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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. Those severums are looking great! How am I supposed to focus on bamboos in these pics when they are there. Mission impossible 😄 Also is that a dojo loach? One of my dream fish to have 🙂 please share its pic!
  2. Have you kept it submerged in the tank around 15 minutes to reach the temperature of the tank and plug it in afterwards? I usually use tetra heaters. For my newest tank, I got Aquael's 50w ultra heater. I have been using it for a week only, but so far I love its look and size. If I face no problems, I feel like it is gonna be my go to. It shows the temperature of the tank and how far it is from the temperature you set. Also visually pleasing imo. This is the product: This is the video you can see the product on:
  3. Yw! I dunno if there is good info there, but you may try searching for some info on loach forum if you like. Here is the link: https://forums.loaches.com/viewforum.php?f=1
  4. I know he has given them a section on his loaches video. Idk if there is anything else Here it is, I tagged it for you
  5. If you haven’t seen it yet, Rachel O’Leary has a species spotlight for them too. She is one of the people that I truly trust. Def check her videos in case you haven’t yet.
  6. Exciting! Keeping water cool for them is a real challenge for me. So usually cold water fish are a pass :,) My LFS recently carried some rainbow shiners. They are such cool fish
  7. We love red lizards with @CJs Aquatics 🙂 they are very cute. Not picky at all when it comes to food. They can be a bit fragile until they settle in the tank, we both faced losses. But they like warmer temps. I suggested first one as a river tank and second one is a normal planted tank tbh, but whiptails enjoy some flow too. But pygmys and honey gouramis would hate it 🙂 and other cold water fish wouldnt really enjoy whiptail temps in general. Here are some examples of river tank setup: If you like botanicals and tannin look and dont wanna invest in light and plants too much, a blackwater setup can be also cool!
  8. New tanks are always exciting 🙂 Considering you are a goldfish keeper, I assume you don't have problems keeping your tank on the cooler side. If so; I would try a river tank with a good flow. Rainbow shiners/zebra danios/gold white clouds, Hillstream loaches/borneo suckers, dwarf chain loaches. If you want something hotter, I can suggest some of my fish: Honey gourami, red lizard whiptails, pygmy cories. If you like more water column action, you can remove whiptails or pygmy cories and maybe consider a school of fish. Emperor tetras look really cool imo. I enjoy snails so I like to have mystery snails as well.
  9. Yea fish looove bloodworms. I used to love feeding it too. But yea, not anymore after losing one fish directly after feeding bloodworms due to bloating issue. No problem for years, and suddenly one dies. baby brine and daphnia for the win :') I got my lesson.
  10. Well, kuhli loaches are almost always wild caught. So they are being brought to aquariums from mother nature, not born and raised in the tanks usually. Sifting sand is their number one the most basic behavior. I feel like when it comes to kuhlis, you ideally need to have sand. I feel like it is the same with keeping shell dwellers without shells or sand. They just enjoy or perform this as a part of their nature. Idk eco complete in particular as it is not sold here. Doing fine on other substrates is generally used as if the substrate isn't sharp, they won't get damaged barbels. The understanding of "fine" here is open to questions in that regard in my opinion. Is being not damaged meanwhile not being able to perform the most basic sifting action daily is fine? Well, I don't really know that part. If you ask my personal opinion, not being damaged is not enough to call it fine in my personal opinion. That tank seems a bit too bright for now for kuhlis btw. Once everything grows and it turns into a jungle, it can provide some shady areas where they may feel more confident. They don't like it bright, they are nocturnal at the end of the day.
  11. Well, in all my tanks, I never go above 7 hours. I would start from there first. I've personally seen algae on anything above 7 hours. In my experience the stuff that works: Have fast growers like hornwort or elodea besides all the plants you like. Floating plants work too but they block light, so it would depend on whether u keep plants that want that high light or not. Hornwort and elodea are amazing at keeping algae under control by sucking all excess nutrients very fast. Place the slow grower low light demanding plants like anubias in shadowy areas where it barely sees light. It works wonders to me. It gives like a new leaf once a month and flowers. Under light, direct algae. Keep algae eater team combination. If your tank size allows it, def keep SAE. They are amazing at eating hairy types of algae from my limited experience so far. I've seen rosy barbs constantly picking on hairy type stuff too. Something like snails+ SAE+ otos+ borneos/hillstreams+ shrimp combination works great. Very personal opinion on this, but if you have a nice amount of fish stock, I wouldn't dose N to the tank. I don't understand the point of dosing N if the tank has a stock and if you are not running a high tech tank. I just like having active substrate, so plants can get their N from roots, water column feeders get theirs from the live stock anyway. I personally like keeping N as low as possible. I dose Tropica Premium Nutrition which does not have P or N. Just K and trace elements. I dose extra potassium as well. There have been two times Ive seen a slight growth of bba on my bacopas. Directly threw them to the trash. Treating plants with RR, excel, etc might work, but they also require money and time. Time to shop, removing plants, quarantine them for hours in a tub, planting them again, and observing etc. So you should consider that two options here. Would you be willing to spend more on new plants, or spend some money and time to fix what you have on hand. But let's be real, you would quarantine the new plants through RR or any other dip methods anyway usually. In case u decide to buy new plants, even it is pricey, heavily planting from the start works the best sadly. By heavily planting, I mean actually heavily planting. Aproximately the amount of plants you see in a random aquascaper video.
  12. Oh I feel you. I also feed frozen baby brine. Got some frozen daphnia today. Used to feed bloodworms, but I quit after bloating issues. Frozen food is super easy! Highly recommended if you have a chance to get it.
  13. As I have a water softener I have to check my gh, otherwise my gh reads 0 from the tap. I love keeping shrimp and snails so they do need enough gh for shell growth and healthy molting/life. Also I keep my gh different in every tank based on the inhabitants so yea. It is like a must to have for me as I have to dose my gh myself :,)
  14. test kits are super expensive here. It is like, I can easily buy a new fish tank cheaper than a single test kit lol. So, that becomes a bit problematic when they are this pricey. Also the later I get, the further the expiry date would be! So still a better choice I believe.
  15. Well, I personally love Sera test kits. I use gh, ph and ammonia/ammonium from them. If I could afford more, I would get more liquid test kits of theirs. For strips, I use tetra 6in1. But personally not really happy. Just using it for kh and nitrite/nitrate at this point. Planning to go back to JBL ones once I finish them all.
  16. Axolotls are great. But keeping the temp low is a real challenge especially during summer :') how do you manage that?
  17. 9.2 ph sounds a bit anormal. Are you sure it has read correctly? once tetra strips showed me 9.2 ph as well meanwhile it was only 8.0
  18. I've just changed my mind of keeping apistos. You can't do this. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea guppy is triggering my Multi tank syndrome. Say something
  19. Sakuras actually have pretty solid color. My oranges were sakuras and they were pure solid orange color, not patchy at all! And I got them for real cheap My sakuras with 0 culling entire life:
  20. +1. I personally am not a fan of the rim look as well, but never even considered removing it on my rimmed tank. I am not into physics, but if it is made this way, I believe there must be a reason. 60g is big for a cube. My 33g cube (50cm cube) tank has 10mm glass. Carrying a 60g in a cube might actually need a good thickness and planning of a glass to glass tank. So I believe you cannot turn it into a glass tank by yourself in a safe way
  21. I cant imagine the amount of babies if 15 mystery snails decide to breed! Maybe it is better this way 🤣
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