switch to a sponge filter? I hear they are super easy but didn’t want to kill bacteria in filter cartridge . This is a 10 gallon topfin all in one setup. Low tech. Thanks ps: u can’t really see the filter and water level is low I know but this was maybe 2 months ago during fishless cycle.
  10. About the bacteria part, I highly think u will not kill the bacteria with medication. The bacteria is hard to kill. @macdaddy36. Hopefully @Colu will chime in and answer your other Qs because the medications is not my thing basically lol, I only use when needed and only for a betta Ihave. No problems with my other fish.
  11. Oh ok thanks! Just curious. Cool lookin fish! @mynameisnobody! That is a big tank!
  12. Yeah u could and this is could be old age but u can’t really know, it is huge! I have never seen one that big. I would maybe quarantine him. There is def something wrong
  13. Yes I have heard that before. I think corys like them more tho. Maybe idk 😂 Yes u can create some other threads about plants which u can start in “plants, algae, and fertilizers”! I hope all goes well and happy fishleeping @cotasm!!!! Feel free to ask questions any time, that is why this is a thing lol
  14. Wow, I don’t ever want duckweed, because I don’t have any of those kinds of fish. It seems to cause more problems then good things for some reason. It seems people hate it lol @Tanked
  15. Oh my bad, I meant to ask @mynameisnobody that Question lol. Sorry!😆 @Biotope Biologist
  16. Yeah that is weird! What kind of fish of those @Biotope Biologist? If I may ask?
  17. Yes I love their channel. All of it is SUPER SUPER helpful! They reached a million subs too! Incredible!
  18. Oh ok, I thought it was only spider wood that didn’t. That is a cool fact @Cinnebuns about them EATING the driftwood! I guess you learn something new every day lol. I guess it kinda depends on the snail. About eating algae wafers Yes I use gg gel for glue rhizome plants and it is 100% safe. Just make sure it is the GEL not normal because it will run.
  19. IMO, it isn’t a big deal, I wouldn’t worry about it @cotasm, it turns your water brown too, except for spider wood. U can feed them algae wafers btw. Hope this helps!
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